Bill Hennessy

Villanueva Was Wrong

By now you’ve seen the photo. The iconic photo. One lone Army Ranger veteran defying his team to salute the flag during the Star-Spangled Banner.

Bill Hennessy

No Mercy for Equifax: Stock Price Zero

Move Over, Enron: Equifax Is Next # The worst problem of modernity lies in the malignant transfer of fragility and antifragility from one party to the other, with one getting the benefits, the other one (unwittingly) getting the harm, with such transfer facilitated by the growing wedge between the ethical and the legal.

Bill Hennessy


https://youtu.be/JjMfrBY-K6g?t=2m15s President Trump wins praise from all side for his strength, dignity, and leadership following the left’s rifle attack on Republican members of Congress.

Bill Hennessy

America Is Back!

On the night that a deranged terrorist murdered and maimed little girls in Manchester England, we can take some solace in the fact that the greatest bastion of Western Civilization is back.

Bill Hennessy

Study Links Journalism, Stupidity

From the “we could have told you that” department: Journalists' brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.

Bill Hennessy

Persuasion and Fat

The Easiest Formula for Mastering Persuasion, Losing Weight, and Avoiding Disease (video) # “Persuasion” is part of my job title.

Bill Hennessy

Democrats Ruin the World (f-bombs included!)

Picture this. Every time you leave your teenage kids home alone for a weekend, you come back to stink-eyes from your neighbors, a living room that’s a sea of empty beer cans, a yard filled with cigarette butts, and a pregnant cat.

Bill Hennessy

False Flag or Not

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that activities appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

Bill Hennessy

Jobs Trump Healthcare

I feel drunk but I’m sober, I’m young and I’m underpaid I’m tired but I’m working, yeah I care but I’m restless, I’m here but I’m really gone I’m wrong and I’m sorry baby

Bill Hennessy


President Trump is teaching the world a huge lesson. That valuable lesson goes something like this:

Bill Hennessy

Trump, The Jobs President

You can actually FEEL America getting GREAT again! ADP payroll report shows President Trump made a big down payment on his promise to be the **greatest jobs president ever.

Bill Hennessy

How to Tell a Lie

You had to laugh. Claire McCaskill jumped on Twitter to announce she’d never met the Russian ambassador to the US.

Bill Hennessy

Slouching Towards the Climax

Soon thereafter, this great gate is sealed by the Crisis resolution, when victors are rewarded and enemies punished; when empires or nations are forged or destroyed; when treaties are signed and boundaries redrawn; and when peace is accepted, troops repatriated, and life begun anew.

Bill Hennessy

Unprotected Sects

The television activists at CNN look like college seniors who learned upon returning from winter break that credit requirements for graduation were just upped from 120 hours to 180 hours.

Bill Hennessy

American Steel

I know people, and you probably do too, who are out of work from the United Steel Granite City (aka Granite City Steel) closure.

Bill Hennessy

Black Lives Don't Matter to American Liberals

President Trump (who, by the way, has accomplished more in two days than Obama did in eight years) saw Chicago’s horrific crime statistics and warned the mayor and the governor to get to work or he’ll fix it himself.

Bill Hennessy

Trump Meant It All

Trump’s enemies took refuge in the self-created narrative that his campaign was 100% American showmanship.

Bill Hennessy

Rebuilding St. Louis

A lot of well-connected St. Louis Democrats like to say “everything’s fine” with the city and the St.