Tea Party Gear Store Open Again
Sorry for the interruption, but we’ve worked out the kinks.
Zen Conservative Paperback Available Now
** You Can Order My Book Online Today **Zen Conservatism is now available in paperback.
Welcome Back Globe-Democrat
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat is back as an online newspaper. That’s good news for all of us, regardless of their editorial positions.
Does Missouri Need Another State Commission?
Usually, I’m against any government adding anything to its list of functions. But our friend Carl Bearden points out a novel and needed commission proposed by Missouri State Senator Gary Nodler.
Junk Bond
John is a Vietnam veteran and retired business executive. He loves America and hates to see what’s happened in Washington the past few years.
Junk Bond
John is a Vietnam veteran and retired business executive. He loves America and hates to see what’s happened in Washington the past few years.
Are there any courageous business executives alive today?
The most disappointing thing about leaving the military is that it usually means leaving the last bastion of leadership in America.
shhhh-For Tea Partiers Only
I dwell on this too much, but my new ebook–Zen Conservatism–is now available.
The Secret to Happy Political Victory
My new ebook, Zen Conservatism, will be available for download ($9.50) within the week.
Separation of Press and State
Borrowing liberally from Americans United for Separation of Church and State, let’s adopt this manifesto of our resolve to keep the government from taking over (via voluntary non-profit status) the free press in the United States:
Daniel Herman, MO.BarackObama.com
 Friend -- Organizing for America is opening a new office in St.
More Lies Than You Can Shake a Tea Bag At
Excerpts of Obama’s Remarks Prepared for News Conference - Washington Wire - WSJ
Obamacare Reality Bites
RealityStudio » Dr. Benway Operates Dr. Benway is operating in an auditorium filled with students: “Now, boys, you won’t see this operation performed very often and there’s a reason for that….
James Hansen Lies and Defrauds Even More
Watts Up With That has a graph illustrating the ridiculous extent to which James Hansen has gone to perpetuate his global warming myth.
Democracy Is Not Above the Law
In Honduras, the military overthrew a democratically elected president who used his election to seize dictatorial powers.
Obama's New Era of Secrecy
As a candidate, Barack Obama swore he would throw open the activities of government to light of public scrutiny.
I Am Skeptical
You should be, too. The tally of continuing claims, or benefits drawn by workers for more than one week, fell 148,000 to 6,687,000, the first weekly decline since the week ended Jan.
Boycott David Letterman's Sponsors
If you don’t know why, then you’re reading the wrong blog. The New Agenda is keeping tabs on sponsors of David Letterman’s show.
Missouri News Round Up
Lefty Blogger Political Incest Since the November elections, Missouri state government has been infested with former left-wing bloggers, according to 24th State.
The End of Business; The End of the Republic
_While the Tea Party movement was and remains non-partisan, the dangers to freedom posed by this man, Barack Obama, are too serious to protect his name with euphemisms.
In “Blink*” Malcolm Gladwell explains the human mind’s remarkable ability to arrive at truth instaneously.
Let's Honor Kemp with Inflation-Indexed Bonds
One single legislative act will stop government overspending in its tracks. In 1978, Representative Jack Kemp (R-NY) proposed legislation (which had no chance of passage in Tip O’Neill’s Democrat Congress) designed to stop the government from defrauding investors with inflation: bond indexing.
Consent of the Governed
In the battle between conservatives and statists, a fundamental difference seems to lie in the meaning of a concept found in the Declaration of Independence:
Days of Free Markets Numbered
The statists are moving faster through the Constitution than Hitler moved through France.
5 Horrors of Inflation *Update*
Scroll for Updates Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp wanted to index everything, especially Treasury notes and taxes.
Another one bites the dust
This is my last post on Hennessy’s View, at least for some time.
Overwhelm the Nazis
The American Nazis are holding a rally on the Arch grounds at 2:00 p.
KTVI's Hard News Guy . . . Sgt. Bilko
Just watch. And laugh. Then call KTVI’s General Manager, Spencer Koch at 314-213-2222, and demand an apology for Sgt.
Fox 2 News St. Louis Lies About Tea Parties **UPDATE**
Charles Jaco of Fox 2 News in St. Louis filed a fabricated story claiming that a) the St.
The Anti-American Presidency
Barack Obama’s shameful and anti-American behavior this past weekend in Europe deserves the kind of scorn reserved for degenerate traitors like Benedict Arnold, the Rosenbergs, and Alger Hiss.
6.3 Earthquake in Central Italy **UPDATE**
The USGS reports a strong, 6.3 earthquake in Central Italy [map of quake].
UN Security Council Ignores Obama
Jimmy Carter was the Rodney Dangerfield of international politics: he got no respect from the people who counted.
Obama To Control Banks Permanently
The Obama administration has no intention of relinquishing dictatorial control of the banks according to financial expert Stuart Varney.
As the Table Turns
MoveOn.org is the perfect advocate for big government; neither takes responsibility for the results of its positions.
Why Focus on Government Spending?
The mounting government debt–$2.98 trillion in recent bailouts and stimuli alone–is an oppressive anchor around the neck of every American.
April 15 is 15 Days Away
Obama and his minions want to tell you how much you can make, how much water your toilet can flush, where you can work, what career you may pursue, where your kids can go to school, what your college-age kids can major in, the kind of toilet paper you can use, how many sheets of copy paper you may use in a month, and what you can name your children.
Watch Glenn Beck Destroy a Lawyer on the Law
I love watching a non-lawyer beat the crap out of a lawyer over the law.
Obama Exercises Dictatorial Power by Firing GM CEO
Barack Obama has asserted his dictatorial powers by firing GM CEO Rick Waggoner.
Tea Party Message Sinking In
Rasmussen’s weekly report shows the Tea Party message of limited government and lower taxes is hitting home with voters.
OUTRAGES of the Day
Obama to Give Gitmo Terrorists Welfare and Home in the USA From The Weekly Standard:
The Embarrassing Michael Steele
The parish or congregation that’s most generous at the collection basket is not necessarily the church that sends the most souls to heaven.
America’s Survival Is In Your Hands
Are you as amazed as I am at how quickly our country has descended into something resembling an oversized banana republic?
I never thought I'd write this
I try not to say or write what I really thing about our President.
The Dictator’s Press Conference
I won’t write much: I’m too angry. He has not answered a single question without blaming Bush and the Republicans.
Mark Levin’s Definitive Work
https://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=hennesssview-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=1416562850&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr Before Obama destroys your kids’ minds in his “let’s kill all the productive people” Nazi-Marxist youth camps, make them read the seminal work on conservatism by Mark Levin.
Houses Passes Nazi Mandatory Youth Re-Education and Service Bill
The House, which is unabashedly authoritarian, has passed the GIVE Act, requiring national-socialist indoctrination for your children.
The Whining Class
Today, leftist Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) called Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia a “homophobe.
No, I didn't watch Obama on 60 Minutes
I did not watch America’s Toxic Asset on 60 Minutes for the same reason I’ve never read “Mein Kampf.
According to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, I'm Probably a Terrorist--and so are you
The Missouri Information Analysis Center produced a report for Jay Nixon which was leaked by Missouri law enforcement officers.
Tea Party Anthem: MUST LISTEN!
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2H8xHFXC8U&w;=425&h;=344] Accompanying message from Lloyd Marcus: Hello, it’s Lloyd Marcus, one of the spokespersons for the Our Country Deserves Better Committee.
Will Barack Obama Shoot John Hinckley?
The speed with which Barack Obama has seized—is seizing—private enterprise amazes even radical conservatives like me.
Obama Approval Down to +4; More Call Him “Extremely Liberal”
The latest Rasmussen poll has bad news for Obama, good news for those of us who’ve been warning America how dangerous he is.
Yes, Obama and his secretaries really are idiots
The new Secretary of Homeland Security has replaced the word “terrorism” with “man-caused disasters.
James Hansen Indicts Democracy; Can't Find His Rubber Duckies
James Hansen told some idiots who are bored enough to listen to the world’s foremost global warming fraudster that democracy is destroying the planet.
The Absurdity of Obama
“Absurd” is the perfect word. Obama personifies absurdity. Take this headline for example:
Precarious Imbalance
There’s some sort of kid’s trick in which a spoon balances improbably—seemingly impossibly—on someone’s nose.
Hey, soldier; pay your own damn medical bills!
That’s the message from Barack Hussein Obama to wounded veterans. The leader of the nation’s largest veterans organization says he is “deeply disappointed and concerned” after a meeting with President Obama today to discuss a proposal to force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who have suffered service-connected disabilities and injuries.
Democrats led by Barney Frank caused the economic meltdown
The current economic mess is a gift of the DNC. Massechusetts Congressman Barney Frank (D) bears the lion’s share of guilt.
Cincinnati Tea Party HUGE
Michelle Malkin has impressive photos from the Cincinnati Tea Party. Thousands upon thousands of angry tax payers.
William F. Buckley's Mission for National Review
Read this. THE MAGAZINE’S CREDENDA Among our convictions: 1. It is the job of centralized government (in peacetime) to protect its citizens' lives, liberty and property.
Approval of Obama Continues to Fall
Rasmussen’s daily Presidential Approval Tracking numbers continue to show that Obama has lost more support in his first 50 days than any president since polling began.
Obama invites enemies to our gates
Since Barack Obama’s inauguration, America’s enemies have achieved gains that should frighten everyone: * Russia reportedly will deploy strategic bombers to Cuba and Venezuela.
Get Your Tax Day Tea Party Apparel and Stickers
The St. Louis Tax Day Tea Party store is open! Proceeds will keep the movement going forward.
2009 Economic Prediction *Bumped and Updated*
Originally posted February 15, 2009 I know this is a little late, but I was waiting for Congress to spend another trillion dollars or so before committing my prediction to the public.
We’ve launched stlouisteaparty.com to keep non-facebookers up-to-date on the Tea Party movement in St.
Liberal Juan Williams Rips Left-Wing Smear Machine
Tonight on “The O’Reilly Factor,” liberal journalist Juan Williams sided with O’Reilly and Bernard Goldberg in ripping the left-wing smear machine.
Don't Cooperate With Evil
The Freedom of Choice Act, the most sweeping suppression of religious dissent ever considered in the United States, is poised to pass in Congress.
Tell the World You Support the Tea Party Movement
Cafe Press has dozens of shirts, stickers, and mugs that let you tell the world you belong to the Tea Party Movement.
Post-Dispatch Out of Touch (no matter what Eric Mink says)
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch was once a powerful, respected cornerstone of the Pulitzer publishing company.
Time for Michael Steele to Resign
When Republican Congressmen and -women are more conservative than the party chair, it’s time for a new party chair.
Hey, I Make the New York Times
And I didn’t even have to shoot anybody. The Tea Party Movement will make history books, people.
As the World Cools
Two quick global warming notes. Arctic Sea Ice Extend Growing Not too long ago, Al Gore told German school kids that the North Pole, Santa, Polar Bears, and puppies would all be dead and rotting hunks of diseased fleshed in barren, desserts that were once the Arctic Sea by the time they entered high school.
Democrats Destroying the Economy
The economy was just fine before you people elected a Democrat Congress. The Democrat party has controlled government’s taxing and spending policy since January 2007.
Conservatives Have Felt Suppressed for a Long Long Time
Here’s an example of the kind of emails I’ve been getting since Friday’s Tea Parties:
Obama's Approval in Free Fall
[caption id="" align=“alignleft” width=“405” caption=“Obama’s Approval Free Fall”] [/caption] Barack Obama is now less popular than George W.
Tax Day Tea Party and other news
UPDATE: NOTHING TENTATIVE ABOUT IT Repeal the Pork and Cut Taxes The next Tea Party event is April 15: Tax Day.
Obama's Budget Threatens American Sovereignty *update*
The immediacy of our challenge in defending the Republic against Barack Obama’s socialist,one-world ambitions reached new levels over the weekend.
Video of St. Louis Event--Almost as Good as Being There *update*
My hat’s off to Bob Anders and the crew from Creative Video Services for this 3-part series of the St.
Kansas City: 200+ Marching in the Snow
More than 200 hearty patriots marched through driving snow and 20 degree temps in Kansas City today as part of the ongoing Tea Party Protest.
Flow-Thru Afterglow
Dangerous Thoughts Standing in the Wings _Why are you here? _I thought.
St. Louis Tea Party Turnout Rocks!
Thanks to the 1,000+ patriots who stood in the snow at the Arch, Dana “The Energizer” Loesch, Doug Saur, the speakers, Michelle Moore and Jeff who managed the fairgrounds, Desiree' the Poster Party Lady, and the true leaders at #TCOT who held my hand after I stumbled into this event.
St. Louis Tea Party Live Feed All Day
Stay on Hennessy’s View for continous live coverage of the St. Louis Tea Party
How to Change the World with Twitter
My light blogging owes to our efforts to change the world in a week.
Matt Sczesny Rocks, and other Tea Party News
Great coverage of the St. Louis Tea Party on KMOV Channel 4 by reporter Matt Sczesny.
See Dana's Channel 5 Interview
Go Dana. How ‘bout a little equal time? Why does the WU prof get 80 percent of the time?
Live Blogging Barry's Crappy Reagan Imitation
The future is ours. Your disgust with the borrowing and spending, your noble desire to restore the republic the founders wrought, those are the real protests.
See me on PJTV
I look like a burrowing creature, but I made it through the toughest interview of my life.
Uncle Barry’s Adding Machine Stimulator Regulation Gimmick
A few weeks ago, shortly after his inauguration, Barry “The President” Obama panicked: the Republicans might talk the people out of the stimulus bill.
So You Want Children, Do You?
What if they grow to be these NYU maggot-infested, long-haired, hippies?
Nationwide Chicago Tea Parties
St. Louis Tea Party official event page The list of cities with Tea Party protests scheduled for this Friday, February 27, is growing by the minute.
St. Louis Tea Party? **UPDATE**
Succinctly Hennessy’s View has joined Top Conservatives on Twitter and is proud to help with:
Obama Loses Support Faster Than Any President in Modern History
From his inauguration to the end of his first month in office, President Obama has dropped between 5 and 7 percentage points in approval according to Fox News and Rasmussen, respectively.
Clinton's China Trip is a Sales Pitch for Barry Bonds
Yesterday it seemed that Hillary Clinton’s principal goal in China was to detach human rights from .
How Obama Tells Us He Wasn’t Ready for the White House
In the polite political banter between liberal and conservative co-workers this fall, a liberal friend trotted out that tiresome, perennial Democrat litmus test: “They say the first act of a president is picking a vice-president; look how well Obama handled that.
California is Dying and a Conservative is Coming to its Rescue
Former eBay CEO—and conservative—Meg Whitman has had enough. She’s watch liberalism turn California into America’s Iceland.
I have an idea; let's borrow enough money to pay off every mortgage in America, then raise everybody's taxes the equivalent of a house payment
Barack Hussein Obama might be the dumbest man ever to stand behind a podium bearing the Official Seal of the President of the United States of America.
The Next Islamic Terrorist Act on American Soil Will Be Barack Obama’s Personal Responsibility
The Constitution enumerates certain powers to the US government. Chief among them is national defense.
Obama Produces Most Corrupt Cabinet Ever
We on the right chided Obama supporters who claimed The One was ready for the Oval Office.
Obama: Let Those Redneck Republicans Die
Michael Laprarie asks: Now should we conclude that Democrats hate McCain voters and have no remorse over seeing them freeze and die?
The Senate Stands Between You and Communism
Well, at least communism’s brightest symbol: piles of mattresses. In this case, Obama’s politburo wants to buy and crush new cars and trucks.
Another Horrible Week for Global Warming Industry
The GDP might have contracted 5.4 percent annualized in 4Q08, but the AGW industry contracted about 50 percent in one week:
Focased Conservatism
January 28, 2009, could go down as the day conservatives regained their focus.
DNCC Launches Campaign to End Rush Limbaugh--when will they launch campaign against me?
The Democrat National Congressional Committee has launched an online petition calling forsanctamony directed at radio giant Rush Limbaugh.
Experts are usually wrong, so have the experts rule everything
In 2005, I blogged about the fact that expert consensus is usually wrong.
I have an idea: Let’s outlaw dissent!
On Friday, US Premier Barack Hussein Obama tipped his hand on his plans of banning dissent.
Obama to America: F**k You!
Bill Clinton began his presidency in a recession, promising to make a middle class tax cut and more jobs his laser-beam focus.
Good Government Doesn't Kill Babies
One of Barack Obama’s first actions as president will likely involve a series of executive orders ensuring that as many abortions as possible happen.
From a 6-Year Big Red Season Ticket Holder-Section 592 Row 2 Seats 11 and 12
** * **St. Louis Cardinals** * * (click banner to hear fight song—don’t be afraid to sing along)
It Never Was There
I’m like a lot of people I know. We may be very different from you and those you know.
The Evil of Debt
_The debtor is a slave to his lender. _ Americans hold hundreds of billions of dollars in credit card debt alone.
eXtreme Programming and Good Government
Kent Beck, the genius who discovered eXtreme Programming, from whence sprang all so-called Agile methodologies, can lead us to good government.
Focused Blogging for Conservatives
Once upon a time, when blogging was fresh and new, conservative blogs dominated the top of Technorati’s most popular lists.
The Other Shoe Drops
For months I’ve been echoing the warnings of Peter Schiff and others: when China stops buying American debt, we’re in deep, deep trouble.
Let's Not Act Like Democrats . . . Me Included
Request: If you read a blog post on Hennessy’s View that seems to be rooting for America to fail or suffer in order that Obama take the blame, please e-mail me (bill-at–hennessysview–dot–com) and comment.
Sad News About Jack Kemp
The first time I met George W. Bush in person, I was campaigning for Jack Kemp for President.
I'll Say It Again: James Hansen Is a Fraud and a Liar
American Thinker Blog: Global Warm-mongering: More Silk from a Pig’s Ear It seems that NASA’s James Hansen, head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), is at it again.
Obama Is Simply Wrong
Obama: ‘Trillion-Dollar Deficits For Years’ - Capital Commerce (usnews.com) Just mindblowing. Here is #44 today (via the AP):
So Much For an Ice-Free Arctic
DailyTech - Sea Ice Ends Year at Same Level as 1979 Thanks to a rapid rebound in recent months, global sea ice levels now equal those seen 29 years ago, when the year 1979 also drew to a close.
Obama's $300 Billion Tax Cut
Let’s give credit where it’s due, if it’s due. If Barack Obama sends a $300 billion tax cut proposal to Congress as the meat of his stimulus package, he deserves high marks.
Gloriously Goring Gore
The Huffington Post (of all things) brings us a most cogent, concise, and accurate repudiation of Al Gore and the whole “climate change” Nazi crowd (h/t ICECAP).
If The Post Office Built Cars
Some good people work at the Post Orifice. I know several. One of my dad’s best friends and WWII paratrooper retired from the Post Orifice.
Addicted to Entitlement
Entitlement is the psychological abnormality in which a person believes that he is owed an enrichment or compensation earned by suffering or activity and that society or government is obligated to pay.
Zen to Done: Learning the Dream
Feeling confident, relaxed, and complete is a dream. Many people believe it’s an impossible dream.
A Fresh Set of Downs
It’s first and ten again. Most years New Years just sort of happens.
Gaining Control
I might have mentioned in an earlier post that I quit smoking about a month ago.
A Bunch of Hooey
The silliness of companies knows no bounds. The latest act of corporate stupidity comes from the computer maker Dell.
Thomas Sowell on Outliers
I bought “Outliers” the day it hit the bookstores for one reason:
Free Madoff!
In a just world where all men are created with equal rights, Bernie Madoff would be a hero.
The Look of 2009
Sometimes decades start early; sometimes they start late. The 1960s started with JFK’s assassination–until then, they were a lot like the 50s except with a young president whose economic policies were to the right of his Republican predecessor’s.
Zen to Done: The Next Challenges
Several weeks ago, I posted about Leo Babauta’s Zen to Done method for Getting Things Done.
The Most Important Book of 2009
I just finished “The Power of Less” and its companion ebook, “Thriving on Less.
Predictions for 2009
After a 2 year hiatus from annual predictions, here’s what I see happening in the precarious Year of our Lord Two-thousand nine:
Israel Continues Assault on Terrorists
Israel’s assault on Hamas terrorists in Gaza continued for a second day.
Global Warming Disproved!?
Hey, folks, I haven’t read the whole thing. But in the second paragraph we seem to find the answer to whole global warming problem: ignore it.
Cooling Planet Escalates Global Warming Hysteria
The increased urgency to legislate or judicially impose new, draconian burdens on society to “save the planet” is not your imagination.
Lake Superior Freezing Over
Even as CO2 levels rise, western Lake Superior is freezing over for the first time years.
Jennifer Aniston Wins at the Box Office
No, I’m not a celebrity freak; I’m just a red-blooded American male who thinks Jennifer Aniston is about as gorgeous as a celebrity can be.
Retaliation in Gaza
The most important fact in this story: retaliation. Israel attacked dozens of terrorist targets in Gaza today, killing at least 145.
Liberal Newspapers Ban Dissenting Voices
The Connecticut Post has banned letters to the editor that criticize Barney Frank or Christopher Dodd, the two liberal Democrats who helped Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, and other mortgage fraudsters rake in billions by blocking attempts at Congressional oversight.
Best Video of 2008
OMG, this is golden: [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmPSUMBrJoI&w;=425&h;=344]
Father Corapi's Christmas Message
I’m terrible at holiday posts, so I turn to America’s greatest Catholic preacher since Fulton Sheen:
Obama Caves to Fanatical Left
Obama Intelligence Pick Torpedoed By Bloggers - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker John Brennan, Obama’s chief intelligence adviser and anticipated CIA chief, was recently forced to withdraw his name.
Linux Approaching Tipping Point
Rarely does a single factor cause a paradigm shift. For one example, look at the election of Ronald Reagan.
Biden To Oversee Elimination of the Rich
Biden to Lead Task Force on Expanding Middle Class - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
The End of the Big Three: Why Not?
Can You Still See the USA in Your Chevrolet? by Mark Steyn on National Review Online
MSNBC: Somehow Winter Survived Global Warming
Winter madness MSNBC.com lea ds off this Sunday with a photo montage of serious winter weather from Pacific to Maine.
Top Story of 2008
Gateway Pundit: MICE SUSPECTED in Fire That Kills 100 Cats Oshawa also killed three dogs and some rats that were up for adoption.
The Fiscal Calm Before The Economic Storm
New York, Illinois, California, and a dozen other liberal states will raise taxes dramatically in the next 3 months.
USAToday Admits It's Cold
Even liberals are noticing that [global warming has been reversed](Can you explain the enormous hole in Earth’s magnetic field that allowed solar winds to flood our personal space on June 3, 2007?
We're Very Ignorant of Everything
Anthony Watts runs one of the most fascinating web sites on the entire internet.
WSJ: Obama Lied About Blagojevich Contacts
Today’s Wall Street Journal directly contradict’s Barack Obama’s claim to have never discussed his Senate replacement:
Seth Borenstein Dropping Al Gore's Acid
Seth Borenstein seems to have dropped the same Global Warming LSD as Al Gore.
Al Gore Loses His Mind . . . again
Jenn Q Public asked if I’d heard that Al Gore–the man Don Imus described as Evil Incarnate–told a German audience that the North Pole will cease to exist in 5 years.
Historic Winter Storm
The massive storm brewing out west will plunge Los Angeles into the 30s, threatening all-time record lows for that city.
Hey, UAW: Your Racket Is Over
The United Auto Workers is the sort of extortion racket that gives crime a bad name.
America, you just bought yourself 3 car manufacturers
Apparently Bush’s plan to socialize all of America before leaving the White House is alive and well.
