Hennessy's View

I see things and tell people about them

Bill Hennessy

Kerry Attacks Bush Slogan

John Kerry is mocking Bush’s “Turning the Corner” campaign theme. “I think the American people are a heck of a lot smarter than some of these politicians and political consultants think they are,” Kerry told a recent, all-Democrat audience.

Bill Hennessy


Sorry that I’ve been absent from the blog, but I’m decompressing. I didn’t realize how much of the rest of my life had been neglected over the past two months–but I have a lot of catching up to do.

Bill Hennessy

What's Up in Iraq?

It would appear that the insurgency in Iraq heeded Southwest Airlines' marketing campaign: “You are now free to move about the country.

Bill Hennessy

From a proud "Mom"

Bill’s comments move me to tears. Not having been on the stage since childhood (“Smallest Princess”, The King and I), I cannot speak to that, but I can try to describe the width and breadth of my pride in having been in on the labor and birth of such an awesome production.

Bill Hennessy

The End Too Soon

Make-up, lights, set, rehearsal, house: stage. Words that convey things to those with theatre in their blood and things very different to the rest of the world.

Bill Hennessy

Nailed It

“I started crying.” “Why?” “I don’t know. I saw how much you love being on stage, and I was overwhelmed by how good this show is .