Confirmed: Coup Attempt Is Under Way In America
You might have thought I was paranoid for wondering if some people in the CIA and the Deep State are plotting a coup to overturn our recent election.
I see things and tell people about them
You might have thought I was paranoid for wondering if some people in the CIA and the Deep State are plotting a coup to overturn our recent election.
Call me paranoid, but it seems Donald Trump’s chances of taking the oath of office for President are diminishing every day.
Many powerful interests around the world loathe Donald Trump and the people who elected him.
No one saw this coming. In the month since the election on November 8, America burst out of the longest economic malaise since the Great Depression.
Roger crashed into his office. His sanctuary. It was only two fifteen, but he wanted a drink.
Roger crashed into his office. His sanctuary. It was only two fifteen, but he wanted a drink.
Kellogg’s sells mostly simple carbohydrates in the form of breakfast cereal and snacks.
Tonight, Donald Trump delivered what will become the new standard of presidential oratory in Cincinnati, OH.