"Mother F****er"
Wow. Why does news like this always break when I’m at work?
America: the shining city on a hill; the last, best hope for democracy; the bastion of freedom; and the latest citizen of . . . the Twilight Zone
Would you believe me if I told you that capitalism would end in America, not by government seizure, but by surrender of the capitalists themselves?
American Auto Industry Doomed
If you own US auto stock, sell. If you work for a US auto maker, find a new job.
You Get Feeling That Israel's Toast
Barack Obama has a lot of friends who would like to see a Final Solution to the Middle East, if you get my drift.
You Can't Be Stupid Enough Not To Get This
Fred Thompson provides the world with the wisest possible explanation of Washington’s bailoutmania.
Outliers: The Story of Success
Rarely does a book require immediate action from the reader. “The Rights of Man” by Thomas Paine moved America’s founder’s to action.
My Favorite Beef Stew Recipe
With our first snowfall of the season, it’s time for stew. I created this recipe over a couple of years.
The First Snowfall
If you’re like me, the first snowfall of the season brings feelings of endless possibilities.
Robert Rubin's Days Are Numbered
Robert Rubin was a key player in keeping Enron afloat while he and his cronies fleeced billions from employees and investors.
The Silver Linings of Mumbai
This is not tongue-in-cheek or flippant. We can find two good results of the terrorist siege of Mumbai, India.
They Kept Shopping
Say you’re the CEO of Wal-Mart. You get a report from your store in Valley Stream, NJ, that one of your employees was trampled to death by your customers who broke down the doors to get at your Black Friday specials before anyone else.
Merry Christmas
Hundreds of people trampled others to death so that they could get to cheap retail goods the fastest – presumably to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Disgraceful, Selfish Cowards *UPDATE*
Liberal America is a sub-species of selfish cowards. India suffered its own 9-11 over the past 3 days.
How To Own Meetings
Over on The Work Works I’ve posted an entry about winning in meetings.
Latest on Mumbai
According to Tweeters in the streets of Mumbai outside Nariman House, the Jewish Center, NSG Commandos (Indian special forces) are high-fiving people in the streets.
Mumbai Thoughts: Is This Prep for USA Siege?
Is Mumbai a test run for an attack on the United States?
Mumbai Massacre Real-time on Twitter *UPDATES*
Vietnam was the first televised war. Film from the morning was flown one-stop to California allowing Americans to witness action within 24 hours of its occurrence.
James Hansen's Letter to Obama
Since no one else will listen to his lies, half-science, and hysteria, the old man of GISS wrote a long letter to the president-elect.
Online Retail Sales Decline For First Time Ever
The Internet–the engine that drove year-over-year increases in sales since its inception–is unable to overcome the economic malaise in America.
Abortion Wars
Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats could be headed toward a final showdown over abortion and the right of men and women to choose their moral direction.
The World's Next Margaret Thatcher?
While we in America credit Ronald Reagan with saving modern conservatism and the Western World, it was Margaret Thatcher who preceded Reagan and set the world stage for his entrance, stage right.
Zen to Done: Almost a Week
This morning I felt no compulsion to get back in bad after turning off the alarm at 5:00.
The Government Can't Cover Its Checks
The US Government is now on the hook for $7.7 trillion in bailouts and guarantees trying to stave another Great Depression [source].
Mercy Killings
Let’s hope that this weeks sees Congress and Barack’s team come to their collective senses about bailouts.
Thanking Sarah Palin
I received this e-mail this morning and thought I’d share it. We wanted to update you on the media reports regarding the Our Country Deserves Better Committee’s “Thank You Sarah Palin” television ad campaign that launches this week.
Zen to Done: First Weekend Day
Since I’m Collecting everything (Habit 1) via Jott and working on Early Rising (not a ZTD habit something I need more of), some apprehension preceded the the weekend’s arrival.
The Crash Goes On
Today’s economic reads as though Dean Koontz decided to write a financial horror novel:
Zen to Done: Day 1.5
In Zen to Done (ZTD), Leo Babauta recommends working on one positive new habit at a time.
Fed Report Hints At Depression--Markets Tank
The Federal Reserve Board’s Open Market Committee released the minutes of its October 28-29 meeting, today, in which some members raise the specter of economic depression extending more than 4 consecutive quarters.
Simplifying Life
After the tumult of the election, 2 years of college, and the financial meltdown, I’ve had it with hectic.
Particularly Beware This Boy
It turns out, according to a Zogby poll to be released in its entirety today, that most Obama voters are woefully, frighteningly, and unforgivably ignorant of the basic facts of government and of Barack Obama himself.
Audio blog post, transcription...
Audio blog post, transcription unavailable listen Powered by Jott
Union Auto Workers Deserve Some Time Off
A federal bailout for the Big Three auto manufacturers will be direct transfer of wealth from the middle class to the upper class.
Bailoutmania Could Bankrupt US Government
Once responsible companies are now basing decision critical decisions on government handouts. This is this is an expected, but unplanned for, result of the Paulson’s Panic in September.
Communism in America
I’ve received some notes and e-mails from friends who say I’m overboard in my rhetoric about Obama’s potential to communize the USA.
James Hansen's Boldest Lie To Date **Update**
Dr. Hansen apparently believes the world is as stupid as, well, as stupid as the world seems to be.
A Uniquely American Despotism
When I first read Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America,” the hair on my neck stood at attention like soldiers on a parade ground before some mighty dignitary.
The last thing conservatism needs is marketing
From Rich Lowry (editor of National Review) to Norman Ornstein (American Enterprise Institute), conservatives cry out for “message that resonates with young people and minorities.
It's Movie Time for Conservatives
Most enduring political truths are exposed and accessible in the 1995 Mel Gibson classic Braveheart: freedom, eros, love of country, sacrifice, loss, anger, vengeance, lust, hatred,betrayal, evil, and everything in between.
The Rush to Climate Change Laws
According to reports, Barack Obama will spend most of the afternoon of January 20, 2009, signing Executive Orders to ban or limit activities that produce CO2.
He Gives a Damn Good Concession Speech
Holy crap! That was the best speech McCain ever delivered. It was heartfelt and powerful.
Now What? **Corrected**
Sober, I scratch out some ideas for recovery. 1. The conservative movement must forget the Republican party.
We're All Communists Now *************
Ignorance is no defense. Americans, faced with the choice of Marxist-socialism or republican-capitalism, a plurality chose communism.
Quartermaster, Mark the Time
At 8:18 p.m. CST, democracy in America ended. The people have spoken. We are now a socialist country.
8:00 PM CST: Update: Brit Hume is drunk. Self-government remains on life-support
Fox New just called Ohio for Obama, meaning McCain is mathematically eliminated.
7:30 PM CST: Could be the last half-hour of self-government **Scroll for Updates** Exit polls over-sampled Obama voters by 10 percent in Virginia
The chair from which George Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention had, at the head of its back, a carved image of the sun.
Moderate Republicans Killing the Party
It should be clear by now, but I figured I’d point it out: Idiots like the editors of National Review, Christopher Buckley, and Peggy Noonan need to retire.
7:00 PM CST: Could be the last hour of self-government
In the next hour, Obama could win Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, Missouri, and/or other states.
Breaking News: Philadelphia Set Voting Record
Philadelphia, PA– Philadelphia today saw the most votes cast in the city’s history as measured by percentage and raw numbers.
Drudge Headlines Paint Dreary Picture
Drudge has posted two headline: Obama + 15 in Pennsylvania (where Black Panthers and election judges made sure no Republicans could actually vote), and SENATE: DEMS SEE 58 SEATS; EXIT POLLS SHOW OBAMA BIG
Thank God for Biden
My mother told me to always find the good in a bad situation.
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Her, Oh Lord
And let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Lowering Expectations
Nothing like lowering expectations of yourself, is there? Team Obama is busily preparing to dash his supporters' hope for change should he win the presidential election on Tuesday.
Reconsidering Mike Huckabee
[caption id="" align=“left” width=“232” caption=“The Huckster, God Love Him”] [/caption] During the Republican primaries, I went after Mike Huckabee rather harshly.
Would You Bet Your Freedom?
In almost every toss-up, battleground state in the country, there remainsa mass of undecided voters who must decide whether socialism or freedom will prevail.
Teaching Kindergartners To Be Gay: Obama's Dream
The first fruits of Obama’s pre-school sex education dictates have reached harvest season in California.
Media Have Become The Monsters The Right Always Accused Them of Being
If you tell a child he’s “bad” for long enough, there’s a good chance he’ll turn out badly.
Obama’s Million-Man Social Spy Network
Among the many Marxist police state features in Obama’s extra-Constitutional America is the Civilian Security Force.
Obama’s Slippery Rich Slope
At the current rate of decline in Barack Obama’s definition of “the rich," by June 2009, anyone earning more than $20,136 a year will get a tax increase.
America's Future In Good Hands
This video from ONN proves the young men who will lead America’s future are stacked with altruism.
Champions of Freedom
After a week of steady gains in polling, McCain is now 1 point ahead of Obama according to Zogby.
Arctic Sea Ice Today May Be Higher than 1980
The image below from from University of Illinois shows that Arctic Sea ice nearly matches 1980 levels in area, and far exceeds 1980 in concentration.
Marxist Rebel Leader Calls for General Strike
Marxist rebel leader Barack Obama has called a general strike among the proletariat on November 4–election day.
The Counter-culture and Redistributive Justice
In small coffee houses and basement bars where only academic elite may drink, the left bastardized the moral principle of “distributive justice.
A Liberal Feminist Defends and Promotes Sarah Palin
There are two reasons to read this column, every inch, every delicious letter, comma, period, semi-colon, and sidebar.
Obama Plans to Register Jews
Cleveland, OH – Citing concern for their safety in anincreasingly anti-Semitic USA, Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama today announced a plan to provide Jews with additional protection.
Obama Admits He'd Replace the US Constitution
In an NPR interview in 2001, Barack Obama admitted that he despises the US Constitution because it limits government.
A Call for a Rosary Novena
Among the most important titles we have in the Catholic Church for the Blessed Virgin Mary are Our Lady of Victory and Our Lady of the Rosary.
The Message
With a little more than a week before a presidential election that could change America’s form of government, let’s look at the election as Reagan might.
Another Liberal Liar
Black Five has the story of cowardly, pussy, scum who’s pretending to be a military hero.
US Attacks Syria--About F'ing Time
The US launched an attack against terrorists inside Syria, killing at least eight deserving sons of bitches.
Obama Camp Can't Take The Heat
Barack Obama’s campaign blacklisted WFTV, a Florida television station, because its anchoress, Barbara West, refused to ask Joe Biden the questions prepared and approved by the Obama campaign.
I Can't Blog
I don’t have the heart. It’s too depressing. The news is that Obama will win in a landslide because Americans have given up on themselves.
Obama's Depression
Say you work for a good-size, privately held company called X-Dyne Inc. X-Dyne has revenues of $2 billion a year and employs 4,000 people.
Homes for the Rest of Us
Homes for the Rest of Us is my response to the mess that is the finance industry.
Obama Proves Affirmative Action a Mistake
It’s time to knock off the niceties about Barack Obama and race.
Christopher Buckley Wimps Out
You’d think his genes would have better prepared Christopher Buckley for hard times.
The Economic Abyss: More like '29 than '82
Yesterday I participated in a roundtable discussion on the economy and how we can help our customers through the rough times ahead.
Hot Stock Tip: Hormel
St. Louis–One company expected to surge amidst the economic chaos about to plague the planet: Hormel Foods, makers of the famous poverty meat, Spam.
Governments Grasping at Straws
The world’s financial systems are succumbing to fear and negative in exponentially increasing spasms that threaten shatter to more than 200 years of economic development.
Debate: The Dive Continues
After showing signs of life following Sarah Palin’s top-shelf performance against Joe Biden on Friday, McCain reminded me of an addict who fell off the wagon.
The End of the American Experiment?
Consider this: The next president will be a Marxist riding into Washington just as the US economy collapses into a depression reminiscent of Weimar Germany.
Obama's $26 Million Fannie Mae Be-atch
Her name is Jamie Gorelick. She was the principal architect of Al Qaeda’s ability to plan and execute the 9-11 attacks under US intel’s radar.
Why Aren't These Democrats In Prison?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exxVZTKq1vA&hl;=en&fs;=1] Barney Frank (D-MA) Chris Dodd (D-CT) Maxine Waters (D-CA) Lacy Clay (D-MO)
Is the GOP Taking a Dive?
Somewhere between The Republican National Convention and the first debate on September 26, John McCain left the race.
1974 Ford Maverick Sighting
Today’s my dad’s 84th birthday. I went to see him and my mom after work.
Read The Dems Race Card Attacks on Fannie Mae Regulators
In 2004, John McCain cosponsored legislation to clean up the criminal fraud of Obama advisorFranklin Raines’s Fannie Mae.
Senate Passes Economic Rescue Plan--Reward Points Galore!
Washington, DC–As economists and taxpayers began to dissect the Economic Rescue bill passed by the U.
Write Your Senator. NOW!
The Senate will vote onSocialism for Billionaires II tomorrow night at 9:00 p.
Update on St. Louis Area Prosecutors for Obama
I received a comment to my post on St. Louis area prosecutors targeting anti-Obama speech.
It's Late and I'm Bored
so this will be my only post–a series of thoughts on the day.
Grand Jury Subpoenas Frannie, Freddie
In the turmoil over the Socialist Reverse-Redistribution Act of 2008, you might have missed the news that a federal grand jury has subpoenaed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Government Never Solved a Democrat Mess
As the Wall Street crowd howls, Americans should thank the 228 Republicans and Democrats who voted against the most socialist piece of legislation offered since Hillary Clinton’s failed attempt to nationalize medicine.
Obama's Midwest SS
I wrote three versions of this story over the weekend. I didn’t publish any of them because I didn’t want police harassment and political persecution by St.
John McCain Was Right About Bailout Vote
Barry “Himmler” Obama mocked John McCain for claiming that the administration’s $700 billion bailout plan lacked the votes to pass.
McCain Honorable; Obama Not
John McCain took an enormous risk today by suspending his campaign for President in order to do his job as a Senator, party leader, and statesman.
Thief Jim Johnson Still Obama's Economic Advisor
On the night that the President of the United States described America’s current economic condition in terms reminiscent of the Great Depression comes word from Ben Smith at Politico that one of the chief architects of the next depression, Countrywide and Fannie Mae thief James Johnson, is advising Barack Obama on how to proceed on this crisis.
Countdown to Post-Linehan Era
Last week, Rams owner Chip Rosenbloom all but promised Rams fans that head coach Scott Linehan would be fire along with others responsible for assembling and running the worst football in the NFL.
From the Mercury News: Barack Obama made the calamity on Wall Street the central theme of his case against John McCain on Saturday, invoking the crisis to pound his rival on Social Security, health care and government reform.
Why Vote Republican
I’ll be 45 years old in a few days. With my wife asleep on the couch and the kids scattered around town and home doing their own things, I wandered out onto the deck an hour ago to take a quick inventory of my life.
I Guess I'm a Racist
Time magazine’s Karen Tumulty says that criticizing Franklin Raines–the heart and soul of our current economic near-meltdown–is racism because .
Just read it. You can thank me later.
Franklin Raines' Criminal Enterprise and Barack Obama, His Accomplice **UPDATE** Top Recipients By $/Yr in Congress
TOP OF PAGE UPDATE This is an eye-opener. I’ve simply added Years in Congress and divided total Fraudie
The Worst Football Team Ever
The title probably belongs to the 2008 St. Louis Rams. For the second week in a row, a team without serious injuries humiliated itself, its city, and the players' families on national television.
African-American Writers Sounding Resigned to Obama's Defeat
The African-American press has decided to help Obama by threatening all-out race war in America if McCain wins.
Obama Can Do Nothing Right *UPDATE: WaPo**ABC News
Except offend damn near everyone. [caption id=“attachment_8922” align=“alignnone” width=“300” caption=““So, did you hear the one about the disabled Vietnam veteran who couldn’t even tie his shoes?
Second Grade Sex Club
See, Obama’s sex education for Kindergartners works.
Ignorant Professor Wendy Doniger
The Washington Post wasted ink and tree on the ignorant scribblings of tortured and angry woman named Wendy Doniger.
Charlie Gibson Is A Weak, Weak Man
Technorati Tags: Charlie Gibson,Sarah Palin Charlie Gibson extracted an insubordinate clause from a sentence spoken by Sarah Palin with the intent of accusing her of knowing God’s mind.
Is Michael Savage On To Something?
I’m not a Michael Savage fan. The few times I’ve listened to his radio show, I found myself screaming at the radio, hoping he’d here me trying to educate him.
Why They're Called "Libtards"
The past 24 hours will serve as the most embarrassing, self-destructive period in liberalism.
Note On Comments
I just checked my spam filter and found more than a dozen comments that were not spam.
Facing Defeat, Obama Resorts to Name Calling *UPDATE*
Obama called Sarah Palin “a pig” today. I guess we know, now, how he responds to pressure.
Book on Palin: $75 Best Price
This short-run biography of Sarah Palin written and published before her VP candidacy began is now selling for $75, best price, on Amazon.
Obama The Property of Freddie/Fannie Crooks
Surprise, surprise. It turns out that the criminals who used Freddie Mac and Frannie Mae as a slush fund for influence purchasing and pocket-lining own Barack Obama, part and parcel.
Battleground States: My Predictions vs. Polls
Saturday I posted this prediction on Palin’s effect on the polls in nine battleground polls.
Operation Chaos II: Biden Off The Ticket **UPDATE: I Told You So!**
Scroll for updates Ever since Sarah Palin’s meteoric rise into political stardom, political junkies left and right have speculated that Team Obama could dump Joe Biden (due to some unfortunate family issue like Joe’s emerging pro-life stance) and replace him with Hillary Clinton.
Biden: "Life Begins At Conception"
Senator and VP candidate Joe Biden today broke from the DNC and from Barack Obama declaring his belief that life begins at conception, according to the New York Times.
Holy Hockey Mom: McCain Double-Digits with Likely Voters
Tomorrow’s USAToday (online now) carries the latest Gallup Poll of Likely Voters. McCain-Palin opened a 10-point lead over Obama-Biden in the first poll conducted completely following the GOP convention.
Brit Hume Undresses Juan Williams
If you missed FoxNews’s Sunday new program, you missed a beautiful undressing of a liberal lie.
Who Is Charley James?
This degenerate America-hater who goes by the name Charley James claims to live in Toronto, and claims to have friends in Alaska.
Rams Worst Game Ever
Today the St. Louis Rams played the worst game in the history of the oft-horrible history, losing 38-3 to a mediocre Philadelphia Eagles team.
McCain Lead Outside Margin of Error
Two polls–Zogby and Gallup–now have John McCain and Sarah Palin leading Barack Obama and Joe Biden by 4 and 3 percentage points, respectively.
Obama: I Would Have Served, if . . . **UPDATE**
The messiah today told ABC News that he considered joining the military, only there weren’t any big wars going on at the time.
The Post-Palin Electoral College Map
Sarah Palin will push 9 toss-up states into McCain’s camp (from left to right):
The Starkest of Contrasts
We’ve all heard John McCain’s horrible experience in Vietnam. I’ve never before heard him tell it.
How True
Jay Nordlinger writes on NRO: And, believe it or not, this advice might be worth something: I caution liberals, both in politics and in the media (same diff, right?
Feminism Now Republican Domain?
Some say yes. Hat Tip Michelle Malkin.
Harry Reid: Sexist
Ponder this: The Republicans may win this election because we believe a woman can have both a career and a family, and the Democrats believe she cannot.
Palin Power **Updates Galore**
Sarah Palin’s Vice Presidential acceptance speech was a grand slam, walk-off homerun to the opposite field that knocked a beer out of Obama’s hand after the concession stand closed.
Live Blogging the Palin Speech
Live blog of the most anticipated convention speech in our lifetimes. https://www.coveritlive.com/index2.php/option=com_altcaster/task=viewaltcast/altcast_code=5af59d4052/height=550/width=470
Sally Quinn: Marbled, Aged, Putrid Meat
The elitist, socialite, degenerate, bowel-licker Sally Quinn says that Sarah Palin is not only unfit for public office, but an unfit mother.
This is just a test...
This is just a test to see how well the voice recognition works in jott.
If I Wrote Sarah Palin's Speech
Excerpt: . . . They say I lack experience. They’re right, in a way.
The Sexist, Hateful, Vicious Attacks on Sarah Palin
Not my words, there, but those of Susan Estrich, Democrat feminist, speaking on FoxNews.
What a Moron!
Is anyone dumber than Barack Obama? I’ve interviewed a lot of job candidates, usually for positions as computer programmers, network engineers, and project manager.
The Best Convention Night Since 1984
Fred Thompson validated all of my reasons for being a conservative and a Republican.
Media Hit Rock Bottom Over Palin
Michelle Malkin calls is “Palin Derangement Syndrome.” William F. Buckley called it “liberal mania.
Joe Biden is a Source of Hepatitis
Despite promises from Barack Obama that his campaign would drop attacks on its Republican rivals during Hurricane Gustav, that walking hunk of excrement, Joe Biden, broke the promise and ripped into John McCain today during a stump speech.
I’ll dispense with hyperbole and sarcasm. I want to congratulate and thank the people who are making Gustav a better experience than Katrina.
Kudos to Barack Obama
Asked about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy, Barack Obama firmly stated that children of candidates are “off limits,” and that anyone in his campaign discussing the matter “will be fired.
Palin Disaster: Priors
More bad news about John McCain’s selection for Vice President emerged tonight. Sarah Palin was cited for fishing without a license.
CNN Devotes 30 minutes to "Troopergate" and Surrogate Pregnancy **Update: Larry King
Un-fucking-believable. Wolff Blitzer has no shame. His show is devoting the 5:00 p.
Majority Leader Harry Reid: "New Orleans is Lost--Bring the Guardsmen Home"
Technorati Tags: Harry Reid,Hurricane Gustav,Satire RENO, Nevada–Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced today that the battle against Hurricane Gustav “is lost.
Peace-Loving Libs Attempt to Kill Republicans in Minnesota *UPDATE*
Not an exaggeration. Gateway Pundit was an intended target as leftist protestors hurled sacks of rocks and cement on speeding busses of GOP delegates, media, and participants.
Palin's Eldest Daughter Pregnant, To Marry Baby's Father
Technorati Tags: Palin,Pregnancy Sarah Palin’s eldest daughter, Bristol, is pregnant and will marry Levi, the child’s father, Todd and Sarah said today in a press release [FoxNews.
CNN: Levee Breech, Rapid Flooding in Lower 9th Ward **Update**
CNN (TV, not .com) just reported that the Industrial Levee in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans has ruptured under the strain of water and wind, flooding homes and streets throughout the same area that was devastated by Katrina.
Who Does Bobby Jindal Remind You Of?
God help me, but every time I see a picture of the outstanding Governor of Louisiana, I expect to see Patricia Heaton standing next to him.
Priceless Blooper
Watch hat tip Allahpundit
Palin The Star At Missouri McCain Rally
Every mention of Sarah Palin produced a banner-waving roar from the crowd of over 20,000 in T.
McCain - Palin Rally in O'Fallon, Missouri, Is Still On
We’re getting ready to head out to the McCain Rally in O’Fallon, Missouri.
Democrats Praying for Destructive Gustav **Update**
Volunteer To Help Gustav Victims | Donate To Help Gustav Victims | McCain’s Gustav Site
McCain-Palin Rally In Missouri on Sunday Sold Out!
On Thursday, the Washington Post gleefully reported that the GOP couldn’t give away tickets to McCain’s scheduled pre-convention rallies in Dayton, Ohio, Pittsburgh, PA, and O’Fallon, MO.
