Obamacare Repeal Vote Results (Prediction)
Today, President Trump changed the game. He changed the Prisoner’s Dilemma (coordination) into a game of Chicken (competition).
I see things and tell people about them
Today, President Trump changed the game. He changed the Prisoner’s Dilemma (coordination) into a game of Chicken (competition).
Yesterday, I established an end: great health care that ordinary people can afford.
Paul Ryan unveiled a health care bill two weeks ago. Ryan’s favorite lobbyists wrote it.
If you see some idiot in a kilt today, it might be me.
President Donald Trump delivered his budget and a message for Congress. Since I’m lazy, I’ll quote Time magazine.
You can actually FEEL America getting GREAT again! ADP payroll report shows President Trump made a big down payment on his promise to be the **greatest jobs president ever.
Almost every time Donald Trump says something crazy, something so outlandish and wrong, he later turns out to be right.
Newspapers lie. And by “newspapers,” I mean the whole mainstream media. Yesterday I told you how Donald Trump punked the media by pulling a Crazy Ivan maneuver.