What to Make of the Jobs Report
The good news is that the economy added 112,000 new jobs in June.
I see things and tell people about them
The good news is that the economy added 112,000 new jobs in June.
The stories, the facts, the meat of the case, against the United Nations are beginning to leak out.
Thanks to Dean’s World for finding this. Is it any surprise, really? I’ve noticed the press handling things this way for some time: First, put out a story that is mostly false by using some legitimate source’s name without really revealing what that source said.
Here’s something worth reading and pondering. Hat tip to Professor Bainbridge.
Scrappleface characterizes perfectly the essence of redistributive taxation policy as espoused by Hillary Clinton.
Iraq’s population is about 25 million. It’s 2004 death rate is 5.66 deaths per 1,000.
Once upon a time, when I was young and naive, I would have thought such a statement by a mass murderer would only help George Bush.
Iraqis are flocking to stores to buy a dancing Saddam doll. Now I know what to get the kids for Christmas.