Palin Pick Energizing the Right **Update**
Conservative spirits soared like roman candles three times in my life: * Ronald Reagan's emergence in 1980 * Newt Gingrich's Contract with America in 1994 * [Sarah Palin's selection](https://www.
Death Penalty for San Francisco Mayor
Danielle Bologna’s trembles like an injured child’s when she approaches the word, “widow.
What the Rank-and-File Libtards Are Saying
If I read too much of what the R-and-F Dems are saying about Sarah Palin, I’ll be tempted to hunt them down like dogs in the street.
Democrat Hypocrisy: Palin's A Bad mother **Update**
Un f-ing believable! The Democrat talking point on Sarah Palin? Have you heard?
Answer: Strategery
Question: Name a quality McCain has in places where Obama doesn’t have places.
A Babbling Windbag--reaction as he speaks
It’s surprising, really, that Barack Obama’s entire speech is an attack on John McCain filled with lies, deceits, and fake “facts.
Marine Jose Luis Nazario NOT GUILTY!
The Marine who was charged in civilian court with murder for doing his job on terrorists in Iraq was found NOT GUILTY (h/t wizbang) by a jury of his peers.
Live Video: Obama Enters Invesco
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvneJSFzrZs&hl;=en&fs;=1]
Jimmy Carter, Please Resign From Life
Jimmy Carter says John McCain is “milking” the five-and-a-half years spent in a POW camp with broken limbs and eating bugs.
Recession Never Happened
Tonight Barack Obama will tell you the country is in a recession. Of course, Barack Obama is an inveterate liar.
Comrade Obama's Thugs Go After Kurtz
Barack Obama’sassault on freedom of speech and of the press continued today as his minions attacke WGN radio in attempt to squelch journalist Stanley Kurtz.
I Agree With Biden
Joe Biden was right. At least his mom was. In last night’s speech, Biden told a story.
All You Need To Know About Obama
When you get down to it, it doesn’t matter what Obama says tomorrow night, or how he says it.
Comrade Obama's KGB Suspends Freedom of Press in Denver
I told you so. DENVER–Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel.
Obama's Ties to Terrorism Tighten
According to Stanley Kurtz, one of a handful of reports allowed to see the Ayers Papers at University of Illinois, Chicago, “Our worst fears were confirmed.
Obama Is A Communist, People
Michelle Malkin reports that Barack Obama has asked the US Justice Department to incarcerate a Republican donor in Texas for the high crime of .
Hillary: Review
I listened to Hillary’s speech at the DNC in my car driving home from Strategic Planning class.
Democrats Attack Michelle Malkin
Want to know what Democrats really think of strong, independent, successful women?
Tuesday's Top News
The University of Illinois releases the Obama-Ayers papers tomorrow. Don’t expect the MSM to mention it–unless it’s good news for Obama.
DNC Night One: Meet Barack Obama
Make me puke. After 10 months of 24 x 7 Obama news, after the Washington Post, Tom Brokaw, and Ed Rendell admitted that Obama coverage is embarrassingly lavish, after an 8-to-1 newspaper inch advantage over John McCain, these idiot Democrats have the balls to stand there and tell us that Americans just don’t know Obama well enough!
Death of Global Warming Anniversary Coming
It was one year ago–September 7, 2007–that ABC News stopped updating its Global Warming section.
Dems To Hold Secret Roll Call
The party of lies, deceit, class hatred, race hatred, and Jimmy Carter will break with tradition by holding its convention roll call vote behind closed doors at a hotel on Wednesday morning.
Recreate Sixty-Eight! Indeed
Alternate title: Liberals Gone Wild! Themacing has begun in Denver where the lefties are demanding communism, atheism, and death to the rich (their fathers who funded their trip to Denver not included).
The Ultimate Challenge to Biden
I hope someone with a prime time speech at the RNC Convention has the balls to read this open letter to Joe Biden verbatim.
Unauthorized Video of Obama and Biden Plotting Global Warming Cure
Why I'm a Conservative
This is both the funniest and scariest thing you will watch all day.
Arrogance Factor
A fe months ago, only conservatives and Republicans were talking about Obama’s arrogance.
Liberals Eat Their Young in Denver
Let the fun begin . . . [click]
Brilliant McCain Ad Perpetuates Operation Chaos
The ad asks, “Why not Hillary?” It provides the answer: Hillary told the truth about Obama, and the child-candidate didn’t like it.
Don't Ever Question Joe Biden's IQ
His IQ is higher than yours and mine, and he ain’t afraid to say so.
Blogging for Air Conditioning
The best thing about being a liberal is the license to write idiotic things, pretend they’re scientific, and receive praise from you fellow liberals who accept your nonsense as settled science.
Biden vs. Obama vs. Everyone
Daily Kos won’t be too happy with the Biden choice. ABC News’s Jake Tapper spent his Saturday morning documenting some of Joe Biden’s dumbest moments.
Mother of All Anti-Climaxes **Update: Txtmsg angle lame
CNN’s John King has confirmed from two unnamed sources that ultra-liberal Joe Biden is Obama’s veep choice.
Biden's Abode Abuzz
After hours staking out Joe Biden’s Delaware home with no sign of the prospective VP candidate, reporters are now witnessing a flurry of activity.
Undecideds Prefer McCain's Advice
I don’t know how meaningful this FoxNews poll is, really. But it is revealing about America’s confidence in the relative judgment of McCain and Obama.
NBC Says Bayh, Kaine Out
MSNBC says sources confirmed that both Evan Bayh and Tim Kaine have been given the “thanks, but no thanks” call from Obama.
Obama Prefers China to America
On August 21, Obama thought the mics were off. They weren’t. They picked up the Democrat candidate’s glowing report on the quality of life in China.
Liberal Media
Isn’t it strange that the same reporters who refuse to provide life-saving information to American troops under the banner of objectivity are willing to endorse and ordain a candidate for president?
We Win!
Congratulations and thank you to every member of the U. S. armed forces, their wives, husbands, children, parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends, aunts and uncles, grandparents, sisters and brothers, teachers, coaches, and civilian employers.
Pro-Choice Veep? Simmer down
Many on the right claim they’ll vote Democrat if McCain chooses a pro-choice veep.
McCain Might Just Win This Thing
Do you remember the summer of 2007? Reporters found John McCain carrying his own baggage through an airport and looking defeated and dissheveled.
The Absolution Candidate
Rush Limbaugh came close, today, to a telling insight into the left’s love of Obama.
Russia Vows Pullout as Troops Dig In - washingtonpost.com
Maybe I didn’t overreact last week. According to the Washington Post on the scene in Gori, Republic of Georgia, Soviet Russian troops are “digging” for a long offensive or occupation:
Hey, Obama: Take Your Ass-Kicking Like a Man!
The day after John McCain handed Barack Obama his ass on a platter at the Saddleback Forum, Obama’s paid mouthpiece, Andrea Mitchell, accused McCain of cheating (see Newsbusters).
Russia v. Georgia: McCain Was Right, Obama Was Everywhere
We’ve had a week to look at our two presidential candidates' handling of the largest foreign policy incident so far this campaign.
8/28/08 8:50 p.m. CDT: NOT GUILTY! # UPDATE: Here’s a link to a defense fund for Sgt.
Obama's an Idiot on Abortion
To say Barack Obama’s intellectual stamina is weak is like saying Georgia’s a bad vacation destination right now.
The Coolest Phone on the Market
[caption id=“attachment_8520” align=“alignleft” width=“204” caption=“Neonode N2 Black”] [/caption] I like tiny phones that do a lot.
Arctic Update
Steven Goddard has an update on Arctic sea ice levels, and it looks like the skeptics are right.
Another Al-Qaeda "Number Two" Assumes Room Temp
Breaking news from Fox: Senior Al Qaeda Commander Abu Saeed Al-Masri Reportedly Killed in Pakistan # Time for bed.
One Question for Obama on Abortion
Everytime I’ve debated the death penalty with a bleeding-heart, I’ve heard this question: “Would you pull the switch” or its equal.
Brink of World War **UPDATES**
Am I the only person who sees that we are on the brink of world war thanks to those Russian sonsofbitches?
Best Blog of the Day
Discerning Texan . . . or someone he’s linking.
Coming Soon . . . Global Warming Skepticism Illegal *UPDATE*
Steve McIntyre tears to shreds an anti-speech ruling by the British equivalent of the FCC, Ofcom.
More on Hansen's Fraud
While my flaming headline ("Dr. James Hansen of GISS is a Liar and Fraud") received a fair amount of attention, people a lot smarter than I are carefully documenting the facts that led to my unavoidable conclusion.
Obama's 180 on Troops in Iraq
The boy-candidate has changed his mind again. For the second third fourth umpteenth time in a week, Barack Obama has shifted his view of how long American forces must stay in Iraq.
Obama Caught Lying Like a Hansen on Climate Change
TigerHawk decided to fact-check Obama’s pontifical address to his German subjects concerning the messiah’s “facts” about global warming (h/t Hackbarth).
Rare Arrogance
Barack Obama’s most conspicuous quality, if you want to call it that, is shameless arrogance.
Northwest Passage Today
We’ve heard that all the ice will be gone from the Arctic soon.
Obama Round-Up: Gateway Pundit
The best Obama round-up is on The Gateway Pundit. Obama’s so anti-American and so, well, stupid, that it’s difficult for me to keep up with his antics.
Who Else Believes Hansen a Fraud?
Brian Sussman writing on American Thinker, for one. In an article titled, “James Hansen: Abusing the Public Trust,” Sussman writes:
Dr. James Hansen of GISS is a Liar and a Fraud
Dr. Hansen purposely and with malice aforethought manipulates actual temperature observations in order to perpetuate a global warming hoax.
David Shipley Dispenses With Objectivity
On Friday, the New York Times refused to publish an op-ed piece by Republican nominee John McCain (FoxNews.
King of Beers Dethroned
Since A-B sold out to Belgian brewer InBev, things have changed in the St.
Leave Me the F*** Alone, Nannies!
It took the nanny-staters to more than a minute to scream at low-carb dieters like me about the Mediterranean Diet study released today.
Rasmussen Poll Shows Dead Head
Rasmussen’s presidential tracking poll shows a dead heat between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain (h/t Drudge).
Newsweek: Obama Fading
Barack Obama’s poll lead over John McCain has plummeted from 51-35 to a statistical dead-heat in less than a month.
Antarctic Ice Anomaly At All-Time High
According University of Illinois’s Cryosphere Today, Antarctic sea ice is at an all-time high.
The Greenhousers--At Least They Have Pluck
Despite all scientific evidence now denying the greenhouse hypothesis, the greenhousers stand by their story.
Hey, AP: I feel your pain, man
The Associated Press, long upset that people often quote and link to its stories on the internet, has imposed a $2.
More CO2 = More Vegetation
Here’s something we’re doing right: growing more plants! As CO2 levels increase in the atmosphere, so does vegetation.
Appreciative Inquiry of the Conservative Movement
It turns out that Johnny Depp and I have something in common. (It isn’t looks.
Life After Clinton
I just listened to a replay of today’s “Meet the Press” on the radio, at least the roundtable.
An Inconvenient Ice Age
Part I The sun is the source and cause of all weather. The aggregate of weather is climate.
Before Al Gore . . . there was Tom Buchanan
“I read somewhere that the sun’s getting hotter every year,” said Tom genially.
FOXNews.com - Solar-Powered Speedboat Goes on Sale in Netherlands - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
Here’s some environmental-like news I like. Dutch researchers at the Technical University of Delft have developed what they say is the world’s first solar-powered speedboat, and it’s got all the luxurious trimmings one would expect.
Global Warming Dying Fast
The global warming hoax of the past decade, which reached a climax in 2006-2007, is in rapid decline.
Draw a Pig, and Know Yourself
Bill Click to view my test results
Michelle Malkin points out a skit on YouTube by comedian Damon Wayans: Abortionman.
Please take a minute to answer 10 quick questions about plastics and the environment.
Survey: Environmental Cost of Plastics
Please take a quick, 10-question survey on the environmental cost of plastics.
Global Warming? We Don't Give a Damn
According to an ABC News poll released today, zero percent of Americans consider global warming an issue in this year’s election.
Obama: Narrow, Prejudiced, Little Man
The thinking, scientific world owes much to James Joyner and Arthur Brooks for this piece examining the socio-economic background of American gun owners.
Some too 'obsessed' with what we say - Roger Simon - Politico.com
Wednesday night, in a debate here, Barack Obama complained a number of times about the presidential campaign process and how some people spend way too much time “obsessing” about some of the things he and others have actually said.
Thanks to Allahpundit Technorati Tags: barack obama on HotAir.
Invalidating Feelings
Every modern man knows that invalidating a woman’s feelings lies on the offensiveness scale somewhere between unwelcomed groping and fat jokes.
Benedict's Benediction
Pope Benedict XVI will receive the highest honor the United States can bestow upon on a visiting head of state: the President will meet him at the airport.
The Boxmasters Debut Album
People love Billy Bob Thornton . . . or they hate him. Either way, they owe themselves a listen to selections from his new band’s new album.
No Link Between Global Warming and Hurricanes
The much ballyhooed link between hurricanes and global warming appears to have snapped.
Obama Seals His Fate: Update
Barack Obama told the world what he thinks of rural people, and, in so doing, sealed his fate [from Powerline]:
Offending Muslims Is Bad--Offending Everybody Else Is Good
The U.N. Secretary-General is quite furious at Denmark for permitting Geert Wilder’s film “Fitna” from seeing the light of day, according to Reuters.
We're All Pussies Now
According to Michelle, (h/t allahpundit)Network Solutions, a wimp of web hosting known for overcharging customers ($35 for a domain name registration), brought down the web site promoting Geert Wilder’s new film, Fitna: the movie, citing complaints from rag-head terrorists.
Obama Proves He's No Leader
With a week separating us from Obama’s Race speech, we can look to the real lesson it taught: Barack Obama lacks the personal courage required of leaders.
The Other Global Warming Hyperventilation
Liberals, as a group, display a genetic inaptitude toward history. “Liberal historian,” then, becomes oxymoronic.
Opening The Shuttered Room
No matter how painful, eventually you must go into his room. Each book on the shelves, every dirty sock strewn carelessly on the floor in anticipation of picking it up tomorrow, the odd angle of the pillow on the bed, and the scent–oh, God, above all the scent–remind you both of the life and of its passing.
Sorry For My Absence
I came down with some horrendous flu on Sunday and have been running a fever ever since.
Oprah and the Racist Rev
I watched tonight’s edition of one my favorite shows, “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.
Obama At A Crossroads
Today’s fatwa from the new pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, the separatist and anti-American church in which Barack Obama bends his knee, places a pivotal decision before the senator: he is either with them or against them.
Chilling Insights From Rev. Wright Story
If America still has a serious racial divide, then black preachers may be the chief perpetuators.
My Way News - Obama Decries Racial Rhetoric
My Way News - Obama Decries Racial Rhetoric Sen. Barack Obama on Saturday decried “the forces of division” over race that he said are intruding into the Democratic presidential nomination contest.
The Democrats In Chaos
Here’s the first paragraph of a New York Times article on the dysfunction in the DNC.
Obama "Nodded In Agreement" At A Wright Anti-American Sermon **UPDATE**
Ace of Spades describes this breaking story as “nuclear” for the Obama campaign.
Left vs. Left
Someone wise once said that when your opponent is hell-bent on destroying himself, let him.
Obama on Fox: Painful ***UPDATE and BUMP: NEW WRIGHT VIDEO FOUND***
( . . . scroll for new video . . . )
Rasmussen Reports™: Obama's Numbers Take a Nose Dive **UPATE** McCain Now Tied or Leading Nationally
Obama’s support plummeted overnight, despite the MSM’s “see no evil” act regarding Tony Rezko and Jeremiah Wright.
McCain Says Terrorists May Try to Influence Election » Outside The Beltway | OTB
James Joyner takes note of John McCain’s statement that al Qaeda may try to influence the US election to avoid a McCain administration.
Gateway Pundit: Muslim Nations Vote to Sue Islamophobe Bigots
Technorati Tags: Muslim nations Great. Now I’m going to be sued by rag-head terrorists, just writing the truth.
Wake up America: Parts of Aborted Fetuses Found In a Dumpster Outside Abortion Clinic
This is the kind of story that inspires liberals to write checks to Planned Parenthood.
Rich Lowry on Class, Gender, Race, Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama on National Review Online
Lowry’s piece on NRO is a classic. It reminds that accusation of “-ism” does for liberals what sticking one’s finger’s in one’s ears and shouting, “I can’t hear you” does for toddlers: let’s them delay the inevitable while looking like idiots.
Obama Admits He Lied About Rezko
Technorati Tags: barack obama,tony rezko,judgment,election Others are subtler in their descriptions, but I don’t see any other way of stating the case.
The Debate Is Over
Saddam Hussein supported al Qaeda. The evidence is irrefutable, as you’ll see here on Wake Up, Americans.
It's Only Wrong If You're Caught
In a pathetic admission of his own shallowness, Barack Obama admitted that he’s known since his campaign began that the Rev.
Political Mavens » For a Segment of Obama’s Support, Jeremiah Wright Is Actually an Asset
Technorati Tags: jeremiah wright,barack obama Master quote: Ugly stuff. But this is also the proudly and openly expressed opinion of every major and minor contributor to The Nation magazine, lots of folks at The New Republic, the loudest members of the anti-war faction, and if my memory for op-eds since the mid-1980s is right, apparently a majority of vocal members of the Democratic Party.
Breaking: Racist Wright Resigns From Obama Campaign
Via Politico: Spokesman Tommy Vietor emails: “Rev. Wright is no longer serving on the African American Religious Leadership Committee.
How Racist and Hate-filled Is Obama?
If I said my favorite writer is Adolf Hitler and that my wife hates America, you might legitimately call me an anti-American bigot.
Global Warming Advocate Admits: It has nothing to with the environment
We on the right have claimed for years that environmentalist extremists (Al Gore, et al) are motivated by socialism, if not totalitarianism.
Record Cold Winter Requires Even Scarier, More Draconian Response
Washinton, DC – The record cold temperatures and heavy snow in Asia and North America have prompted earth scientists to invent a whole new demand: zero carbon emissions.
Is Earth's Axis Shifting?
Do you believe in human-caused global warming? Do you know that the earth wobbles?
Is Obama Supporting Communist Terrorists?
How this hell did this Investors.com report not make the Top Story? (h/t William Teach and Roger Kimball)
Scientific Consensus Is Not Science
Here [DailyTech] and elsewhere I see many greenhouse believers hanging their hats on “scientific consensus,” as if it were the equal of scientific proof.
New York Times: Obama an Empty Suit
Have you ever you ever learned that, on some important matter, you agreed with the views of someone whose views you always find repulsive, stupid and reprehensible?
Throwing It Away
Roger Kreutz dashed to right a wrong. A tiny wrong, by modern standards, but a wrong nonetheless.
Democrat Congress Bad for Economy
We are in for the worst economy since . . . the last time Democrats controlled Congress.
ABCNews Gives Up on Global Warming
ABCNews gave up on a section of itsweb site dedicated to scaring people to death about global warming.
Liberalism = Terrorism
Now that we’re winning the war, the left is ratcheting up its anti-military hatemongering–all the way to terrorism.
After Tuesday
Karl Roves cites three possible affects of the prolonged Democrat nomination process on John McCain’s chances:
Infra Tuesday
https://www.coveritlive.com/index2.php?option=com_altcaster&task=viewaltcast&altcast_code=2b030f2899&height=550&width=470 MORE: Michelle Malkin blogging.
Crappily Evernafta
Technorati Tags: Rezko,Obama,Fraud,NAFTA,Goolsbee Something happened on the way to the coronation: the truth hit Barack Obama square in the face.
Call T; He'll Know What To Do
Where’s Tony Soprano when the world needs him? There’s a communist instigator in Venezuela who needs to assume the position and take the big sleep.
The Science That Dare Not Speak Its Name
The Catholic Church is often wrongly accused of suppressing science throughout the so-called Dark Ages.
Blog Consolidation
Last night I read Ed Morrissey’s farewell from Captain’s Quarters. He’s headed to HotAir.
A Stalinist is a Stalinist
Pay attention to this little news bit: Chavez sends troops to Colombian border.
Cold Winter Cools Global Warming Rhetoric
I don’t troll AOL’s news, but I do notice where links to my blog come from.
So, Obama Lies **Update**
Technorati Tags: Barack Obama,the kingfish,nafta Technorati Tags: rezko This is serious stuff, Terence.
It's Okay to Boo
Disks ping-pong across the floor* while Polar Bears dance on steel stilts* and the teacher in a JFK suit* tells his failing pupils all is well.
Buckley ever after
Technorati Tags: william F Buckley David Brooks' masterful obituary of William F. Buckley in the New York Times gives that paper a reprieve, however short, from the right’s vituperations.
Liberalism Kills Poor People
The owner of a St. Louis-area pizza parlor chain, Fortel’s, recently told KMOX radio that the price of 50-lbs.
Angelina jolie Joins Team America
Gateway Pundit links to the this WaPo option piece by none other than Angelina Jolie.
Obama Prefers Al Qaeda in America
Demonstrating a remarkable daftness for thinking on his feet, Barack Obama magnified the folly of a debate gaffe, today, in a clumsy rejoinder to John McCain’s response.
The Giants of My Youth are Nearly Gone
My favorite cat’s name was Buckley. The cat was nothing like my hero, but he crawled into my heart, settling there as snuggly and permanently as my hero did into my mind and soul.
A Hard Blow for Global Warming
When some people suggested that sun influences earth’s climate, the wack0 pseudo-scientists scoffed.
How to Influence the President
Technorati Tags: mccain,bush “Do that face, George; they love that face.
Deconstructing McCain
Technorati Tags: McCain,New York Times The right (myself included) knew damn well what the left media were up to: influence voters to pick the weakest, viable Republican candidate.
It Starts With "C"
Think of a four letter word to describe Michelle Obama, who has loathed America her entire life.
Global Cooling Is Back!
Baby, it’s cold outside. Are you cold tonight? I thought it was just me.
White man's World
James Joyner gets the credit for finding this one. “Stuff White People Like” is the most exciting new blog on the planet.
When Your Children Die
When your children die at the hands of terrorists, blame the Democrats and their lawyer friends.
Gunfight At the Not-OK Corral
Clinton Inc. will do whatever (it thinks) it takes to secure the Democrat nomination for president.
Windows Live Writer
I’ve tried several commercial and free blog writing tools in the past three years and found them all wanting.
“Socialism in America will come through the ballot box." –Gus Hall, Chairman of the Communist Party of the United States and recipient of the Order of Lenin.
Pater Noster
The Lord’s Prayer in Latin intrigues me. I think it’s because it’s so easily understood to speakers of English.
Obama Is a Commie--or next to it
I am disheartened that James Joyner continues to find more fault with conservatives' reasons and methods for attacking a socialist than with the socialist himself.
Archbishop of Canterbury Can't Bury His Words
Last week, Rowan Williams, the idiot who presides over the Anglican church, made comments on the radio that his country should adopt Islamic law.
Chapter 11 for Clinton Inc.
The New York Times on Tuesday will carry story describing the Hillary Clinton campaign as a death-watch (h/t Drudge).
Hitler's Diary
Imagine the affect on Allied troop morale, planning, and espionage had US troops found Hitler’s diary during the Normandy invasion.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDRA3XFfDr4&rel;=1]
Sit back and enjoy
Eight years from now, the next Republican President will be running for re-election.
Teach A Liberal to Love
I just sent a copy of “Hard Corps: From Gangster to Marine Hero” to Berkeley, California, Mayor Tom Bates.
The Joy of Family
Last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending an aunt and uncle’s 50th wedding anniversary.
