Give McCain a Break
Hate John McCain if you want. Call McCain a traitor, even. I look at John McCain and marvel at his strength.
I see things and tell people about them
Hate John McCain if you want. Call McCain a traitor, even. I look at John McCain and marvel at his strength.
What bothers you most when you’re in a bad mood? You can imagine what it’s like be in a bad mood, can’t you?
Imagine Michael Jordan’s best game ever. Or Tiger Woods. That’s what it was like watching President Trump today.
Soon thereafter, this great gate is sealed by the Crisis resolution, when victors are rewarded and enemies punished; when empires or nations are forged or destroyed; when treaties are signed and boundaries redrawn; and when peace is accepted, troops repatriated, and life begun anew.
The leftists who want you and me to die (at their hands?) call themselves The Resistance.
Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a riot? Even if you’ve only seen riots on television, you can probably imagine how it feels to be inside one.
If you’re sick and fat, it might not be your fault. You listen to your doctor.
If you’re overweight, have high cholesterol, diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, or cancer, it’s probably not your fault.