Bill Hennessy

Election Night

Election Night. Already know that Christine O’Donnell lost. Not surprised. Rubio won going away.

Bill Hennessy

614 Days

Six hundred fourteen days from the first Tea Parties to Election Day. That’s 307 days in 2009 and 307 in 2010.

Bill Hennessy

The Debate’s End

Thirty minutes after the debate’s official end, pods of people remained in the Arnold Rec Center Sunday night: a circle in the vestibule, a half-moon in the center aisle, two or three amorphous clumps up front, the one I belonged to, and the loud groups around Ed Martin.

Bill Hennessy

Who Has the Fear?

For 100 years in America, government, business, and the education establishment built schools and laws about education.

Bill Hennessy

Don't Feed the Democrats

[caption id=“attachment_10218” align=“alignleft” width=“260” caption=“Democrat Congressman attacks college student”] [/caption] In less than twenty-four hours, the left has demonstrated its incapacity for civilized living by physically assaulting a college student, then exclaiming the virtues of physical assaults on reporters.

Bill Hennessy

Time is Running Out

Money Bomb for Tim Burns ends at 11:00 p.m. Central tonight! If you want the satisfaction of replacing pork-barreler and Marine-basher, John Murtha, with fiscal conservative Tim Burns, then contributing to the money bomb will help.

Bill Hennessy

Graduation, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day . . .

** * [Zen Conservatism](https://www.amazon.com/Zen-Conservatism-Reclaim-liberty-without/dp/1449959040%3FSubscriptionId%3D0JTCV5ZMHMF7ZYTXGFR2%26tag%3Dhennesssview-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D1449959040), my latest book, is available for the early Summer gift season.