The Worst Thing About Election Nights
The candidates addressing supporters. BOOOOOring! Well, Reagan in 1980 was pretty cool. Since then, I don’t even want to hear MY candidate’s speech, much less the others.
Why Vote Republican?
If John McCain (or Huckster) is the Republican nominee, why would anyone, other than GOP loyalists, vote Republican?
Blame Me—I didn’t vote
Not entirely my fault. I planned to vote on my way home from work.
Dole: "McCain Can Win Even More States Than I Did"
Former Sentator and Republican nominee for President, Bob Dole, came to John McCain’s defense, today.
Belichick Bad *UPDATE*
UPDATE 2/4/2008 12:01 a.m. Yahoo! calls Belichick a “sore loser.” Because Bill Belichick wanted to go hide when he lost, the field ended up being flooded with people, and the officials had to clear the area before the Giants could take their final snap and make it official.
Give Berkeley to Taliban
We all know the trouble when a people, however recently formed, lose their homeland.
Classes and Tides
Back in the 1980s, it was fashionable for the left to scoff at Reagan’s economic notion that a rising tide lifts all ships.
Clinton Sabotaging Clinton
Bill Clinton is famously jealous, selfish, petulant, and subversive. He and Hillary haven’t really lived as husband and wife in over a decade.
Democrat presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, seen here explaining to an African-American toddler why black men should not be president, had her sinuses cleared by fellow Senator, Barack Obama, in the South Carolina primary on Saturday.
Depression Just One Symptom of Liberalism
Democrats are more likely to be depressed than Republicans, while independents (also know as “stupid people") fall somewhere in between.
Gore Blames Global Warming
Former Vice President Al Gore, today, blamed global warming for the rapid deformation of his head.
Get Ahead Fast
If you’re struggling to keep up with all your work, your errands, getting a St.
Pride and Petulance
After Democrat leaders, Barack Obama, and Newsweek pointed out that former President Bill Clinton’s behavior has been un-Presidential, self-serving, and full of lies, Bill Clinton became more prideful and more petulant than ever.
Scarlett Johannsen: Forgivable--and then some
I understand that Scarlett Johansen’s remarkable, incredible, indescribable attractiveness came with a heavy dose of anti-Hennessy knee-jerkism.
Where's Hennessy?
Sorry, folks. I’m paying attention to the world in between client meetings. I have my most significant client in town.
Economy of Swine
America, and the world, could be looking at the worst recession since the ’70s and early ’80s.
Obama Calls Bill Clinton a Liar
In an interview certain to shock Democrats who believe Bill Clinton a paragon of truthfulness and honesty, Democrat candidate Barack Obama has accused Bill Clinton of lying, according to ABC News.
Looks, Brains . . . Well, Looks
Hollywood has more airheads than the candy aisle at a convenience store. Some of the stories, though, are better than others.
I've Been Spied Upon
Apparently Beth (MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) overheard a conversation between my wife and me at dinner last night.
The Future of Fred
With his third place finish in South Carolina, a lot of us are just waiting for the announcement from Fred Thompson that the race, for him, is over.
WordPress Upgrades Suck
I love many things about WordPress, but their upgrades suck. About 2 weeks ago, WP notified users that an urgent security fix was required.
First in the South--Now What?
The polls in South Carolina closed 52 minutes ago, and ABC News projects that John McCain and Mike Huckebee will finish first and second (or second and first) with Fred Thompson battling Mitt Romney for third.
Romney Wins Nevada
MSNBC projects Mitt Romney will win the Nevada Caucuses, topping Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, and Ron “Hell Yes I’m Nuts” Paul.
The Islamic Republic of Canada
Last weekend, news of Canada’s “Human Rights” Commission’s persecution of a magazine publish sent a frightening chill through her freedom-loving neighbors to the south (US) and through many of her own good citizens.
Polls Gone Wild
The most recent three polls from South Carolina demonstrate one thing clearly: you can’t believe polls.
Global Warming Threatens To Destroy Siberia
Russians are bracing for temperatures of as low as minus 55 degrees Celsius (minus 67 degrees Fahrenheit) in Siberia as Russia’s emergencies ministry warns on Wednesday of its impending dangers in the coming weeks.
Jay Grodner Guilty As Charged
This is a heart-warming, uplifting story written eloquently. Jay Grodner, the Chicago lawyer and convicted vote fraud conspirator, was sentenced to probation and to donate to the Semper Fi fund for keying a Marine’s car.
Moderates Are Stupid . . . and Liberal
My blog fromOctober 2000. It’s worth reading every election cycle.
New Gay Man Disease
A staph infection strain that killed 19,000 Americans in 2005 and was formerly contained to hospital is now spreading among gay men in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York.
Deborah Sontag and Lizette Alverez Are Anti-Military Liars
What other conclusion could one reach after reading their unveiled attack on “the troops” in today’s New York Times.
Marine Murder Suspect Spotted
UPDATE 1:44 PM 1/13/08 Authorities say double murder suspect Cesar Armando Laurean was spotted heading through Louisiana toward Texas.
Fred Is On The Loose
Much great news to report on the Fred Thompson front: * [Crowds ](https://fredfile.
Al Qaeda Attacks USA in the Gaza Strip
More ofGeorge Soros’s buddies, al Qaeda, attacked an American school in Gaza tonight (US time).
How Many People Has George Soros Killed?
Anti-American billionaire George Soros would kill his own mother to make us believe he’s right.
Al Qaeda in Cananda Attacked by Publisher
Al Qaeda in Canada, officially known as the Alberta Human Rights Commission, is persecuting Ezra Levant, former publisher of a magazine called The Western Standard, now defunct.
**UPDATED 1/12** Help Find Missing Marine
UPDATE 1/12/08* This story is now both depressing and disgusting and disturbing. According to FoxNews, Laurean, the Marine accused of raping Maria Lauterbach, violently killed her and burned her body in his back yard.
Michelle Malkin Declares Fred Thompson "Clear" Winner
I could not watch the South Carolin GOP debate tonight, but I am ecstatic.
Mitt's Loss Is Fred's Gain
Mitt Romney is pulling his broadcast advertising from South Carolina and Florida (h/t Drudge).
House on Acid?
I wish this blogger had posted the name of the builder.
Kudos to Robin Williams
I’m not his biggest fan. Yet Blackfive shows us a video that earns new admiration.
(Continued from “Change Is All You Need") **The Obama Years ** To be fair, Jimmy Carter inherited a country that needed a lot of work.
The Battle of Fort Sumter
The Union Army held onto Fort Sumter for only day, but Fred Thompson hopes to gain and hold South Carolina from now to the convention.
Hot Air
Lines for the voting booths unexpectedly thinned after Mabel cast her vote .
The Candidate Most Like Me Is . . .
**90% Fred Thompson 88% Mitt Romney 83% Mike Huckabee 81% Ron Paul 79% Tom Tancredo 76% John McCain 54% Rudy Giuliani 29% Bill Richardson 20% Hillary Clinton 19% Chris Dodd 18% John Edwards 16% Barack Obama 15% Joe Biden 15% Mike Gravel 11% Dennis Kucinich **
New Word: Obamaton
Obamaton: n. One who blindly follows Barack Obama, as in, “Oprah is a mind-numb Obamaton.
Change is All You Need
G. K Chesterton said, “Nine out of ten of what we call new ideas are simply old mistakes.
A Leader, For a Change
Contrast Reagan’s “everything is right with America,” ad with this one, four years early, from Jimmy Carter.
Morning in America
Many of you don’t remember 1984. I was a junior in college, campaigning for Reagan, on campus and off.
New Hampshire Debate II: Affirmations
After tonight’s 90 minutes with the Republicans, I can say without any fear of error whatsoever that Fred Dalton Thompson is the most qualified person in either party to run the United States of America.
This Must Make Democrats Happy
Al Qaeda’s American spokesman called on the terror network’s fighters to greet President Bush with “bombs and booby-trapped vehicles” when he visits the Middle East later this week, according to a video posted Sunday.
More Evidence AGAINST CO2 as Warming Agent
I have been railing against idiots who think human activity causes global warming for years.
Romney Contracted Hit on Thompson
Robert Novak (h/t Wizbang! Jim Addison) reveals today that Mitt Romney’s campaign released the phony story that Fred Thompson would withdraw and send his support to McCain.
Analyzing the New Hampshire Republican Debate
Last night I had to log off as soon asthe GOP debate ended, so I thought I’d log my impressions this morning.
The New Hampshire Debate
What I got out of the debate: Ron Paul looks like Jack Riley, the comedian who played Mr.
Wyoming Republican County Conventions
Former governor Mitt Romney has won the Wyoming Caucuses. Romney has 6 of the 12 delegates up for grabs.
On the Fred Watch
Today is the Wyoming Republican caucus. Unfortunately, I know no one from Wyoming, though I do have a few business acquaintances from Montana.
Politico--Waste of Zeroes and Ones
Curt at Flopping Aces beat me to the punch. (Great headline, by the way, and watch the video.
Thompson Surge Earns Third
Fred Thompson, who only a week ago was predicted to finish behind Ron Paul, roared into third place in the Iowa Caucuses, passing McCain and Giuliani.
Watch Iran's Navy
Iran commissioned a stealth attack submarine on November 28, adding a dangerous and potentially destabilizing weapon to its aggressive arsenal.
Instead of Global Warming, Global Reality
Shut up and read.
The Thompson Hit
Just as Fred Thompson’s campaign started to take off, a loose conspiracy of MSM and bloggers seems determined to bring him down.
What Endorsement?
Control Congress carried a rumor, today, that appears to have no legs.
The Fred Surge
There are reasons to believe that Fred Thompson’s campaign is surging in Iowa.
Global Warming in 2008
Despite the Nobel committee’s best efforts, 2007 turned out to be a bad year for global warming hoaxters.
Happy New Year!
I hope 2008 is the best year yet . . . for all of us.
Celebrate the Marines
I was in the Navy, but I have a life-long appreciation for the Marine Corps and its outstanding men and women.
Jay Grodner's Voter Fraud Discipline
UPDATED Here’s the ISC document in PDF:Illinois Supreme Court Document According to the Illinois Supreme Court web site, Jay R.
Jay Grodner: Chicago Lawyer and Anti-American
Clarification: My comment about Chicago doesn’t read the way it sounded in my head.
Why Liberals are Traitors
Liberalism is cultural treason. Past US wars have spawned heroes. Generations honored them.
The GOP Horse Race
Mike Huckabee’s recent ascent through the polls is about to reverse itself. Looking through RealClearPolitics news stories and polls, I saw a pattern:
Huckabee Slammed By Senior Aide
From CNN: A senior aide to Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee admitted Friday that the former Arkansas governor had “no foreign policy credentials” after his comments reacting to the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto raised questions.
Blog Burst Works! $248,000 for Fred
Congratulations, Fred. (Official announcement of success here.) Congratulations, bloggers, especially Rick Moran.
Hillary: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Lawyers don’t like to ask questions of a witness unless they know the answer the witness will give and can compel the witness to give it.
The Joy of Common Purpose
I planned to get new brakes on my car and to rearrange the storage room in the basement with my week off between Christmas and New Year’s.
Group: Bin Laden to release Iraq message - Yahoo! News
UPDATE Michael Yon reports that UBL’s announcement has reached Western ears. Shockingly, UBL calls for uprisings in Iraq.
You Gotta Watch This
John Hawkins (Right Wing News) has put together the best political ad of the season in support of Fred Thompson.
Democrats Prove Incapable . . . Again
The two leading Democrat contenders for president took time out from their campaigns, yesterday, using Benazir Bhutto’s assassination to demonstrate their utter incapability and unpreparedness to lead the world’s last remaining superpower.
Fred File – The Friends of Fred Thompson Blog » Blog Archive » “Substance” Airing in Iowa
[ # ](https://www.fred08.com/PhotoGallery.aspx#) The blog burst has put Fred back on the air in Iowa.
Why Donate to Fred?
So Iowa–and America–can see this: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssb6gkjQa4&rel;=1] It’s worth it. Even Beth has put down the knitting needles to help raise money for Fred.
After Bhutto
Mark Steyn might have said it best Benazir Bhutto’s return to Pakistan had a mad recklessness about it which give today’s events a horrible inevitability.
Fred Blogburst Round-Up
Background Fred Thompson, the rightward-most viable candidate for president, needs about a quarter of a million dollars for pre-caucus blitz in Iowa.
GOP Candidates: Whom To Support and Why
Issues voters are idiots. Track the progress here: Fred 08 YOU DID IT!
They've Come Undone
When Drudge devotes his middle column to the collapse of Congress under Democrat control, you know the Dems are in trouble.
Iranian Nukes
Has everyone missed the real story behind the National Intelligence Assessment of Iranian nukes?
Oh, Blasphemtree!
From the al Qaeda Christmas Album comes Islam’s favorite carole: Oh, Blasphem-Tree!
National Review Likes Thompson's Plans
National Review expresses surprise and thanks that one Republican candidate has actually released comprehensive policy plans to deal with today’s challenges.
Oil Price Collapse Coming ***UPDATED, BUMPED***
UPDATE C. H. Smith and I are no longer the lone contrarians–read The New Business World article, “Oil Prices May Crash.
Standing Into Danger: GOP in 2008
The next election loomed ominously upon the political horizon in November 1979. A decade of failed foreign policy, Soviet expansion, stagflation, gas and oil shortages, historically severe winters, soaring crime rates, marauding youth, sexual perversion, and unstable standards left the American people wondering, “What next?
Happy Veterans' Day
I know it’s late, but I was busy today. Busy doing what other veterans do: work.
Fred08: Keep Watching
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AIyfSZht8M]
Thought for the Day
If all the liberals were lined shoulder to shoulder a mile wide and marched into the ocean .
Quashing Thought
Does your college freshman attend mandatory thought indoctrination camps? Is he formally and publicly humiliated by the university if his view on gay marriage, global warming, or affirmative action differ from Barrack Obama’s?
Banks: No One Said They’re Smart
The mortgage industry is more than just banks, but let’s refer to the lot as “banks” for simplicity.
Good Luck
I few years back, I went through some pretty tough times. I wrote about my situation on this blog.
Left's Gamble Lost
From 2004 through about September 12, the American and European left bet the farm on terrorists.
The War Continues
We have won the war in Iraq, but the war against rag-head extremists continues.
War in Iraq Still Over . . . We Still Won
The war in Iraq is still over, and the United States and her allies still won.
Victory in Iraq!
Tell everyone Hennessy broke the story. America won the Iraq war. The insurgency is broken!
Britney Spears to Appear in New Bin Laden Video
Northern Pakistan–al Qaeda Entertainment, a division of al Qaeda-at-large, announced today that the next Osama bin Laden video will feature American pop star Britney Spears.
Ted Kennedy to Patraeus: Fight Like a Man
Washington – Massechusetts Senator Ted Kennedy, today, challenged General David Petraeus, commander of forces in Iraq, to a fist fight in the rotunda of the Capitol over their disagreements on the effectiveness of surge.
Why Did I Serve?
It breaks my heart to write these words. I spent 11 years in the U.
Obama Favorite of Non-Voters
St. Louis–A CNN/Time Magazine/Al-Jazeera poll of 1,098 ineligible voters finds that Illinois Democrat Barack Obama would be the next president of the United States were the election confined to non-voters.
He's In! **UPDATES**
Even though he spoke the words much earlier during the Tonight Show’s taping, just moments ago, Americans heard it for the first time.
You're Supposed to be Watching Leno
Fred Thompson will appear as a guest on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno tonight.
If You Want Something Done Right . . .
. . . you have to do it yourself. That’s the MSM’s motto over the upcoming Patraeus report to Congress on progress in Iraq.
Surprises and Yawns in Productivity Report
In a story out of Geneva, today, the United Nations reports that US workers are the most productive in the world, both hourly and annually.
Maybe We Need a Lazy President
The MSM are tripping over themselves to publish stories about Fred Thompson’s supposed laziness.
The AP Is the DNC's Press Secretary
As I predicted last week, the Democrats have hired the Associated Press to make up stories that discredit the success of the surge.
It's the Offense, Stupid
Since July, I have been saying that the surge is working because America is on offense instead of hunkering down on defense.
Fred Thompson To Announce September 6
I guess this makes it semi-official. Fred Thompson will announce his candidacy for President of the United States by WWW on September 6.
More Evidence That Al Gore's A Liar
This gem of bad news for environmentalist wackos comes from the U. S.
Time to Redefine Poverty
You’ll be hearing that mantra from the left pretty soon because poverty rates are lower under Bush than they were under Clinton.
Democrats Combat Surge With Propaganda Campaign
Just a few days, other bloggers (Captain Ed) and I speculated on the ramifications on Democrat surrender strategies of the increasingly obvious improvements in Iraq since the surge began.
Pace Pullout Talk Pack of Lies
For a couple of days, the wingnuts have been ecstatic over a story that Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Peter Pace would tell President Bush to cut Iraqi troop strength in half.
Mr. Couey, Welcome to Hell
If you were with me in the winter of 2005, you may have read these posts about Jessica Lunsford, a beautiful Florida girl was missing for two weeks before investigators found her body.
Apologies for Ill-informed Link
Several weeks ago, I linked and blogged about an organization headquartered in St.
Democrats Changing Tune on Iraq/Pullout
It started in July with polls showing Americans were increasingly supportive of the war in Iraq.
Environmentalist Bette Midler Clear Cuts Hawaiian Estate
You can’t beat the truth, folks. Environmentalist Bette Midler (who, I think, is related to Barbara Streisand) faces state charges in Hawaii for illegally killing more than 200 trees on her estate.
Clinton on Iraq: Victory is Not an Option
St. Louis, MO–Campaiging in Mooseknuckles, MO, today, Democrat Hillary Clinton gave supporters her strongest argument to date for an immediate, unconditional pull-out from Iraq.
Democrat Apparatchik Files Complaint Against Fred Thompson
A Democrat apparatchik named Lane Hudson has filed a complaint against Fred Thompson with the Federal Election Commission, according to WaPo.
Terror Alert: Washington State
I got this link on GatewayPundit: The FBI is asking for the public’s help to identify two men who have been seen acting strangely aboard Washington State ferries recently.
Time to Take Down Iran
I was lying in the bathtub after a rare Sunday afternoon football practice when the Big Red post-game show was interrupted:
Where I stand on Iraq
I stand for total victory in Iraq. Background # Some say that I blindly support President Bush and everything he does.
Presidential Campaign Roundup
We’re still 15 months away from the next general election. Remember that. Getting groceries and taking the kids to hockey practice are more important.
Iranians in Iraq
Apparently, an Iranian army special forces unit is in Iraq training Shiite militias on the more effective methods of killing Americans.
Beth Quits!
According to a disturbing post on MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Beth is hanging up the .
Idiot Bishop--and he ain't American
Catholic Bishop Tiny Muskens (make your own joke) says all Christians should refer to God only as “Allah.
That Hideous Rhythm
I just blogged about the bad, sad events in St. Louis, Missouri, today.
A Long, Hot Day in St. Louis
This morning, I heard the news of the murder of a young police officer.
Ruining Lives For Fun and Profit
I don’t know why this story depresses me so much, but it does.
MSM Editorials on Rove
I’m not talking about the editorials on the editorial pages, but the remarkably blatant editorializing in the “news” stories covering Karl Rove’s resignation from the White House.
Fred Fading?
A new CBS News poll of 302 Republicans shows that Rudy Giuliani has widened his lead over Fred Thompson.
Illegals and Heinous Crime
Everyone who pays attention knows that the most spectacular and sickening murders of late were perpetrated by illegal aliens–the kind of people to whom Ted Kennedy wishes to give unfettered access to our schools and hospitals.
First They Come After Obama . . .
The incestuous relationship between the Democrat party and the MSM may be the Dem’s weakest link.
NYC Storm: Don't Blame Global Warming
A NASA Goddard scientist says that the massive thunderstorm–complete with tornado–that struck New York City on Wednesday was not the result of global warming.
A World Mad With Virtues
Too much of a good thing, as my mother would say, turns bad.
Iowa Straw Poll
The only lasting impact of the Iowa straw poll will be the removal of Sam Brownback.
The weather’s always good, for one; too hot, too cold, it rained, it snowed.
Islamofascist Humor
Go to MY Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy and read the joke of the day.
Bush Policies Balancing Budget
The White House announced yesterday that the 2008 budget deficit would be smaller than originally projected, as will the 2007 deficit.
Sorry for the Theme Changes
I know this site has changed a lot, but there’s a reason.
Haditha Marines Vindicated
The three Marines who were charged and cleared of murdering civilians in Iraq became the poster children for Jack Murtha’s attempts to destroy the U.
The Left's Foreign Policy
The left’s foreign policy is both domestic and global. John Hawkins, in Right Wing News’s Q&A, responds to a question posed by RtWingNutCase, to wit: should the US pull out of Iraq prematurely, would the left turn its activism toward influencing a withdrawal from Afghanistan?
Even More Bad News for Enviro-wacks
NASA was wrong! Michelle Malkin does an outstanding job of breaking down the NASA Y2K error that sort of invented global warming.
Captain Ed Finds a Rat
This is the blogosphere’s answer to O. J. Simpson’s low speed chase.
Bush's Popularity Linked to War's
Over the past two or three weeks, several polls have shown increased support for the war in Iraq.
See No Terrorists, Hear No Terrorists . . .
The Charleston terrorist story that began last Saturday has not been resolved, but the networks, dailies, and news magazines are keeping it hush-hush.
Mullah Cirac Leads Me To A Great Post
Someone calling himself Mullah Cirac posted a comment to an earlier post on the growing popularity of the war in Iraq.
Safari for Windows Beta
Many of you know that I’m a big-time Microsoft guy. Still, I have to keep my eye on the competition.
Sean Hackbarth Works for Fred
Sean Hackbarth, the guy who runs The American Mind blog, has jumped onboard the Fred Thompson victory train as a member of the web team.
War Popularity Continues to Grow
The second poll in a week–this one by USAToday/Gallup–shows that support for the war in Iraq is growing.
Fooling Around With Mother Nature
From the AP: Microorganisms locked in Antarctic ice for 100,000 years and more came to life and resumed growing when given warmth and nutrients in a laboratory.
The Charleston Terrorist Story **UPDATE**
UPDATE: 6:42 p.m. CDT: MSNBC.com now reporting that the two Muslim men arrested near the Charleston Naval Weapons Station were in possession of pipe bombs.
More Bad News for Global Warming Alarmists
For years, global warming alarmists have claimed that aerosols have masked the effects of greenhouse gases in the past, explaining why global temperatures cooled during a period of rapid greenhouse gas production in the 20th century.
China Regulates Reincarnation
The Chinese government has found a way to regulate reincarnation. Can we use the method on the Fairness Doctrine?
Terrorism at Naval Weapons Station?**UPDATE**
UPDATE Michelle Malkin reports that the two suspects arrested with explosives near Charleston, SC, last night are Muslims.
YearlyKos Review
The YearlyKos could be the last hurrah of this new hard left, the way Woodstock was the final note of the song of the Sixties.
Republicans Can Be Stupid, Too
We nominated Bob Dole, didn’t we? Anyway, TexasFred’s has been listening in on the Romney campaign and heard this:
Religion of Peace, My Ass
From FoxNews.com: OAKLAND, Calif. — Police said they recovered firearms linked to the slaying of an Oakland journalist during a series of early morning raids Friday targeting members of a Black Muslim splinter group that operates a chain of bakeries.
Ron Paul's Fifteen Minutes
Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) generates more internet press than all the other candidates combined, it seems.
A Republic No More
Last night in the U.S. House of Representatives, a party’s leadership refused to abide by a legal vote (Volunteer Opinion Journal).
