Laugh at them, not with them
The left is crying. One guy on twitter is nearly suicidal. Hoft has more.
I see things and tell people about them
The left is crying. One guy on twitter is nearly suicidal. Hoft has more.
“It’s your life. You don’t know how long it’s gonna last, but you know it doesn’t end well.
We’ve been saying “America is back” ever since President Trump’s beautiful inauguration in January.
When I watch President Trump in Texas, I am reminded of one of my favorite books.
James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton three months before he interviewed her. James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton before interviewing 16 key witnesses.
It was probably a coincidence. One day after Hennessy’s View reported Speaker Paul “Dumbbell” Ryan as a member of the Antifa caliphate support team, Speaker Ryan’s office renounced his membership in the terrorist group’s fan club.
Yesterday, I explained the military strategy behind Antifa’s remarkable growth. In case you didn’t realize it, Antifa has effectively shut down grass roots conservative speech.
If equally matched, we can offer battle; if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy; if quite unequal, we can flee from him.