Bill Hennessy

Who Killed the American Job Machine

Maureen Dowd’s having trouble slathering make-up on her favorite pigs these days. Her President—the man for whom she surrendered all pretense of intelligence, wisdom, and self-control—is flailing.

Bill Hennessy

Bad Times for Unions

Wisconsin # The boards at Democratic Underground crackled on June 12. It was just announced in Wisconsin that the unprecedented recall elections of Republicans will take place August 9.

Bill Hennessy

Did You See the Crisis Coming?

Can you guess the year? ** Scottish scientists cloned a sheep named Dolly ** President Clinton signed a bill barring federal funds for human cloning ** Bank robbers in Kevlar suits staged an epic gun battle with Los Angeles police ** The English Patient wins Best Picture Oscar ** Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister of England ** Timothy McVeigh convicted of pure evil ** Titanic bounced off the iceberg and hit the box office

Bill Hennessy

Blame Machines

[caption id=“attachment_11015” align=“alignleft” width=“272” caption=“Obama blames this for unemployment”] [/caption] Even though they became ubiquitous when he was an undergrad,Obama just now discovered that ATMs reduce foot traffic in banks.

Bill Hennessy

Stand With Israel

Dear friend, In the wake of President Obama’s reckless comments directed towards Israel, I have just added my name to Grassfire Nation’s “I Support Israel” petition, and I’m urging you to do the same.

Bill Hennessy

Who’s Lucky?

There’s a “special” school in St. Louis County. Its seniors graduated on last Friday.

Bill Hennessy


Almost pulled a muscle laughing in the ride from the Tucson airport to our hotel.

Bill Hennessy

Tell UMSL to Stop Teaching Industrial Sabotage

[ # ](https://hennessysview.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/UofMCommie.png)Contact UofM President Steve Owens and demand an immediate end to the communist-led industrial sabotage courses that he’s shoving down your kids’ throats

Bill Hennessy

Thank a Senator

Last week, Missouri became the first state to reject a federal bribe. Four brave men deserve our thanks and admiration.

Bill Hennessy

Libya: To What End?

When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, it do so with the clear intent of bringing its enemy—Saddam’s regime—to an unconditional surrender.

Bill Hennessy

American Idiots

Those who blindly cheer for the fall of Mubarak and the rise of anything else in Egypt are the same as those who cheered the fall of the Shah in Iran.

Bill Hennessy

Waning US Influence

Pro-Western governments in these countries have fallen to anti-American forces or diminished their support for the US since Barack Obama became president.

Bill Hennessy

Forcing Functions

An old boss of mine liked “forcing functions.” Forced us to meet delivery dates, while arbitrary dates tended to cause a “so what” attitude toward deadlines.

Bill Hennessy

Am I an Idiot?

For most of my life I was naïve. I think. I thought that most people who voted for larger government, higher taxes, tighter regulation, and limits on speech, religion, and assembly, were misguided.

Bill Hennessy

The 112th

Four years after Nancy Pelosi swore to end deficit spending, a new Congress, elected by a grassroots surge, took office today.