Obama's Weird Chess Game
Democrat candidate for president Barack Obama’s bizarre chess game with foreign policy took another twist today.
Minneapolis-St. Paul Bridge Collapse
_UPDATE and Bump: Predictably, the idiot left has begun blaming George W. Bush and the Iraq War on Terror for the bridge collapse (Gateway Pundit).
Obama's Little Mind on Foreign Policy
Barack Obama proves he would be a dangerous commander-in-chief. Two weeks ago, he told us that the United States is obliged to stay out of wars, even to prevent genocide.
Thompson Remains in the Lead
The latest Rasmussen poll of likely primary voters completed July 31 shows Fred Thompson in front:
UN Approves Darfur Force
The UN Security Council, today, finally got around to approving a 26,000-strong force to control the violence in Darfur (FoxNews.
Quick Morning Hits
US Casualties in Iraq hit 8 month low (myway) More Democrats say the surge is working (Captain’s Quarters)
Thompson Campaign Alive and Well
Thompson’s enemies in both parties–all Democrats and the Republicans running for President–are acting like the $3 million raised by his exploratory committee in June dooms his candidacy.
Brookings Institute Says US Gaining in Iraq
The headline would have read, “We’re Gaining in Iraq,” but I didn’t want to confuse any liberals for whom the “we” in Iraq is al Qaeda.
Did Chuck Schumer Try To Murder Chief Justice Roberts?
Not much time tonight . . . watching a movie with the family
New UK PM Praises, Thanks Bush
The Sun Online carries the story of new British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s rather effusive praise of George W.
US Sinks North Korean Ship?
The Gateway Pundit (which you should read every day) discusses a Debka File report claiming the US sank a North Korean ship bound for Iran carrying nuclear weapon making cargo.
Mutant Mice--Not Pinky and the Brain
The TimesOnline headline demands attention: Scientists breed world’s first mentally ill mouse # Amazingly, the creature is already being mentioned as a dark-horse candidate for the Democrat party presidential nomination, and the French parliament is taking up a measure to make the animal its national mascot.
Beginning of End for al Qaeda's Safehouse?
For years, now, al Qaeda and Taliban criminals have used the Western mountains of Pakistan as their home base.
Federalism Primer
Imagine you live on a busy street, and you have small children.
Patton on Islamofascistfuqs
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyUX6wV1lBQ]Hat tip AlphaPatriot
The Story of the Tenth Amendment
**Note: Please read the entire store by clicking on the title or the Continue Reading link below.
Five Kids and the List of Nos
Five kids is a lot these days. “You have five kids? Oh, my God!
Read this . . .
No questions. Just do it. I said so. Now that you’ve read that, what do you have to say for yourselves, you tree-killing, renewable energy idiots?
Beyond YouTube: The Blog Campaign
Matt Margolis at GOP Bloggers questions the cutting-edginess of the YouTube debate. He’s right in his various points about the ordinariness of the whole affair.
Scott Thomas Unmasked
The soldier who wrote under a pseudonym for The New Republic revealed himself as Private Scott T.
MichelleMalkin.com Called "Hate Site"
Michelle Malkin responds to that unnecessary race of humans known as liberals. The liberals, it seems, have gone about calling her web site, michellemalkin.
Thompson Gaining Social Conservatives
Boston.com reports that social conservatives are “coalescing” around Fred Thompson as their choice for Republican nominee for President in 2008.
A Bad Day for Democrats -- and Terrorists
Gateway Pundit provides this top-shelf story of a US F-16 taking out 30 or so al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq.
Reports Indicate Fred Thompson Once Practiced Law
St. Louis, MO – The Washington Post is reporting that former U. S.
Dearborn = Baghdad?
Perhaps we need a surge in Dearborn, MI (gateway pundit).
Arlen Specter To Cancel Independent Judiciary
In an attempt to overturn Marbury v. Madison, Senator Arlen Specter, a far-left Republican, intends to bring up two Supreme Court justices on perjury charges.
Al Qaeda's Base is Iraq
The ultimate argument for winning the war in Iraq came down from W today.
Where's All The Hurricanes?
Al Gore said this would be the worst year for hurricanes since hurricaning began, in 1952.
Blast From the Past: Ward Churchill
Funny thing . . . last night, I was cruising around one of my favorite blogs, The Pirate Ballerina, to see how the battle of Ward Churchill was going.
First Gaffe of the Campaign?
If Hugh Hewitt is right, the distinction goes to Barack Obama for promising to meet the leaders of “Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea without precondition.
American Support For War Grows
The New York Times, believe it or not, has this story in its campaign blog:
Is Al Qaeda Impotent?
Captain Ed raises an interesting point in response to al Qaeda’s declaration of war on North Africa
Welcome Back!
You might have received an ugly error if you tried to view Hennessy’s View in the past week.
Thompson to Announce in September
THIS IS HENNESSY’S VIEW’S 1000TH POST SINCE AUGUST, 2000 As an act of courtesy to the politics-weary American public, Fred Thompson is likely to announce his candidacy for the GOP nomination for President in September, according to columnist-reporterRobert Novak.
America Needs Jack Bauer
And until we get one, we would do will to hang out at Forums4Bauer.
Democrats Favor Terrorists Over Constituents
I hyperbolize now and then, but not this time. Democrats in the House and Senate voted to encourage criminal prosecution of Americans who report suspicious activity (Gateway Pundit).
Hillary Hysterium
Senator Clinton asked the Pentagon to describe its plans to withdraw from Iraq.
Peggy Noonan: Turning Coats Softly With Her Song
Peggy Noonan is a great ally and a doubtful foe. She turned, mildly, on Reagan.
The Perfect Casual Jacket
The right casual jacket sets a mood, an image, and an expectation that can make an entire year somehow better.
Bin Laden Is Dead
Maybe. Maybe not. But the new al-Qaeda video featuring a haggard Osama bin Laden has folks speculating about his health and even his life.
Fred Bars: A Proposal
Remember “Rush Rooms?” These were restaurants in cities around the country where people gathered to eat lunch and listen to Rush Limbaugh.
Support our Troops
Learn how at Vets for Freedom.
Thompson - Guiliani: Dead Heat
A Rasmussen poll released on Friday shows Fred Thompson, not yet declared candidate, in a virtual tie with Rudy Guiliani as McCain continues his free-fall.
Cold War II?
For the past 4 years, Russian dictator Putin has moved his country closer and closer to its pre-Yeltsin isolation.
The Archives Are Back
At least most of them, beginning with August 2000. The load process replaced a lot of single and double quotes with some annoying ASCII character, but I’m not in the mood to clean it up right now, if you want to know the truth.
Have a Laugh
Go see Beth’s great wedding announcements, then answer the following question . .
Why Fred Thompson Can Win
This won’t take long, but go get a beer. I’ll wait. Okay, here’s why Thompson will probably be the next POTUS.
Democrats are Ready
The Democrat Party released its official agendum for the 2008 party convention today.
My First Book Available
A limited quantity of The Conservative Manifesto is available. Buy a copy today.
Why Mommy is a Democrat
Because she hates America? Because she doesn’t want a job? Because she’s too stupid or afraid to run her own life?
I will be uploading my archives–going back to 1999–over the weekend. If you think this is a new blog, you’re mistaken.
WtF Main Event: Pelosi vs. Sheehan
The anti-Bush Frankenstein is about eat her maker. With a quote that perfectly demonstrates the liberal idea of freedom (thanks to Michelle Malkin) Cindy “it’s about me” Sheehan has declared she intends to take Nancy Pelosi’s seat in Congress in 2008.
My Goal For Today
Produce at least twice as much carbon as Al Gore. No easy feat, since his carbon footprint is the size of the average family of eighty
Grass is Greener on the Other Side of the Aisle
Congressional Democrats are finding leadership isn’t as fun as they thought it would be.
Cannibalism on the Left
The problem with elevating dim-witted self promoters to some contrived position of power, as the Dems are learning, is that they are never satisfied with the seat you give them.
Run, Fred, Run
_ Fred Thompson has turned a frightening but dull election into the most exciting and pivotal campaign since Ronald Reagan cleaned Jimmy Carter’s clock in 1980.
Deo Gratias
When I first read bogus news stories about the significance of today’s date–07/07/07–I was dismissive, as I was of stories about the millennium bug (or “Y2K Problem”) back in the late 90s.
Theatre: The good life
The whole cast hasn’t received its notice, so I won’t be too obvious, I hope.
Move Your Company and Your Career Forward
If you want to move your company—and your career—forward, concentrate on moving your product forward.
Ameren: World's Worst Company?
After Ameren wiped out Johnson Shut-Ins State Park in southeastern Missouri, some of felt a little sorry for the company.
Free Agents
Maybe it was the times. In the late 1990s and early 2000s—even after 9/11—the people I worked with were friends.
Have We Taken Metadata Too Far
Recently, I’ve had the task of explaining to clients why it’s more difficult and error-prone to change their web applications’ configuration metadata than to change code.
Aiming for Chesterton
When I revived this blog some months ago, I decided to set Chesterton as my ambition.
William M. Arkin, RIP
Perhaps it would be best if Mr. Arkin, wearing a dingy t-shirt and stained khakis, locked himself into a small room lighted by a lone, unsheathed incandescent bulb strung from a wire, supplied with a bottle of store label whiskey and a loaded Browning 9mm semi-automatic pistol, drank the whiskey, cried apologies to his absent mother, and discharged a single, lethal round into his angry and imbalanced head, ending a life whose pinnacle was to anger men and women smarter, braver, and stronger than he.
William M. Arkin, RIP
Perhaps it would be best if Mr. Arkin, wearing a dingy t-shirt and stained khakis, locked himself into a small room lighted by a lone, unsheathed incandescent bulb strung from a wire, supplied with a bottle of store label whiskey and a loaded Browning 9mm semi-automatic pistol, drank the whiskey, cried apologies to his absent mother, and discharged a single, lethal round into his angry and imbalanced head, ending a life whose pinnacle was to anger men and women smarter, braver, and stronger than he.
CBS News Signs Pact With al-Qaeda
Believe it. The left is unAmerican. Perhaps it would be best if CBS just went away.
CBS News Signs Pact With al-Qaeda
Believe it. The left is unAmerican. Perhaps it would be best if CBS just went away.
Three Cheers for Maliki
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told the world that his army, with American support, would soon secure Baghdad.
Liberals Hate Free Speech **Dierker Update**
UPDATE See the O’Reilly Factor interview with Judge Dierker here FoxNews.com has more on Judge Dierker: 90 percent approval rating from Missouri Lawyers, re-elected in November with 70 percent of votes.
Congress: We Can Hate Everything About It Again!
Most of my life, Democrats ran Congress . . . the way Hitler ran Germany.
Democrats Oppose American Victory in Iraq
**UPDATE Mark Noonan posits several critical questions for Pelosi and Reid. Last September, a group of St.
Cards Win, and I'm as Shocked as Anybody
After the Cardinals’ collapse at the end of the regular season, I expected my ‘birds to go out in 3 or 4 to begin the long winter recovery from season of injuries and missed opportunities—on the field and in the front office.
Congratulation To Me
The most beautiful, wonderful girl in the world said “I do” three years ago today.
To Israel
I know from my hit map that I have several regular readers in Israel.
War, the way it ought to be
It’s hard to understand why the United Nations in the late 1940s worked so hard to establish the Jewish state of Israel.
Lament and Reflection
We were all sitting in the living room, tonight, when my wife told me that my son had already chipped the veneer on his tooth.
Why Did I Read the News Today?
Gateway Pundit, quickly becoming the best political blog on the net, reports some very bad news for the Jack Murtha defense squad: Murtha is a liar, according to the United States Marine Corps.
Self Pity and NYT
The New York al-Times lost a major court battle in it’s ongoing intelligence war against the United States (see Michelle Malkin, who has updated her photo).
New Link
Common Sense Political Thought is the newest addition to my blogroll. Please, whatever you do, read Dana’s and Ken’s blog.
NYT Discovers Iraqi Election
The December 15 Parliamentary election in Iraq was so overwhelmingly successful that it took the New York Times editorial writers two full days to find something nasty to say about it.
New York Times Pay Per View
Readers of this blog know that I hold for Maureen Dowd the sort of contempt one might have for dog feces packed into the tread of a new sneaker.
More Iraqi Surprises for the Left
On Monday I blogged about the ABC News poll of Iraqis that surprised the left by its upbeat results.
Did American Indians Trespass?
Interesting story on Foxnews.com. We all learned in grade school that the “original” Americans were those who came across the Bering Straights about 3,000 years ago.
Nativity Scenes
I’ve always felt that every home should have one–every Christmas Tree should protect one.
Paul Mirecki's Vanishing Credibility
If Paul Mirecki, the KU Professor who wanted to teach a class that presented Intelligent Design (and anything else vaguely religious) as myth, then withdrew the class when his bigotry against religion came to public attention, then claimed he was beaten by two white men in a pick-up truck over his religious views, has lost another round in his PR battle.
The True Meaning of Christmas
Thanks to Katherine Lopez at NRO The Corner, I learned a valuable lesson that all Catholics should heed: The true meaning of Christmas is about increasing the minimum wage.
I Have Nothing to Say
“We knew,” you’re thinking. Well, I didn’t. Not until tonight. I just read through half a dozen blogs, scanned or read 20 articles on MyWay.
Tookie Williams's Last Lifeline
Stanley “Tookie” Williams lived a wasted life. He chose, at an early age, to kill for money, to sell drugs, to destroy families (including his own), and to make life for others as miserable as he’d made his own.
MSNBC Headline: Scientists create mice with human brain cells
Next step: try the same thing with Democrats.
Iraq Strategy: Vindicated
Last week, a colleague commented that he only put credence into international polls.
A Phone Conversation Overheard
Overheard two weeks ago waiting in a very long, slow-moving line at Lowes standing behind a smelly, unbathed man in a pre-BDU era Army fatigue jacket.
Does Mirecki Have a Tort?
Anti-Religion Religion professor, Paul Mirecki, has retained a lawyer to investigate the possibility of suing the University of Kansas for denying him rights under the First Amendment.
Paul Mirecki Suing KU (Video)
Here’s the video fromKUID TV 6 in Kansas. Mirecki refused to be interviewed on camera, but did grant an off-camera interview in which he claims his black eye is “my battle scar in my war against the religious right.
I received an e-mail from NewsMax today about the Disney film “Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Mirecki's Intolerance Runs Deep
The Topeka Capital-Journal (free registration required) online has a piece that exposes Professor Paul Mirecki’s anti-religion intolerance.
Moonbat Overconfidence
I orignally posted this as an update to the Mirecki Hoax blog below, but I think it deserves its own space:
Mirecki "Beating" A Hoax?
Michelle Malkin has done great digging and found more holes in Prof. Paul Mirecki’s (see this and this) beating story than in Howard Dean’s brain.
I Confess . . .
to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have read Christina Martin’s Confessions of a Hot Carmel Sundae, and have found it a worthy new addition to my blog roll.
Then She Was There Again
It’s a blessing that one should experience these moments. The blessing’s doubled or quadrupled when the feeling lingers with for a time, striking you like an erotic tickle at unpredictable moments throughout the days.
Global Warming to Blame for Global Cooling
Amy Ridenour points a UK Guardian article explaining why Global Warming is responsible for Global Cooling.
Prof. Paul Mirecki: Anti-Religious Bigot
Okay, I can’t claim credit for this research. Jack Cashill earns the kudos for his December 1 commentary on WorldNetDaily.
Idiot Design Professor Beaten
“Hi. I’m Paul Mirecki. I hate God and everyone who prays to Him.
Saddam's Dream Team
When your dream team defense includes the pro-Soviet, anti-American Ramsey Clark, you’re in deep trouble.
It's a Festivus Miracle!
Share in the joy ofDer Tommissar’s wonderful news.
I Hate Howard Dean
I know, I know. I pray for graces to overcome this weakness. But, God help me, I hate him so.
A New Home for Senator Kerry
Today I saw two Veterans for Kerry bumperstickers on my way to work.
Great Symposium in St. Louis
Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem will hold a three-day symposium centered around the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 8, 9, and 10 at the Cardinal Rigali Center in Shrewsbury, MO (Map of 20 Archbishop May Dr Saint Louis, MO 63119-5738, US).
Gratuitous Latin
Sorry, folks, but I just love John 1 in Latin. Let this roll off your tongue.
Yes, there are many other things to write about. My move to Ballwin, Missouri has interrupted both my observations of the world at large and my commenting on them.
Thanksgiving and Work
One thing I like to do at work is to give my team members a bit of my perspective on things around holidays or significant events.
Punish Cardinal Mahoney
The Cardinal Cardinal Mahoney, should he deign to read this humble blog, may wish to charge me with an offense under Canon Law, Title IV: The Offence of Falsehood.
Modern Liberalism is Satanic
The recent attacks onMichelle Malkin are mere evidence of the theologically unassailable fact that Satan is to modern liberalism what the KGB was to SANE/Freeze.
The correlation between liberalism and selfishness is too easy to make. Atheistic liberalism gives selfishness a whole new dimension.
Letting Go
In the end, the things we have amount to nothing; that which we’re left with when all our things are gone constitute everything.
Bush nominates Bernanke as next Fed chief
If Bernanke hopes to get through the Senate without a filibuster, he better hope he’s never written anything about Roe v.
Anne Rice Return to Rome
Anne Rice, the occult writer who left Catholicism for vampirism (literarily) at the age of 18, has returned to the Mother Church.
Teenage Drivers and Divine Interventions
I have a 17-year-old son, Jack, who wants to be a lawyer and dabbles in theatre, punk rock, and Mormonism.
Prince Albert Pujols
A couple of years ago, my son, now 17, and his friends walked into the house half-way through one of Pujols’s ridiculous games.
A Word (or Two) to the Wise Catholic
Brush your teeth. Go to Confession. Learn Latin. No, these are not only my preferences, these changes are coming soon to a Mass near you.
One World Day of Prayer
Set aside some time to pray for life on October 2, my dad’s birthday.
U.S. Bishop Urges Action on Darfur Crisis
WASHINGTON, D.C., SEPT. 22, 2005 (Zenit.org).- The United States and the international community must do more to bring an end to the ongoing crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan, says a U.
Rita Prediction
Based on nothing more than pure hunch, I hereby leave myself open to whatever insults anyone might hurl my way by announcing my prediction for Hurricane Rita’s impact on the Gulf.
Susan Komen and Planned Parenthood
When I was a runner, I took part in many runs to support various charities.
Follow-Up to Shocking Coldness
Shocking Coldness generated many responses from many quarters (for my blog, anyway). I have to admit, some of the criticism has forced me to think, while some of the arguments against my (assumed) position deserve a challenge.
Pope to Promote Tridentine Mass
How timely was Tom’s blog on the Latin Mass? I just received this holy news from Karl Keating’s newsletter:
Big Thanks to Dawn Eden
Dawn graciously linked to one of my entries, even though she disagreed with some of my over-the-top language.
Shocking Coldness
TheNew York Times Online, today, is drumming up sympathy for abortion. Venetia Grunder, 21, viewed an ultrasound image of the fetus in her womb.
Another Sort of Confirmation Hearing
Listening to Fr. Frank Pavone’s homily on EWTN’s daily Mass today, my mind wandered to the Roberts confirmation hearing.
No Small Task
Once upon a time, men and women separated themselves from society in order to pray.
What Kind of Cross Am I?
You are the Corpus Christi Crucifix: The cross that bears the body of Christ is the most venerated
I am Joan
You are Joan of Arc! You don’t really want to hurt
Happy Birthday, Ace
Few men are lucky to enough to meet one person who fulfills all of their social needs–a beautiful woman whose mere glance flitters the heart, a kind friend whom first you call with news good or bad, a companion in drink and sport with whom to enjoy life’s greatest celebrations and deepest heartbreaks, a mother who tends lovingly the children of the house, and a vessel of God’s mercy who shows you His love in her every move.
Social Engineering in Louisiana
You see them. They’re knocking each other down to blame Katrina and its aftermath on Bush.
Atheists Fight Prayer For Victims
Yes, the headline is too absurb to be fiction: Atheists: No prayer for disaster victims # U.
Sean Penn Saves New Orleans
Water levels in flooded New Orleans, Louisiana, dropped 1/32,000 of a centimeter, today, after actor and activist Sean Penn advised the Bush Administration on how to fix the problem.
Planned Parenthood Diverting Katrina Relief Money
The people at Planned Parenthood are the kinds of cowards who give cowardice a bad name.
Saints Among Us
A week ago yesterday, anticipating Katrinas arrival on the Gulf Coast, I penned the following paragraph on this blog:
William Rehnquist: RIP
With perhaps 10,000 dead in the Gulf Coast, it seems almost silly to talk about one man’s death.
How Low Am I?
In fleeting delusions of vainglory, I have seen myself as a good man.
Joe Scarborough: 'National Disgrace'
Police looting for food. People starving to death. The first of the Red Cross aid arrived in Biloxi, Mississippi only tonight, four days after the hurricane.
Total Political Failure
I know many will disagree with me, but must agree with Ron Fournier of the AP:
Homeland Insecurity
The Department of Homeland Security just faced its first major test in New Orleans.
New Orleans Mayor
These are the words for New Orleans Mayor Nagin, according to Fox News:
Bright Outlook for American Generosity
Nearly 300 people have already responded to the Home for Katrina Victims site.
Grim Outlook for the Big Easy
There are at least 35,000 refugees fleeing New Orleans. Shep Smith on FoxNews just helped save a five-day-old baby.
President Bush
Some highlights: It will take “years” to recover from Katrina. Government allows fuel blends immediately to reduce cost of gasoline.
Anheuser-Busch Helps
A-B Increases Water Donations to 825,000 Cans to Aid Hurricane Katrina Victims
Times-Picayune Bugging Out
To Register for Homes for Katrina Victims # Please register at https://katrinahomes.billhennessy.com
Open Homes for Katrina Victims
To Register for Homes for Katrina Victims # Please register at https://katrinahomes.billhennessy.com
God Bless the People of New Orleans
I know that everyone with a heart is watching prayerfully as the Katrina prepares to make New Orleans a piece of Americana history.
Firefox: Worse than Opera
Anyone who has anything nice to say about Mozilla’s Firefox browser has such because of emotional bigotry, not objective analysis.
Roman Catholic Frat
In the continuing story of the resurgence of Roman Catholicism, Newsweek online reports on an orthodox Catholic frat at Franciscan University: Knights of the Holy Queen.
Cowardly Teacher
I have a child who suffers from many neurological infirmities. He attends a prestigious school district in St.
Jay Anderson illuminates a blood-boiler involving Viacom and Mother Teresa. (The fact that so many anti-theists so despise a woman who did nothing but good her entire life should tell us a lot about these people.
What God Knows
C. S. Lewis makes a compelling argument that perfect love is perfect wisdom–or knowledge or understanding.
Another Alternative for Latin Mass in St. Louis
As readers know, my family treks almost 40 miles most Sundays to attend the Tridentine indult Mass at St.
The Catholic Order of Things
Once upon a time, I craved Holy Communion. Now, I don’t mind being the ONLY PERSON IN THE CHURCH who doesn’t go up to receive the true Body and Blood of our savior each mass.
My Friends are all in Heaven
I’ve reached the point in my life at which the only people I can really talk to are in heaven.
What Women Want
Safety. Women want to feel safe. They seek out men who can protect them.
Lines That Grow On You
In the past month, the hand of God has moved in my life so many times in so many wondeful ways.
United Nations: Guilty As Charged
BREAKING NEWS A former U.N. officer named in the oil-for-food scandal pleads guilty to money laundering and conspiracy charges, federal prosecutors said.
