Bill Hennessy

Perfect Words from Trump

Even his supporters say President Trump’s speech is sometimes inelegant. Intentional or accidental, the president’s word choice often triggers his enemies and sometimes confuses his many supporters.

Bill Hennessy

How God Uses Dogs

Stella Is My Teacher # This is probably disturbing to theologians and apologists, but it makes sense to me.

Bill Hennessy

The Kavanaugh Conniption

Judging by the hateful behavior of the materialistic left, you’d think Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a history of driving around neighborhoods and stopping to strangle puppies in front of their 5-year-old masters.

Bill Hennessy

How to Get to Heaven (I think)

God made man and woman, and man and woman screwed everything up. So, eventually, God gave up the comforts of heaven and most of the perks of being God to become a man on earth and show us how to do it right.

Bill Hennessy

Breaking: Droopy Matt Doell Gets Dirty

[caption id=“attachment_36429” align=“alignleft” width=“210”] Droopy (or Disgusting?) Matt Doell[/caption] Voters in House District 110 are asking why they received such a “disgusting” flyer from candidate Matt Doell.

Bill Hennessy

Don't Fast on Sundays

Many years ago, a company hired a new president. After several months on the job, this new president learned that most of his employees couldn’t pick him out of a line-up.

Bill Hennessy

Father's Day

For 99.875% of modern human existence, women tended the village and the home while men did dangerous things for long periods of time.

Bill Hennessy

I Know a Saint

My mom and dad have two anniversaries. One anniversary celebrates the day my uncle Bob drove them to Hot Springs, Arkansas to elope.

Bill Hennessy

The Odyssey of Eric Greitens

O Divine Poesy, goddess, daughter of Zeus, sustain for me this song of the various-minded man who, after he had plundered the innermost citadel of hallowed Troy, was made to stay grievously about the coasts of men, the sport of their customs, good and bad, while his heart, through all the sea-faring, ached with an agony to redeem himself and bring his company safe home.