Peter Jennings: RIP
It’s hard to believe that I was only two when Peter Jennings became the anchor of ABC’s Nightly News.
Liberator of Women
The only liberator of women in history was Jesus Christ. Catholics are accused, falsely, of worshiping His mother, Mary.
Christianity Headlines
Here’s what’s making news around the Christian world * Chinese become Christians faster than you can say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritu Sancto" ([OrthodoxyToday](https://www.
Major Changes to Liturgy
The Roman Catholic Episcopate is set to introduce sweeping changes to the Latin Rite liturgy during its General Synod, October 2 through October 23, 2005.
Sometimes surprises are less than wonderful. Does God heap these events on us?
Two Novenas in One Day
That’s how important my present petition is. I said two, one-day novenas today–one to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, one to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
Paul Krugman Caught in Another Lie
It must be nice to be a liberal writer. You sit in your NY apartment, make up fictitious stories to embarrass and humiliate your fellow man; you libelously attribute your nasty quotes to someone else; you publish; you’re caught; life goes on.
Very Bad News for Discovery Crew
From MSNBC: A couple of short strips of material dangling from Discoverys belly may require an unprecedented repair by spacewalking astronauts, if engineers determine theres even a possibility that the problem could endanger the shuttle during descent, NASA said Sunday.
Al-Qaida Websites Disappeared
Thanks to Drudge. Israeli intelligence reports that the large network of al-Qaeda web sites, the organizations primary means of international communication, have been taken out of service.
Early- and Late-Term Abortions
Early # Non-viable tissue mass? Nope. A human being. Please remember this murdered child in your prayers today, and especially the misguided woman who let this happen–that she may come to know the truth and receive God’s forgiveness.
Protestant Terrorism in Ireland
From Catholic News Agency: BALLYMENA, NORTHERN IRELAND, Ireland, July 27 (CNA) - Tuesday saw what police have called a wave of intimidation attacks against Catholics in and around Ballymena, a mostly Protestant town northwest of Belfast.
Frankengate II **UPDATED**
Since I last blogged about the curious financial dealings (stealing from the poor to line the pockets of rich liberals), Err America has released two mutually exclusive denials of criminal wrong-doing (guilty as charged).
Where's the Retractions?
When a “discovery” “proved” that Our Lady conceived and bore naturally, Time and Newsweek were all over the story.
We Should All Be Pro Ecclesia
You might have noticed that I’m linking to Jay Anderson’s Pro Ecclesia quite a bit lately.
The Way It Is
On Wednesday, Pope Benedict XVI spoke to Italian clergy, and his statements seem, at first blush, rather sad.
Time to Launch NASA?
After more than a decade of embarrassing and fatal failures, we may have reached the time to kiss NASA good-bye and turn America’s space program over to private companies.
Time to Annex Canada?
Begging McArthur’s pardon, some men are born stupid, some achieve stupidity, and others have stupidity handed to them in the form of a diploma.
End of Irish Violence?
Here is the text of the Irish Republican Army’s renouncement of violence to achieve political ends:
Al Franken Starves Poor Children **UPDATED**
So it appears. According to Michelle Malkin, Ed Morrissey, Brian Maloney, The Bronx News, and other sources, several federally supported relief agencies in New York have been illegally funelling hundreds of thousands of dollars to Al Franken’s anti-American radio network Air America.
I Believe in Miracles
I wish I could give the details, but that would cause problems. Suffice it to say that two weeks ago, something my wife and I had been praying hard for seemed to have been placed out of reach.
Gloria in excelsis Deo! (Maybe)
No, really, of course. RomanCatholicBlog tells us at the the next time the Bishops get together, they might, just might, address the problem of horrible, rancid, loud, profane music at Mass.
The Roberts Hearing: A Marc Goodman-Bill Todman Production
Stop whatever you’re doing, and check out Wuzzadem. Now, dammit. Do it!
Division of Labor
Since the beginning of the labor union movement, the greatest threat it felt–often paranoically–was management (or the Republicans) “breaking” the union.
Lt. Gov. Knoll "Apologizes"
Thanks to some great investigative work by Michelle Malkin, we have a letter from the Pa.
Dick Durbin: What's It Good For
We know that Dick Durbin hates members of the US Armed Forces. We know that he hates personal property and freedom.
Should Worship Embarrass?
My weekly attack on Catholic liturgical abuse needs some caveats: * I accept the teaching of the Second Vatican Council as bound in heaven as on earth.
Stephanie Klein? Huh?
I saw that the number one search phase on Technorati for the past 3 hours has been Stephanie Klein.
A Democrat Without a Conscience
In the Museum of Left-Wing Lunacy we find a blood-boiling story of typical Democrat callous hatefulness.
National Cancer Institute Buries Abortion Link
The National Cancer Institute funded a Chinese study that links induced abortion to a signficantly increased risk of breast cancer.
Canadian Bishops Demand Resistence
The Canadian Conference of Bishops bravely demanded that Catholics continue to resist Canada’s attempt to redifine marriage.
United Nations Pushes Abortion
TheUnited Nations Population Fund as declared that abstinence and contraception do not work in reducing poverty.
Wither Cephas
My first foray into editing Wikipedia happened when I found some really bad etymology of St.
Martyrdom in Canada
Now that Canada has made homosexual “marriage” the law of the land, it won’t be long before Catholic priests are imprisoned for refusing to preside over such blasphemy.
London Attacked Again
Another cowardly attack on our closest ally’s capital city. MSNBC reports that Tony Blair has appealed for calm.
Thanks for Favors Granted
There is nothing finer in life on this earth than to have a great advocate in heaven.
John Roberts Jr: Excellent Choice
Everyone thought it was going to be a woman, or a Hispanic, or a Black.
Boston Public Schools: Too Far Gone?
**WARNING: This post contains graphic descriptions of homosexual sex acts. ** Last week, Michelle Malkin and Captain Ed jumped all over Senator Rick Santorum for his 2002 editorial about the moral depravity of Boston, Massachusetts.
Weeping for the New Jerusalem
As readers know, I prefer the Latin Tridentine MassLatin Tridentine Mass to the new mass carried on in 99% of Catholic churches.
NARAL: Not only Satanic, Cowardly
The cowardly folks at NARAL, following their Soviet-inspired practice of re-writing history, have cleansed their websites of stories about the Screw Abstinence party it sponsored in Seattle last week.
London Bombers Photo
The BBC online has a story with photos of the four London bombers together.
Powerful Witness
No hype. Just read
The Sickening Dutch
Is there a more depraved place in the West than Holland? Their pediatricians condone the murder of newborns.
Boston Archdiocese is Way Out There
Providentially, I was listening to Ros Moss on EWTN radio this morning. A man from Boston called in.
Another Lefty Priest (UPDATED)
A View From the Pew has a fantastic take-down of Fr. McBrien’s attack on “conservative” and “traditional” Catholics.
Health Experts Need Second Opinion
During the Terri Schiavo debate, I wrote a piece about how experts are often wrong when it comes to specific cases.
Santorum vs. The World
I rarely disagree with Michelle Malkin. When I must, I hurt. Liberals seeking something–anything–with which to bash Senator Rick Santorum (RC-PA) have dug upa column he wrote that is older than Ted Kennedy’s favorite whiskey.
St. Rita’s parents picked a husband for her when she as 15.
NARAL--Satan's Slaves (UPDATED)
The Satanic National Abortion Rights Action League (SNARAL) is now picketing crisis pregnancy centers to try to intimidate pregnant Christians into committing murder.
The Altruistic AARP
Regular readers might expect me to rant against the AARP, as I at least monthly.
Christopher Hitchens Summarizes Jihad
Here’s one of Hitch’s reactions to the London Bombing: We know very well what the “grievances” of the jihadists are.
How Sad
What pain must one live through to express this sentiment? When Dr.
And, finally tonight . . .
This quote from Neal Pollack is two years old, but I just found it.
Friday night I blogged about the evils of the United Nations in Rwanda and elsewhere.
Only Idiots Like Michael Moore
Okay, I said it. I’ll say it again, so please have your tape recorders ready:
Margaret Sanger--Hitler's Advisor
Among the Culture of Death, saying anything bad about the Mother of Modern Murder, Margaret Sanger, is a sacrilege.
Jewish Rapper Accepts Christ
According to Religious News Service and Christian News, Jewish satirical rapper, 50 Shekel, after viewing Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” has accepted Christ Jesus as the Messiah.
Higher Education Television
Several St. Louis area colleges and school districts fund a thing called HEC-TV.
Ward Churchill
Calling for Mr. Churchill’s death, while consistent with his view of how one should treat those with whom he disagrees, would be too easy.
Here's to Britain
London Bombing # Watching the news of the miserable murders in London, I am reminded, oddly, of the other Bombing of Britain.
The National Abortion Rights Action League is peopled with hate-filled, depraved perverts and perverters.
Speaking of Fear of God
It’s amazing that some people are so afraid of getting sick, of offending someone, of being labelled “intolerant”, of being poor, of alienating friends or family, of being unpopular, and other temporal nightmares.
Is America Worth It?
Yeah, I know. But when a major news network (NBC) equates America’s Founders with Usama bin Laden and the only people to react are conservatives, maybe this great experiment in self-governance has failed.
UCC Encourages Homosexuality
Atlanta, GA–TheUnited Church of Christ has endorsed homosexual marriage and demanded that God rewrite the Bible “to reflect modern realities.
Open Letter to Archbishop Raymond Burke
Your Excellency: Thank you for giving us the Tridentine Mass at the beautiful St.
What If Mass Were About God?
You walk up a flight of granite stairs to a pair great wooden doors beneath a spire rising, it seems, miles toward the heavens.
Benedict's Books
I tried to read “Crossing the Threshold of Hope.” I failed. Because of that, I was skeptical about the writings of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI.
Peter's Digest
Today, Pope Benedict XVI released the Compendium of Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Stem-Cell Fraud
Scientists admit that the miracle of embryonic stem-cell cures was oversold. James Thomson, the Wisconsin biologist who was the first to isolate embryonic stem cells, admitted that embryonic stem-cell research was oversold.
Eat Your Heart Out
This Sunday, God willing, my family will attend a Tridentine High Mass in this beautiful church.
Thank Denzel Washington
This is from my friend, Carrie. She asks a salient question about media coverage of conservative actors.
The Death of Cardinal Sin
I may have to take this to confession. When I first read this headline, I was overjoyed.
Beating Up on Anglicans?
I could be accused of beating up on Anglicans. I am sorry if I am.
The Greater Danger
I used to think that atheists were the most dangerous creatures on earth.
Cambodian Midget Fighters
I’ve been more active on the CMFL blog than on my own. I’d like to cross-post, but I’m too lazy.
Liturgical Rants
Thanks toRomanCatholicBlog, I found this essay on abused liturgy by one of my heroes, Fr.
I Used to be the Expert
I’m not a certified apologist or anything, but after 15 years of Catholic education I have a pretty good headful of catechetics.
Perpetual Adoration
Last night, I was lucky enough to have my second hour before the exposed Eucharist in one week.
Something New
Hey, I realize that my readership has dropped from about 1,000 a day to a handful a day since I left the world of politics to concentrate on God.
Opportunity Lost
A few weeks ago, I walked to the neighborhood watering hole to say hello to my cousin.
Tonight in Guatamala
Tonight in Guatamala, in a place lush with plants and beauty such that one from the comfortable but dry Midwestern United States might think “paradise” on first glance, lies a little girl.
Round and Round with Fr. Joyce
Fr. Brian Joyce (e-mail him here), a Roman priest, likes performing clown masses.
An Abyss of Mercry
Never, I am sure, has a mortal man sinned so skillfully, consistenty, and entertainingly as I.
But for the Grace of God, Part II
I don’t want to get on a rant against Episcopalians, here, but RomanCatholicBlog and Ex-Pagan bring us links to a travesty in an Episcopal church that I must point out.
My wife is wearing one of my t-shirts–a green one with an Irish pub’s logo.
Another Miracle
Thank you, God. I have no words adequate to explain the significance of this favor.
But for the Grace of God
Rev. Alvin Kimel, an Episcopal priest in Johnstown, PA, has returned to the Holy Mother, thanks be to God.
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
The Friday before John Paul II died, EWTN aired a documentary about Polish saints.
Check out The Bower. Now, dammit!
For a special intention for one of my kids granted by God’s endless mercy, I thank Our Lady and the Good Lord.
In Gratitude to Tom
Tom of The Donegal Express has launced a new group blog. He was kind enough to extend an invitation to yours truly, which I accepted without hesitation.
A Conversion Story
While reading the links from the Nunsense story on RomanCatholicBlog, I found this.
A Little Miracle
My grandma used to say three Hail Marys whenever she lost something of value.
A Beautiful Sight
From a distance, she looks so young. Too young. And not ugly. No, not a make-up model, but she wouldn’t have trouble getting a date.
The Whole Banana
Tear a banana from a bunch and show it to someone. Ask them to identify it.
Praise the Lord and Pass the Ear Plugs
Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska adored silence. Only through her special relationship with Jesus Christ could she find the inner strength to pray, to contemplate, worship, and hear God, amid the din of her convent.
Four Women
To four women I have prayed. Each as answered in special ways. Never have I been worthy of their graces, but never has one of them reminded me.
Prayer Request
If anyone finds himself needing a good reason to pray, please remember my friend in Australia whose sister passed away this morning.
More Stupid School Tricks
A high school in Columbus, GA suspended a 17-year-old student for taking a cell phone call from his mother who is serving our country in Iraq.
An Explanation of Mary
A couple of years ago, someone on a web forum tried to bait me into an argument over Mary’s role in the Catholic church.
Send in the Pigs
It’s clear, based on documents recently seized in Iraq, that the terrorists are down to their final shots.
Joyful Surprise
“Women are the only realists; their whole object in life is to pit their realism against the extravagant, excessive, and occasionally drunken idealism of men.
Our German Shepherd
Chesterton, comparing and contrasting Sts. Francis of Assisi with St. Thomas Aquinas, said, “[I]t is the paradox of history that each generation is converted by the saint who contradicts it most.
True Love
A recent correspondence prompted a question in my mind: Which love is greater?
Fear of God
Recently, a very good man, a Bishop in the Old Catholic church, wrote to me about his concern that I live in fear of God rather than in the light of God’s infinite love and mercy.
Peace Prayer
Read this four times today. You, me, the world need the grace promised.
Avoid Symbolism
When liberals, or those they like, perform some public act in order garner temporary respect from particular group, the press calls it “a profound symbolic gesture.
Why Have a Church
Liberal Catholics in America want a church that promotes contraception, abortion, homosexuality, promiscuity, greed, lust, dishonesty, sloth, and the rest of the mortal sins.
Pope Benedict XVI
Thanks be to God. Already theleft media in the USA (J. Rob)is denouncing the selection of Joseph Ratzinger as new pope.
The Stock Market
Undoubtedly, high fuel costs in their 3rd year (and 4th of 5) will drive up costs overall.
Ethanol, Now
Several St. Louis area gas stations are selling high-ethanol gasoline for $0.85 a gallon.
Happy Birthday, Benjamin Hennessy
Today’s Benjamin’s Birthday. He’s 14. You can leave hime a greeting in the comments section below.
Planned Parenthood Anthem
All the world seems in tune On a spring afternoon As we murder a fetus in the womb.
Abortionists for Birth Defects
In Illinois, quickly becoming the most leftist state in the union, Planned Parenthood and other infanticide supporters, are pushing a bill through the state’s legislature that will make it more difficult for pregnant women to obtain ultrasounds, according to the _Illinois Leader _via Jack Lewis.
Ward Churchill in San Francisco
A seemingly drunk Ward Churchill is spewing bizarre conspiracy theories on C-SPAN, taped March 25, 2005.
The Eighties are Over
Most people who dabble in politics and political writing can point to one defining moment, one event, one story that crystallized some nebulous thoughts into a clear, palatable drive to do something.
Peter Jennings: Get Well Soon
Politics used to end at the water’s edge. Now it ends at the treatment room.
A Great Writer
A few years back (quite a few), I picked up a copy of Esquire at an airport news stand.
John Paul II Random Thoughts
These thoughts have been thoroughly screened by Beefeater’s and tonic with a lime.
Too Many Deaths
I planned to write a column-length piece today. I even mapped out an outline: Terri Schiavo, Jesse Jackson, the Colorado Supreme Court.
John Paul II: Live Blog
The Vatican just announced that the Pope suffered heart failure earlier this evening.
A Uniquely American Killing
_Eternal rest grant unto Terri, o Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon her.
Seattle High School: Principal Responds
Even though I am curtailing my bloging, I believe I owe Susan Derse her say.
Thank You and Good Night
When I started writing in 1993, I assumed that at some point I would do it for a living.
Easter Scare--Dangerous Car Repair
We were north bound on Illinois route 111. We being my boys and me.
Destroy Google
The leftists at Google aren’t waiting for the FEC to ban conservative blogs.
Easter Thoughts
Police barred Terri Schiavo from receiving the sacrament of communion today. For Easter, I wanted to express some thoughts on the Catholic church–the community that Judge Greer has isolated Terri from.
Every Wonder About My Leadership Style?
What Famous Leader Are You? personality tests by similarminds.com And Florida has new welcome signs:
Read This
Three Bad Fingers What are God
They Shoot Elk, Don't They?
If only Terri were an animal she’d be treated humanely. H/T NRO
Breaking: Terri's Parent Try Final Fla. Supreme Court Appeal
FoxNews reports that the Schindlers are filing a final appeal to the Supreme Court.
Judge George Greer rejected the Schindler’s last appeal to save Terri. From Fox News:
I want to stay up until Judge Greer rules, but that won’t be until 11:00 AM CT.
Police vs. State Confrontation Averted
The Miami-Herald reports that Florida Governor Jeb Bush sent a team of state workers to take custody of Terri Schievo last week, nearly resulting in a confrontation between those workers and police.
Help Prevent a Murder
At the behest of BlogsForTerri, here’s my e-mail to major media outlets informing them that the story of Terri’s plea to live is not new–it’s been reported for a week.
More Evidence Against NYC Educators
(Sorry– left out the NYC when I originally posted.) From the “you can’t this stuff up” pile:
Enough Killing Already
Robert of Hip-Hop Politics shares a sick but touching experience. But, when I saw these guys carried away on a strecher and saw his peoples crying, that just stuck.
Terri Schiavo Asked to Live
FoxNews just played audio of the David Gibbs’s phone call to Judge Greer in which Gibbs read the affidavit of the woman who soliticited a plea for life from Terri Schiavo on the day her feeding tube was removed.
FBI Arrests Man for Contract on Judge Greer
The FBI has arrest Richard Alan Meywes of North Carolina for soliciting murder of Terri Schiavo judge and Michael Schiavo, FoxNews reports.
Live Blogging Schiavo Press Conference
The family of Terri Schiavo is holdin a press conference. Mrs. Schindler: Governor Bush, you can save our daughter.
My hosting provider decided to delete a lot of my files. I’ll be rebuilding the site this evening.
Diabetes Charities
My daughter died of complications from childhood diabetes more than 10 years ago.
After Oil
Last week, as I rushed out the door for St. Patrick’s Day festivities, I noted that I think it’s time to get serious about finding a permanent replacement for oil.
UN Baby Steps in Sudan
Perhaps the UN’s goal in Sudan is to wait until all of the victims are dead.
Terri Schiavo and Extraordinary Efforts
I have to agree withEd Morrissey on this: Governor Bush has done all he can do, and he must not violate the law to save Terri Schiavo.
Good Friday Activities
Today is the day we celebrate Christ’s conviction, scourging, and execution. Celebrate is the correct word.
Ward Churchill Letter
The CU Chancellor has sent out an e-mail regarding the Ward Churchill investigation.
FEC Declares First Amendment Unconstitutional
Taking its lead from the Supreme Court, which has recently ruled that the Constitution is un-Constitutional if the European Union says so, the Federal Election Commission, today, declare the First Amendment, while protecting displaying a crucifix in a jar of urine, does not apply to political speech.
Seattle High School Anti-Military Day Follow-up Letter
PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION: Click Here. We have been active indemanding action from the Seattle School Board over a disgusting political ambush of American service members last week.
UPDATE: Seattle High School Anti-Military Day
UPDATE: Kimberly was kind enough to link to this entry, but no trackback posted.
Last Word on Terri Schiavo?
Judge Greer having denied Governor Jeb Bush’s petition to make Terri Schiavo a ward of the state, the Schindlers seem to be out of legal and political options.
Winter Weather
Winter has been warmer and wetter The St. Louis Post-Dispatch tried to alarm readers with its headline.
The FEC vs. the Founders
Well, well, well. Senator McCain and FEC members SWORE that bloggers had nothing to worry about.
The Minnesota Killer
This is the most frightening picture I’ve ever seen on the internet. (Michelle Malkin)
Disbelief or Anger?
A couple of days ago, I blogged about Lee Siegel’s anti-religious diatribe in the current The New Republic on-line (registration required).
Default Theme Changed
Blogrolling and other linked services have become so slow that I switched my default theme.
American Idol . . . oops!
American Idol is the most important contest in the history of the universe.
Two Promises
First, barring something really earth-shattering in the Terri Schiavo case, I will not blog about that issue tomorrow.
The Corner on National Review Online
Read the entire piece The Corner on National Review Online it is worth remembering that the excruciating slowness of the execution here, the incremental-ness of death, is designed by its champions to inure us to it.
Deadly Blast Rips Through Lebanese City
Lord, please, don’t let these cowardly deeds disrupt Lebanon’s march to peace and freedom.
Experts vs. People
“Even when the EXPERTS all agree, they may well be mistaken.” – Bertrand Russell
Why Can't Teachers Write?
Why are American students failing? Because American teachers can’t write. I received an e-mail from my children’s middle school principal today.
Happy Birthday, Jack
My first son was born on this date 17 years ago. He is named after my father, Jack Hennessy, and his maternal grandfather, Benjamin Loyal.
Food and Forgiveness
This comes from John Fischer who writes about his Irish friend and their annual St.
Bullies and Murderers
In Minnesota, a wierd kid who (supposedly) got picked on a lot decided to avenge himself by killing lots of people, including his grandparents.
Man, Curb Your Wife
There’s not much to say. Judges have determined, in logical order, the following:
Attacking God for Fun and Profit
Lee Seigel of The New Republic has a very low opinion of people who believe in God, and lower opinion of people who read and writes books about God.
Seattle High School Anti-Military Day
A fine Marine has written a letter complaining of his treatment at a Seattle High School “Hate the US Military Day.
Thanks to Right Wing News
for selecting Hennessy’s View as Website of the Day. Please browse over to RightWingNews.
Terri Schiavo Hearing at 3:00 ET
That’s 2:00 central, 1:00 mountain, noon pacific. You can read all about it on BlogsforTerri.
Latest Terri Roundup
For the best late news and commentary, see Michelle Malkin’s early morning update.
Want Terri Schiavo to Die? Then Read This
Many people, including many conservative bloggers, believe that justice has been served in Florida.
Only if You Have Time for God
Let me tell you, make sure you read all the way to the bottom.
Please link to this post to test my trackbacks. Thanks.
Iraq War: Two Year Anniversary
Michelle Malkin has links to some good stuff ‘bout the two years of war.
As you can probably tell from the drastic change to my layout, I am switching from CommunityServer (which you probably know as .
James Joyner Joins Culture of Death
Outside The Beltway : Bush Returning to Washington Over Schiavo So, now, we’re going to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to subvert the legal process and the wishes of both Michael and Terri Schiavo in this matter?
What's Right for Terri Schiavo?
In the battle over Terri Schiavo, I have found but one pertinent argument
McGwire's (Nearly) Hall of Fame Career
Heres a telling quote from St. Louis Post-Dispatch sports columnist Bernie Miklasz:
CNN.com - Reports: Car bomb explodes in Beirut - Mar 18, 2005
Grant Her Peace
From FoxNews.com Authorities said that John Evander Couey (search) admitted that he abducted Jessica from her bedroom more than three weeks ago.
Mark McGwire: A Sad End to a Great Career
Today before the United States House of Representatives, former major league baseball player and one-time single season home run champion Mark McGwire disgraced himself, his profession, and his career.
Person of Interest in Custody
Fox News reports that the man sought as a “person of interest” in Jessica Lunsford’s disappearance has been taken into custody.
Erin Go Braugh!
I’ll be gathering material at the Hibernian’s Dogtown Parade today, so blogging will be light.
Letting Murder Prevail
_Note: I have replaced a family name with ****** to protect their privacy.
Run For Your LIVES!
Amazon is down! Been down since about 8:39 CST. When Amazon crashed in 1999, it was BIG news.
Big Words From Little Men
MSNBC - Reid threatens partial Senate shutdown “If Republicans want to go down this road, they are going to be beginning a huge, partisan, cataclysmic event, the implications of which are so profound that none of us really know the answer to it,” said Sen.
Raise Me Up the Food Chain Day
I’m a Flippery Fish on the TTLB Ecosystem. A couple of weaks ago, I was a Crawly Amphibian.
My Mistake
I thought thousands of protesters showed up in Beirut to demand freedom Syria.
Eat an Animal Today
Today is the3rd annual International Eat an Animal for PETA day. We’re having roast beef.
Hotties for Freedom
What else is there to say. (Link by Wizbang) And a hotter hottie for me–>
Blogrolling is Down--Again
I’m not stiffing anyone, but Blogrolling is down for the 3rd time in a week.
The Atlanta Killer and His Savior
Being Catholic, I’m not big on deistic revelations. (Ironic that the parish I grew up in was The Epiphany, huh?
Bwah Hah Hah Hah
This is really too good for words, but some folks have found the perfect ones over on Wizbang’s caption contest.
Apologies to Dean Esmay
But I’m with Beth on Battlestar Galactica (sp?) While you’re on her blog, please look around.
You Must Read This
Steven Taylor has the final word on theByrd Filibuster Crisis. (I know, but everything’s supposed to be a crisis these days.
World Magazine: Blogstorm (Corrected Links)
World Magazine visits the McCain-Feingold vs. Blogs story and quotes . . .
Without the NHL
My hockey jones finally crested, today, so I took the boys to a Missouri River Otters game.
Holy Tantrum
STLtoday.com - Politics The man who fatally shot seven people during a quiet church service before turning the gun on himself was on the verge of losing his job and upset over a sermon he heard two weeks ago, investigators said Sunday.
A Solution to the Enemy Combatant Problem
Michelle Malkin points to a story of a released terrorist killed by the US Army in Afghanistan.
EU vs. CIA
European Union investigators are trying to pin the disappearance of Muslim terrorists on the CIA.
An Environmentalist Attacks Environmentalism
The left dismissed Michael Crichton’s book, State of Fear, attributing it to the rants of right-wing extremist.
Blind Mind's Eye: A challenge to social conservatives who are upset by the Supreme Court ruling on executing minors
Here’s a thread worth reading. Blind Mind’s Eye: A challenge to social conservatives who are upset by the Supreme Court ruling on executing minors
Those Shirts
In 1992, I started a little company to produce and sell political t-shirts, sweatshirts, and bumperstickers.
St. Patrick's Week Begins!
It’s St. Patrick’s Week–every Irishman’s favorite seven days. Today, the people who wish they were Irish held a parade in Downtown St.
What Condi Said
In an increasingly famous interview, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described herself as a “mildly pro-choice Republican.
Light Blogging
Sorry for my absence the past few days. (Judging by the hit count, though, I wasn’t too missed.
Today's Assignment
Visit Donegal Express. The Donegal Express » Not only a blog, but a typoed hard alcohol!
Yahoo! News - DNA Evidence Found in Judge Killings Case
This must disappoint the left: Yahoo! News - DNA Evidence Found in Judge Killings Case
These Kids Today
Back in the early 90s (and isn’t that frightening?) I was doing something like blogging in Groton, Connecticut, for Town Hall on CompuServe–pre-Web days.
Spirit of America Update
This is an e-mail from Spirit of America. Please help the cause.
_Some of my favorite bloggers are lawyers, but this is too good to pass up.
From Order Comes Chaos
If you’re bored, go to www.myway.com. One by one, click the links to the major news sources.
Delenda Est McCain?
Ed Morrissey seems even more perturbed at Senator McCain than I. He provides an excellent retrospective of theKeating 5’s Greatest Hits, Volume I, McCain’s Screaming Hypocrisy, and the aforelined Mr.
Another Senate Hypocrite In Trouble
via Drudge Senator John McCain, the Keating Five escapee who put his name on a bill intended to destroy the First Amendment, has been caught with his hand in the till.
Winning One for Democracy
Blogs for Bush ‘‘What’s taken place in a number of those countries is enormously constructive," the Massachusetts Democrat said on the ABC news program ‘‘This Week.
Robert Byrd: A History of Abusing Power
This week, the blogosphere buzzed with reaction to Senator Robert “Grand Wizard” Byrd’s comparison of the Republican Senate leaders to Nazis.
Dogville: A Movie Review
Acting class. The actor and the scene. Script. Or not. Mime. Gibberish. Make believe.
MSNBC: Iraqis Turning Against Insurgents
This AP story on MSNBC report details the increasing anger against insurgents in Iraq.
Update on Missing Florida 9-Year-Old
Jessica Lunsford’s grandfather, with whom she and her father lived, was arrested 3 times in the 1950s for rape and kidnapping.
Ward Churchill's Boss Responds to My Request
A couple weeks ago, I asked CU’s board of regents to explain how Mr.
How Do I Say This . . .
Without being sexist? Michelle Malkin’s new picture is worth a look (hot!).
Democrat Admits Democrats Pulling for Terrorists
Former Clinton White House aide Nancy Soderberg admitted on The Daily Show that she and other Democrats want Bush’s war against terrorism to fail.
Big Unions = Liberal Activism
The union workers I grew up around weren’t liberals by any stretch. They were Archie Bunker (and I mean that in a good way).
NHL For Sale
For $3.5 billion, it could be yours. The Wall Street Journal reports that he NHL is considering selling itself to a group in Boston:
Uday Plotted Coup?
According to Saddam Hussein’s personal MSM reporter, Peter Arnett, Uday Hussein was only days away from toppling his father when the US invaded the country.
No Free Internet in Texas
Michelle on Right in Texas wonders why some want to ban cities from providing free internet access in Texas.
Dear Senator McCain:
_Today the consequences of your un-American and anti-Constitutional Campaign Finance Reform bill reached their totalitarian zenith as the FEC made clear that the people no longer have the right to voice their political beliefs on web logs.
What Do the MSM, the DNC, and Atheism Have In Common?
Way too much to catalog here, but one big thing is–dying. According to the World Tribune, atheism is in decline around the world.
McCain-Feingold Outlaws Blogging?
According to Michelle Malkin, FEC Commisioner Bradley Smith is preparing to cave into the two senators whose names appear on the law, and Democrats in general who want to outlaw political activity on the internet.
Senator (Grand Wizard) Byrd
Bah hah hah hah hah I am so moved by Senator Byrd’s undying respect for the Senate’s traditions that I must ask him to go further to make his point.
Chris Matthews vs. Jed Clampett
WuzzaDem hits a homerun. Link via Poliblog
Newsweek Buys the Bush Doctrine
Well, at least one of its more, shall we say, “anti-Bush” writers, Christopher Dickey.
If Houses were Software
From now on, when someone asks me what I do for a living, I’m sending them here.
The Supreme Court and Death Penalty
So, theSupremes peered into the US Constitution and found an entry regarding the age of criminal defendants and what punishments states may imposed thereon.
Trackback Problems
Community Server is supposed to automatically generate trackbacks in the comments of blog entries whenever someone with a common system (mt, .
Jessica Lunsford
[ ](https://hennessysview.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/0_22_lunsford_jessica.jpg)[](https://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,148867,00.html) [FNC](https://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,148867,00.html) [Jessica Lunsford](https://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,148867,00.html) Children go missing all the time.
Howard Dean: the left's own Little Eichmann
Okay, I know I’m not a genius like the mad doctor from Vermont, but could someone explain the logic of Dean’s latest idiotic blusterfest?
Lefties on the Death Penalty
Well, we know that the left opposes the death penalty for the likes of Dennis Rader, the BTK killer, but some do support capital punishment for political speech and activity.
Hennessy's View is #8
on Technorati’s Politics Attention Index. Woohoo!!!! UPDATE: We’re #6. (It must be a slow blog day.
Do We Need a National Collegiate Academic Association?
The disturbing case of Ward Churchill has me asking a question I ought not ask, but somehow feel compelled.
DemocraticUnderground: Hypocrites With Zeal
The drooling juveniles on DemocraticUnderground took time out from praising terrorists, defending rapists, and seeking relief for child molesters to decry the White Houses use of a nine-year-old to promote Social Security Reform.
NBC Ridicules Catholics
Michelle Malkin has much about a recent “Committed” episode on NBC in which the producers went out of their way to make a mockery of Catholicism.
Dennis Rader
The BTK killer’s name is Dennis Rader. He is the poison that grows on the bottom of a cesspool.
Blogger ADD
I get bored easily with layouts. Sorry if the frequent skin changes on this blog annoy you, but that charcoal background was to depressing.
Sudan: The UN's Current and Next Disaster
In it’s never-ending quest to supervise or ignore catastrophes, the United Nations has, for more than two years nows, set its focus purposefully away from Sudan, having been relieved of ignoring Saddam Hussein by the US military.
Newt Gingrich Makes Excellent Point
My Way News “The urgency ought to be simpler,” Gingrich said. “Every day young people are denied the opportunity to have a personal Social Security savings account, they are cheated out of that day’s compound interest.
A Day Without a Churchill Story . . .
is a day without rain. Steven Taylor beat me to this story that the people who provided Churchill a podium from which to spew hatred, terrorism, venom, and lies is considering buying out his contract, as they would with a failing football coach.
Vaccines Run Amok
About a year ago, I fired off a letter writing campaign to Missouri legistors urging them to fight a movement, sponsored by then-governor Bob Holden, to require Chick Pox vaccines for all Missouri children entering school.
Bind, Torture, Kill
This is one sick son of a bitch, and Wichita, Kansas police think they have him.
South St. Louis Catholic Church Closings
Well, the parish I grew up in–Epiphany of Our Lord–was spared, thank God.
Is There No End to Ward Churchill's Phoniness?
Michelle Malkin has dug up some artwork claimed to be the original work of Terrorist Advocate Ward Churchill.
Condi Watch: Oprah's a Fan?
So says Individ. Well, with qualifications. Still, when Oprah speaks, women listen.
Liberals Never Tire of Running Others Lives
You can’t make this stuff up. Over at the DemocraticUnderground, they’re seriously talking about regulating salt.
Thanks for the Links
Well, I’m humbled and grateful to Right in Texas, PirateBallerina, and FlamingDuck for the recent links.
David Corn Calls Howard Dean Dumb, Stupid, . . .
David Corn, the guy who’s just to the left of DemocraticUnderground, blogged today on Howard Dean, and it’s must reading.
Chris Rock Questions Frivolity of Abortion
The Chris Rock quote that got so many conservatives so up in arms about abortion appears to be more pro-life than pro-choice, according to John Swansburg writing on Slate.
Blogroll Reciprocation
If Hennessy’s View is in your blogroll and you’re not in mine, let me know.
No Child Left Behind Unconstitutional
One chapter of the report says that the Constitution does not delegate powers to educate the nation’s citizens to the federal government, thereby leaving education under state control.
Does Ward Churchill Own the Word Wrong?
The more I read of the utterances and writings Ward Churchill, the closer I come to the conclusion that Churchill has never been right about anything in his life.
Holy Mother of Ethnicity! Ward Churchill's Not an Indian!
Kudos to Instapundit for this link. Churchill did address the issue of his ethnicity, admitting that he is not Native American.
WHO (not the band): Flu Pandemic Coming!
We at WHO believe that the world is now in the gravest possible danger of a pandemic, Dr.
Mark Steyn on the Suicide of the West
Dean Esmay hooked us up tothis fine column. As I commented on Dean’s blog, it reminds me of reading James Burnham’s masterpiece, Suicide of the West, in 1980.
Must Read
Ed Morrissey’s smack down of Ted Rall is wonderful, uplifting, heart-happying. Read it before your next cup of coffee.
Majority Ready for Woman President (Condi?)
I saw this several placed yesterday, but OTB has the write up that made me read.
Don't Monkey with Good News
Steven Taylor rightly predicts that today’s top story will be the Washington Post report that the White House redacted the whole of the report on Iraq’s economy from last week’s economic report.
What the 9/11 Commission Actually Said
An argument with a gentleman whose blog is called HairyFishNuts.com pointed out the need to remind people what the 9/11 Commission said about Saddam’s ties to terrorism.
UN Goes Blogging
Michelle Malkin reports that the United Nations has hired a Kerry hack to run a new blog aimed at salvaging what’s left a reputation that currently ranks somewhere between Dan Rather and Ward Churchill.
Fox News: Indictment in Plot to Assassinate Bush
Read it hear here. (I can’t spell.) Of course, the liberal MSM will make this punk into a hero overnight.
Request for Background to U of C Board of Regents
Yeah, I know they won’t reply, but I figured I should ask, anyway.
Ward Churchill's Tenure and Chair Obtained by Lying
Last week, Steven Taylor brought up the fact of Ward Churchill’s very thin credentials for his chair and tenure at University of Colorado.
Peaceniks in St. Louis: Much Ado About Nothing
Four hundred people representing more than 1,000 anti-war groups met in St. Louis, Missouri, over the weekend.
Lefty MSM Back Slapping
I think Michelle got this wrong. Is it “George Polk Award” or “Gouge, Poke Award?
Bush Shows He's a Diplomat
Newsday.com: Bush Suggests Chirac Is ‘Good Cowboy’ In his first European trip since re-election, President Bush displays remarkable statemanship.
AARP in the Crosshairs
Its about time. Joe Gandelman points out that the people who brought you the Swift Vets are taking aim on the AARPa corrupt, leftist organization committed to stealing from the young and giving to the old whilst limiting freedom for everyone and outlawing cell phones.
Anti-War Movement Hates US
A Little More To The Right: Humor AND Opinion https://www.alittlemoretotheright.com/journal/00002143.html Anti-War lefties hang American Soldier in effigy.
Hard Right Republicans For African-American Woman President
The American Thinker I am as pleased as anyone with Condoleezza Rices initial performance as Secretary of State.
Flu Pandemic Coming?
My Way News Usually, these stories garner only a “whatever” from me. Not sure why this one has me thinking about my kids and parents and wife.
Hip-Hop Politics
You might have caught myrunning, er, conversation (expand comments) with someone calling himself SoupMan.
Blogroll Fairness Doctrine
For a long time, I listed my Blogroll by Recent. I realize, now, that not every blogger I list uses Blogrolling.
I Could Have Told You
Windows is more secure than Linux for operating a web site, so concludes an independent study.
Hunter S. Thompson: RIP
“We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the dessert, when the drugs began to take hold.
Movies that mimic documentaries often fall short in both emotional impact and believability.
Ruud Lubbers Resigns
Steven Taylor on Poliblog foundthe BBC story that Ruud Lubbers, the UN Refugee Head, resigned.
St. Louis Weather
It’s so warm today, it must be going to snow. (Anyone from St.
DemocraticUnderground on Bush Tapes
Steven Taylor wonders how long it will take the left to claim the Wead tapes were manufactured by Karl Rove.
A Real Newspaper
Once upon a time, St. Louis had two major dailies: the St. Louis Globe-Democrat and the St.
George W. Bush On Tape: The New York Times
George W. Bush On Tape: The New York Times The New York Times > Washington > In Secretly Taped Conversations, Glimpses of the Future President
Yet Another UN Sex Scandal
Todays NY Times reports that Ruud Lubberswhich got me suspended from school in 8th graderefuses to resign despite mounting evidence that he likes the ladies the way Bob Packwood liked the ladies.
Dean's World - Idiot Dean Supporters
Dean’s World noticed that a Howard Dean support threw a shoe at Richard Perle when Perle began speaking at debate against Howard in Oregon yesterday.
Bill and Georges
The New York Times print edition has a delightful story about the new friendship between George Bush 41 and Bill Clinton.
Liberalism's Dark Valley
We on the right who are too young to have fought the Germans in WWII or Roosevelt’s New Deal, but old enough to remember Governor Reagan and William F.
Prayer for Dean Esmay and Family
Their very small son, Drake, is in the hospital with pneumonia. May God speed Drake’s recovery and comfort his family.
Beware the Man in the Middle (recycled)
Originally posted October, 2000. Recycled because Joe Gandelman is pondering the state of undecidedness.
Opposing Black History Month: It Isn't Just for Redneck Racists, Anymore
Imagine you have struggled to rise above very humble, even deprived, roots to achieve something of prominence in your community.
Howard The Mouth and His Foot
One day, Howard Dean wanted a media blackout of his debate against Richard Pearle.
More Envirofraud
Wizbang has two great pieces that debunk crappy envirofraud. Read this and this.
Howard Dean
Here we are half a week into Dean’s chairmanship, and the Democrats still don’t control Congress.
Wow--My Neck of the Woods
A teenager has been accused of using a stolen cell phone to swamp dispatchers with hundreds of bogus 911 calls over a matter of weeks, at times talking of killing some of the responding officers he could see.
Greenspan Endorses Private Investment of Social Security
“If you are going to move to private accounts, which I approve of, you have to do it in a cautious, gradual way.
Kansas Camels?
Had no idea that camels once roamed Kansas. Nor did I know that people ate them.
Syria and Iran
From the AP: “In view of the special conditions faced by Syria, Iran will transfer its experience, especially concerning sanctions, to Syria,” Mohammad Reza Aref, Iran’s first vice president, was quoted as saying after meeting Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Naji Otari.
Senator Arlen Specter Has Cancer
Hodgekins Lymphoma, according to Philly TV station’s webite. h/t to Drudge UPDATE: I know I typed this before, but, somehow, it didn’t get saved:
Light Blogging Today
Between a new project at work and two middle school band concerts tonight, I won’t be doing much blogging.
Hey, is my blog 5 Years Old?
Even though I need to fill in some big gaps in time, myposts go back to August 2000.
Some Social Security Facts
Provided by the Heritage Foundation. (Gotta have something for the Beltway Traffic Jam)
Left Files New Pledge Suit
According to the American Center for Law and Justice: Michael Newdow has filed a brand-new lawsuit in federal district court against the Pledge of Allegiance!
Thought Police Patrolling College
Le Moyne College has expelled a grad student for writing a paper (which recieved a grade of A) that advocates stricter discipline in schools.
MSMs Get Ugly
A week or so ago, I warned that the MSM would launch a fierce counterattack against blogs in the face of Eason Jordan’s resignation.
Google To the Left
Some staggering statistics release yesterday show that, dollar for dollar, Google may be the most pro-Democrat company in the United States.
More UN Peacekeepers Jailed
The UN’s inability to keep its pants on has landed six more “peacekeepers” in jail in the Congo.
Why International Government Is Dangerous
The hamburger giant, McDonald’s, sued two lefty idiot activists in England for libel after the pair distributed pamphlets accusing McDonalds of starving the Third World, deforestation, and killing people with poisonous food.
Flu Shot Fever
John Kerry tried to make a campaign issue out of the flu vaccine shortage.
When I start a blog entry with a dateline( St. Louis, Missouri–, Boulder, Colorado–, etc.
Journalist Union Plans Blog Protest
St. Louis, Missouri–The International Federation of Journalists, a union representing more than half a million journalists world wide, today announced plans to protest Blogs–online journals on the World Wide Web.
Breaking News: Ward Churchill Changes Ethnicity
Boulder, Colorado–Controversial writer and college teacher, Ward Churchill, who has long claimed American Indian heritage, today announced that he is no longer an American Indian.
More on the United Nations
Michelle Malkin has a nice roundup of blogs and MSM stories on the UN sex scandal.
Rockwood School District
I would love to do a study on the lifetime achievement of Rockwood School District.
How Dean Thinks
Want to know how Howard Dean thinks? I support allotting a certain percentage of seats in these elections for the Sunnis.
Free Book
Wow. Only 75 people have downloaded aPDF version of The Conservative Manifesto.
Strict Construction or Original Understanding?
Over at Left2Right, Don Herzog claims that conservatives worship at the alter of “strict construction” of Constitutional matters.
The United Nations of Evil
About two months ago, right around Christmas, a silly little girl who attends some college somewhere in Pennsylvania sent me a nasty, mean e-mail.
Eason Jordon and Alger Hiss
I missed the Eason Jordan affair. I heard about it, followed the stories, and read the blogs.
How will the press handle Dean?
Reading the AP story via Yahoo about Howard Dean’s pending coronation as chairman of the DNC, my paranoia kicked in again.
Postage Just Got More Fun
Finally, A Wristband I Can Wear
My kids and wife have about 30 “awareness” wristbands each. I’d have gotten a breast cancer one, but I don’t look good in pink.
Some people demand admiration, and Christopher Hitchens ranks near the top of that list.
Predicting Ward Churchill
We learn today that Colorado University cancelled an upcoming Ward Churchill appearance over fear of violence.
Rafsanjani Seeks Common Ground with US
In an interview with USA Today, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the once and future president of Iran, said the US and Iran have more common ground than differences.
Liberals Still Leaving
According to this story, some Americans really are going to move out of the country because Bush won.
The Simpsons vs. Good and Decent
Boy, something evil crawled up the wrong end of The Simpsons' writers and died.
Eagles Two-Minute Offense
Apparently the Eagles stole Mike Martz’s play book.
Janeane Garofalo: One Human Being Too Many
If there’s anyone on this planet whose presence depresses the hell out of me, it’s that brainless windbag Janeane Garofalo.
Howard Dean Can Smell the Leather
of the DNC Chair. (CNN) – Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean appears to have virtually locked up the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee, after his last major challenger dropped out of the race and endorsed him Friday night.
For the Record
With 13 minutes left in the game and New England up 7, I’ll take the Eagles by 4.
It's Anheuser-Busch--As Usual
Just because my company works closely with Anheuser-Busch and just because I drink Bud Light and Mich Ultra and just because I grew up in St.
NY DA Preparing Indictment in Oil-for-Terrorism Probe
According to Fox News, The Manhattan district attorney has launched a criminal probe into Benon Sevan , the U.
Hennessy Report Archives
Feel nostalgic? I found some of my oldHennessy Report website–2000 and 2001.
FLASHBACK: Al Qaeda Resorts to New Tactics
Washington, DC–Degraded by 18 months of America’s continued war on terror, and many of its most senior leaders killed or captured, Usama bin Laden’s international terrorists group al Qaeda has resorted to new tactics in its relentless attempt to collapse Western Civilization.
Social Security
Discuss Social Security Reform in the official BillHennessy.com forum # I just learned how much money I’m flushing down the toilet by participating the Social Security scam:
Will Annan Go Down?
Looks like Paul Volcker’s investigation of the UN Oil-for-Terrorism scam is closing in on Kofi Annan.
The Idiot Professor
UPDATE: Join the discussion on the official Ward Churchill Discussion Board. UPDATE: Vote in the Ward Churchill Poll
Another Anniversary
Two years ago this coming Tuesday, I met a girl for a drink at the Fox and Hounds at Cheshire Inn in St.
Rice: Europe Ready to Move On
Well, now that the Iraqi people have vindicated Bush’s policy through free and fair elections, the cheese-eating surrender monkeys want to be our friends again.
General Mattis
Three cheers for the general. Why can’t people just say it like is any longer?
Churchill Debate on Protein Wisdom
UPDATE: Steven Taylor favors us with an extensive examination of the Churchill debate with links to pertinent blogs and articles.
Belated Anniversary Post
Before I ever heard the term blogging, I published three 500-750 word columns a week on my old website.
Schwarzenneger's Popularity Back Up
According to roving Hollywood reporter, Mike Evans, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s popularity is now at 68%, six points higher than Ronald Reagan’s all-time high.
It Must Be a Slow News Day
But first must get Moose and Squirrel!
Trouble Heads Churchill's Way
Besides instantly becoming the most despised college professor in America–not an easy thing to achieve, by the way–Ward Churchill recieved two doses of bad news today:
Zarqawi: Sooner than Later
Yes, this is too easy with the headlines that US and Iraqi troops have just missed him two or three times in the past two weeks.
Ward Churchill
Calling for Mr. Churchill’s death, while consistent with his view of how one should treat those with whom he disagrees, would be too easy.
What to Think of Chairman Dean
With Martin Frost out of the running for DNC Chairman, it looks more and more like Howard Dean, the biggest name among the three remaining contenders, will get the nod.
Terrorists Kidnap American Soldier Doll
Yes, folks, the end is obviously near for the terrorists in Iraq as evidenced bythis story of a video on a web site that frequently shows hostage tapes.
All Liberals Are Smug, Condescending Bastards
Again, if the left continues to “know” what’s up with the right, I will continue to “know” what’s up with them, their mania, and their myriad psychoses.
BBC Admits Lie . . . er, Error
The BBC admits that it was wrong when it claimed coalition forces had killed more Iraqi civilians than had all other factors combined in the history of the country.
Thanks to the Military
Of all the wonderful gifts the US military has given, some excellent sarcastic acronyms.
Iraqi Terrorists Use Disabled as Bombers
Terrorists used a disabled child as a suicide bomber on election day, Iraqi interior minister Falah al-Naqib said today.
Blogroll Pruning
I removed a blog from my roll. The blog posts excellent material, but they have some sort of daemon running that constantly reports that their site has been updated when, in fact, it has not.
You Gotta Love Marines
Particularly, this one
Great . . .
Now professional wrestlers are predicting global warming.
The Left on Iraqi Elections
The hatred and anger of those still think Stalin a role model of good national governance earns its own blog entry.
Better Than Expected
The headline of Iraq’s first free elections. Better than expected. Less violence than feared.
Dean vs. NYT
I get blasted for my occasional (okay, daily) venture into screaming at people.
A Surprise Feeling
I just saw the tape of Condoleezza Rice’s swearing-in as Secretary of State.
Hennessy in a Toga
If you’re wondering what I look like as Holy Roman Empire prince .
Democrats' Litmus Test
MyDD blog has a very good analysis of his party’s relationship to labor vis a vis other liberal causes.
Justification of Taxes
Elizabeth Anderson, over at Left2Right, is on installment number 3 of her Ode to Taxes and the State.
DU Claims Pentagon 9/11 Strike was a Hoax
You gotta see this for yourself. The CTs at DU are all agog over this.
48 Hours
`God save thee, ancient Mariner !
The More They Stay the Same
I watched TVLand’s tribute to Johnny Carson tonight. Following that was an old episode of All in the Family.
History Test
I recieved this in my e-mail today. Thanks to Shannon Bartch. HISTORY TEST:
Anti-American and Democrat
Why do the Democrats invite Communists to their rallies? Because the commies will say what Democrats will only think–if they want to maintain their political viability.
It's a Crime Only When Conservatives Do It
Michelle Malkin points out an infuriating story from Louisanna, wherein police sat in their comfy cruising chowing Krispy Kremes and coffee while vandals defaced–no, destroyed–a pro-life monument built by folks with not a lot of money.
When a Democrat Calls You a Liar, Is It a Compliment?
Senator Mark Dayton, a Democrat from Minnesota, called Condoleezza Rice and President George Bush liars on the Senate floor today.
WebHost4Life is Awesome!
My old hosting provider should have never gotten into the business. Over the past two weeks, I’ve been moving all of my sites to WebHost4Life.
Johnny Carson, RIP
My mom worked evenings at St. Mary’s Hospital starting when I was in fourth grade.
My Wife Is Beautiful
Not bragging. We just got home from dinner and a few cocktails at Big Bear.
We're On a New Server
The hosting provider I have used since May of last year was unabled to provide even minimal levels of service over the past month.
Americans Hopeful for Bush's 2nd Term
An Associated Press poll finds Americans clearly hopeful for the next four years.
Conservative Black Democrat from South Carolina
Backcountry Conservative has a worth-reading piece on Armstrong Williams' brother, Kent, who took his seat in the South Carolina Senate last week.
67-Year-Old Gives Birth
Chances are, the child who lived will have only scant memories of her mother.
Dean Demands DNC Chair
Apparently, Howard Dean, America’s dumbest physician, was in Missouri to warn Democrats that he won’t run if they don’t make him head of the party.
Master/Detail Dropdownlists Without Postback
Suppose you have three sets of data: Customers, Orders, Products. You want to present three dropdownlists–one for each set of data.
Latest Community Server Build
This site is now running on Beta 3 of Community Server. Click the logo button at the bottom of the page for more information.
The Ram's Best Friend
This week, former NFL star with the Los Angeles Rams, Jack Snow, father of San Francisco Giants first baseman J.
State of Fear, Part Two: Environmentalism
I forgive Michael Crichton for the lack of details I criticized in part one.
Mann's Hockey Stick Theory of Global Warming Categorically Debunked
Thanks to a scientist at MIT. Everyone needs to read this article to understand how environmental scientists lie and how the media and well-meaning idiots throughout the land fall prey.
Boston Liberals vs. The People
Here’s a great post on The Corner. Perhaps Boston can take freedom lessons from Afghanistan.
2004 Review
Thanks to St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Bernie Miklasz for giving me some categories to score.
Predictions 2005
Last year, I hit about .500 on my predictions using my own, friendly measures.
Destroy the U.N.
The United Nations serves no worthwhile purpose. The United States should immediately withdraw from the UN and banish it’s buildlings from our shores.
Yes, It's This Disgusting
Just read. The story itself provides more nuance than I add or detract.
Open Letter to Middle School Principal
Note: Mr. Muscara’s e-mail address is fmuscara@sau21.k12.nh.us Dear Mr. Muscara: I just read the story in the Hampton Union about your misguided decision to bar a student from a dance because he wore a Santa costume.
Christmas Past
People who hated Christmas used to bother me. I hated hearing their diatribes about commercialism and expense and depression.
Education Spending
Did you know that no study has ever shown a correlation between quality of education and per-pupil spending among public schools?
Sorry for the Weak Blogging
I have two big software projects I’ve been working–one for work, one on my own.
Festivus: Airing of Grievances
I gotta lotta problems with you people! Bush! I understand you’re still spending more money than God could print.
Man of the Year
Time Magazine’s Man of the Year title often makes a mockery of the honor.
Speed in Maryland
Last week, I came across the news story about 12 homes under construction set ablaze in Maryland and used it to discuss eco-terrorism.
Atheists Against Trees
I know that stories about atheists being idiots should neither surprise nor upset me.
DU on State of Fear
The DUers are really torn over Michael Crichton’s book, “State of Fear.” Many of them clearly don’t want you or anyone else to read the book.
Traffic Light Cameras
I live in Wildwood, Missouri, where traffic light cameras are popping up at all the intersections where new traffic signals are installed.
More on Death Penalty
Yesterday, I linked to a story about the decline in death sentences in the US.
The Democrat Miracle?
Ron Bilancia has a long post on DemocraticUnderground.org that attempts to use the movie “Miracle,” about the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team, as roadmap for the Democrat party.
Tom Wolfe Wins Bad Sex In Lit Honors
Apparently, theBrits don’t appreciate Wolfe’s steamy scenes in his latest novel, “I am Charlotte Simmons.
Abbas Tells Palesinians to Stop the Killing
Mahmoud Abbas, the likeliest successor to Yassir Arafat, has called on Palestinians to lay down their arms.
Fewer Death Sentences in US
American juries are awarding the death penalty with decreasing frequency these days. Good news.
More Good in Afghanistan
Several bloggers have noted the stories that Taliban fighters, after three long years of ducking and running, are about ready to lay down their arms and become responsible citizens in a the world’s newest democracy.
Congressional Democrats Decide to Waste More Time and Money
Surprise! Unable to even maintain their numbers in Congress through the ballot box, the Democrat leadership in the Senate will spend time “investigating” the Bush administration–without subpoena power.
Pablo Paredes's Response to Smash
I thought Pablo the deserter would turn out a pseudo-intelletual lefty. Well, an English major he is not.
State of Fear: Part I
I’ve finished the first 100 or so pages of Michael Crichton’s new book, State of Fear.
Marc Rich FBI Target -- Again
Regulars know that I rarely invoke the memory of William Jeffersonovich Clinton for the same reason I don’t I say “must win situation” when the Blues are down 3 - 1 in the Stanley Cup Finals.
More on Junk Science and Environmentalism
The combination of Michael Crichton’s recent publicity and Dean’s Nature of Science blog has me thinking about environmentalism.
Search Engines
What in God’s holy name does the Microsoft search engine do? I can type the exact same entry into three or four separate engines and get back, more or less, the same results.
The Catholic Church's New Problem
Catholic parishes in St. Louis, Boston, and other US cities are closing for financial reasons.
The Size of Watermelons
The UN must have genitalia of monstrous proportions This is as ballsy as the Clinton Library and Massage Parlor hosting Abstinence International celebrations.
Howard Dean
Here we are half a week into Dean’s chairmanship, and the Democrats still don’t control Congress.
The Lambs
It’s 1998 all over again in Ram country. Today, playing with a 3rd string running back, Arlen Harris, and a delapidated quarter, Chris Chandler, the Rams threw six–count ‘em, six–interceptions to the Carolina Panthers, all but forcing the Panthers to win.
Liberalism in the Dessert
Thanks to Joe Gandelman writing on Dean’s World, I just read George Will’s attempt at restoring sanity to liberalism and its party, the DNC.
Michael Crichton
Well, the blogosphere’s finally noticing Crichton’s new book, State of Fear .
CBS Plans Cover-Up of Memogate Invesigation
RatherBiased.com is reporting that the senior management as CBS wants to supress the most damaging parts of the “independent” investigation into Dan Rather’s use of forged, electronically invented documents to help John Kerry’s campaign.
Great Little Moments in Life
My wife prepared for a day trip to Granite City, Illinois, to see her parents and get her hair done at her favorite salon.
Military Over-extended?
Professor Bainbridge quotes at length an essay by Andrew Bacevich in today’s Wall Street Journal which concludes a) we are over-extended in Iraq and Afghanistan, and b) Bush’s choices are “stark”.
Fewer Teens Having Sex
According to the Nation Center for Health Statistics. I wonder why? The news is definitely good.
Kerik Withdraws
I’d love to blame this on the bloodthirsty press, putting the joy of destroying a man’s reputation over national security.
I Misssed Buckley
If you’re under 35 or so, William F. Buckley may seem like relic.
Michael Crichton
Well, the blogosphere’s finally noticing Crichton’s new book, State of Fear .
Blog Upgrade
Wow. I finally got the layout back. If you want to see th blog inside DotNetNuke 2.
This is the Last Thing I Need
My cat’s enough of a problem without a human brain. I’d hate to see what he’d be like with one.
How Sad
What pain must one live through to express this sentiment? When Dr.
The Name is King
My last name is perpetually mispelled. Hennessy becomes Hennessey, Henessy, Hennesy, Hensley, Henderson, and once, when I ordered a plastic submarine by saving the requisite Cap’n Crunch box tops, Kennerly.
What's Krugman's Problem?
Just after the election, America’s hysterian, Paul Krugman, promised to leave us alone while he came to grips with an especially bruising defeat–Krugman, in the inner recesses of his limited mind, believed the election was a referendum on .
And the number one worst investment decision of all time is . . . .
MoveOn to Democratic Party: ‘We Own It’ That’s right. MoveOn.org claims to have “bought and paid for” the DNC.
C.S. Lewis Foe Turns to God
The 20th Century’s two giant defenders of Christian faith–C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton–both turned to Christianity from atheism.
The Pitts
TOP OF PAGE UPDATE! The editor of Pitts’s newspaper speaks: “He is there to write stories, not make news himself,” Griscom said of Pitts.
Navy Officer Talks to Deserter
In an open letter to deserter Pablo Paredes, SMASH tells the silly bastard how it really is.
One Year Ago Today . . .
. . . was supposed to be the largest Meet Up in history as millions of paranoid liberals got together in homes, restaurants, and taverns to gloat over the ascendency of Dr.
New Left Blog
Dean Esmay has found an interesting new site, Left2Right. Dean’s description piqued my interest, and I immediately found an entry worth responding to.
What Liberals Worship
Not since college in the early 1980s have I spent as much time reading what liberals have to write as I have since the election.
Desperate Measures
Howard Fineman hacked for Kerry when he said, in October, that President Bush sounded desperate.
Greens Gone Wild
The FBI believes that dozens of home fires in Maryland may be the work of eco-terrorists.
Bush Wins!
According to CNN, Ohio has certified the election. I feel sorry for the folks at DemocraticUnderground who convinced themselves that Ohio would end up in the Kerry camp and thousands of GOP voters would end up in jail.
Words I Miss
I dont know what gets the blamepolitical correctness, pop culture, declining understanding of the subtleties of language, or just timebut I miss some words.
On Bin Laden's Trail
Outside the Beltway examines Michael Scheuer’s column in Los Angeles Times. One point I’d add: The reason American people are outraged over Clinton’s failure to take out Bin Laden in 1998 and 1999 is that they don’t know.
My 2004 Predictions Report Card
Back in December 2003, I blogged my predictions for 2004, Part I and Part II.
WSJ's Top Ten Trends
The Wall Street Journal is out with its top ten trends. (You may need to subscribe to WSJonline.
The Stupid Things Liberals Write on Signs
This is from a peace rally somewhere. Does this Nancyboy Junior Lefty really look he needs someone to tell him not to bully weaker kids?
Steven Taylor of polibloghad an interesting day.
Who Will Fight?
_The DemocraticUnderground.org discussion forum _is full of vile and hatred toward everyone who voted for George W.
The Conservative Creed
rom The Conservative Manifesto . . . We believe that governments exist at the will of and to serve the governed.
Fun Mind Games
John Derbyshire has posted some great questions on The Corner. Here’s a teaser: “Why isn’t ‘phonetic’ spelled the way it sounds?
Dean: Thanks for the Link
Thanks to Dean Esmay for adding me to his blogroll.
Kofi Annan: Abject Failure
Kofi Annan’s tenure as UN Secretary-General ranks as one of the most massive failings in modern leadership.
Cool President
George Bush reaches into a frecas to extract one of his Secret Service agents in Chile.
Scouting for Food
This Saturday, the Boy Scouts will be around to pick up the bags you filled with canned goods for their Scouting for Food program.
Dean Esmay and Corporations
Dean claims that it’s unnatural for conservatives and libertarians to accept the idea of corporations.
Colin Powell Resigns
According to MSNBC, Secretary of State Colin Powell has submitted his resignation.
What Liberals Worship
Not since college in the early 1980s have I spent as much time reading what liberals have to write as I have since the election.
Affirmative Action Queen of New York
America’s most cognitively challenged columnist, Maureen Dowd, wasted some good tree in Sunday’s New York Times spouting off about the the lack of Christian charity and forgiveness from the right.
Small Town or Paranoia or Have the Crooks Won?
Heather at Angelweave has a delightful and thought provoking post about living in a small town where the activities known as asking for it are still just part of growing up.
Democrat Reaction to Cheney's Hospitalization
Take a look. These are the Blue Staters. Is it any wonder that from these lands come the people listed below?
Famous Blue Staters
Liberals want to claim that Blues states house every thinking and tax-paying American in the country.
Book Review: The Pentagon's New Map, by Thomas P. M. Barnett
American military policy as most of us know it evolved in response to the Cold War.
Veterans' Day
I’ll resist the temptation to write specifically about Veterans' Day. As a veteran, I’m afraid anything I wrote would too self-indulgent.
Jimmy Carter will probably attend Yassir Arafat’s funeral service in Cairo, Egypt. How typical of the man who considers the American Revolution a low point in world history.
Newsweek: Unfair, Imbalanced
It’s no surprise that the liberal MSM would smear John Ashcroft in his retirement as they’ve smeared him throughout his career.
Kerry Supports Blugeon Bush Supporter
According to posters to liberal forums, conservatives have a monopoly on violence. But some young Democrats, it seems, have learned their lessons from the union thugs who destroyed numerous Bush-Cheney and Republican offices prior to the election.
This is the best Hitchens in . . . ever. Read it. Read it now.
Thank You, General Ashcroft
At the 1983 Lincoln Days in the Chase-Park Plaza in St. Louis, I followed a group of partiers from Jack Danforth’s room up a few flights of dingy stairs to Ashcroft’s room.
More Fodder from DemocraticUnderground
Sorry. I know I should let them have their hissy fits in private, but when people who publicly claim to be intellectually, educationally, and morally superior to me spew nonsense, I have to point it out.
Golberg Variations
This Jonah Goldberg piece in The Corner is a classic–one to print on acid-free paper and keep in a safe place.
Will Liberals Stop Supporting Troops?
Arguing with Sign Posts reminds me that liberals continue to say things that seem, well, silly.
God Bless our Troops
The assault on Fallujah has begun. 10,000 of the bravest Americans and Iraqis are about test their mettle.
Jay Gould Presentation
Listening to Mr. Gould’s presentation on Thursday, I was struck by the fact that I have a lot to do.
Oh, Canada!
The Canadian government reports a six-fold increase in page accesses of its immigration site.
Oh, Canada!
The Canadian government reports a six-fold increase in page accesses of its immigration site.
The County Map
Liberals (and you should check out CaptainNormal.com, democraticunderground.com, or Jane Smiley’s vituperations in Slate.
This Web Site is Beautiful!!!
Kudos to Mike and Dr. Payne. This looks fantastic! A web site worthy of the Bishop DuBourg tradition.
Election Review Part I
George W. Bush’s achievement in the election of 2004 ranks as one of the greatest political achievements of a century.
The Losers
Just took a quick trip through DemocraticUnderground. Hehehehehe. Oh, there’s such joy in Mudville.
Exit Polls
I’m not buying the story that yesterday’s leaked, mid-day exit poll results were innocently in err.
The networks and newspapers are not calling states they know Bush has won in order to not force Kerry to concede.
What The Election Portends
We know these things: The American people have re-elected President Bush The American people have given his party a stronger hand in the US Senate The American people have given his party a stronger hand in the US House of Representatives The American people have given his party a stronger hand in state governorships Taken together, Election 2004 can be seen as nothing short of an endorsement of President Bush’s policies and the Republic view of our country and its place in the world.
Assuring His Fate
John Kerry has apparently decided to contest the presidential election in the courts by forcing Ohio, to count its 150,000 provisional ballots.
It's 10:00 in St. Louis
I’m drinking Bogle Old Vine Zinfandel (all time favorite wine). Bush is up by 1/4 million votes in Florida with 90% of the votes counted.
The Plan
I’m going to the store to get beer and wine. When I’m confident that I know the outcome of the election, I will open one or the other: Wine if Bush, beer if Kerry.
Polls Closed
On most of the East Coast and Midwest. At the top of the hour, projections have Kerry up 77 to 66.
South Carolina
I understand caution, but South Carolina is going Bush. I get the feeling the networks are declaring the Palmetto State as “too close to call” to give Kerry hopefuls hope out West.
Election Prediction
For what it’s worth–this is my most optimistic guess: Beginning with WSJ’s 216-203 Bush, I see the Toss Ups falling like this:
Coffee cup
It took me just a second to stop and watch them play.
Anti-Republican Violence
In today’s OpinionJournal.com (Wall Street Journal), John Fund details recent AFL-CIO criminal activity aimed at intimidating Republicans in Missouri, Florida, and Michigan.
ABC News Director Tells Staff To Favor Kerry in Reporting
Read for yourself. My headline is my judgement. (Thanks to Drudge) Coupled with Howard Fineman’s assessment that the press has moral reasons to bury news that might help Bush, the conspiracy of the MSM against the president is more or less conceded by the conspirators themselves.
Debate II: What to make of it
I didn’t see or hear the debate. Instead, I read bloggers' reactions this morning.
Open Letter to Howard Fineman
You and the rest of the main stream have timed things well. Let the President rise a bit, then flood the airwaves and papers with bad news.
Why Pro-Choicers Should Fear Kerry
If Kerry has his way, the price of an abortion will increase dramatically, because Kerry wants the government to pay for them.
Turning on the Darkness
I turned my back to the darker world many years ago. I trained my focus on lighter things and happier sounds.
VP Debate:
John Edwards is a lightweight. He has called Cheney a liar twice, and Cheney has not responded.
VP Debate
Dick Cheney is really, really good. He should be on more often. He instills confidence.
It's Kerry's Race to Lose
Only the blindness of emotional loyalty would allow someone to watch the first of 3 presidential debates and conclude that President Bush demonstrated he was fit to run the country.
Christopher Hitchens: No one says it better
No one alive describes the stakes in the war on terror better than Christopher Htchens.
In Case Europeans Happen By
I think that most of our allies–meaning more than 50% of the populations of the several countrie–are Nancy boys.
A Better Skin
I have to find a better skin for this site. I don’t like this one.
NYTimes Looking for Hope
In this front page NYTimes.com story, the paper argues that Democrats are pummelling Republicans in registering new voters in swing states, specifically, Florida and Ohio.
24% of Democrats Are Ashamed of What They Do
While only 8% of Republics are ashamed of their jobs. What other conclusion can we draw from the fact that, according to OpenSecrets.
Buy Beer for Soldiers--Not Andrew Sullivan
National Review Online has a link to a story about soldiers in Iraq who’ve created a website that allows us back home to buy a beer for a soldier over the internet.
How Stupid Are Liberals?
This is totally unfair, but here’s a thread snippet from a liberal conspiracy theory site (and aren’t they all).
Idle Threat?
Looking back through some old entries, I came across this one: Al Qaeda Threatens Europe.
Kerry Operative Pressured Burkett for Memos
UPDATE: I have deleted the story that used to be her because Burkett has apparently recanted.
Kerry's First Defeat: 1972
Thanks to Poliblogger for this link. There is something chilling in reading this article top to bottom, perhaps more so because 1972 is the beginning of my political awakening.
John Kerry Knows Iraq Better Than Iraqis?
In the crassest act of political desparation since Richard Nixon waved the list of communist contributors in Helen Gehagen Douglas’s face, John Kerry today told the heroic interim PM of Iraq that the PM doesn’t know Iraq as well as Kerry does.
Read Something Beautiful
Don’t sleep until you’ve read this. And read the whole thing!
Rules of War
The Bush administration violated several of my rules of war in Iraq:
CBS News Ties to Kerry Campaign
One thing we’ve learned from the CBS Memogate unraveling: if you need to get in touch with the Kerry Campaign, call CBS News.
Some Sanctions Work
I usually scoff at sanctions, like when the UN imposes sanctions against Iraq so that Kofi’s son can make millions violating them, but I propose two sanctions against CBS News that will have a desirable effect on the Tiffany network’s credibility:
CBS: Unanswered Questions
Ed Gillespie on CBS’s responsibilities: “In an effort to regain the trust of the American people CBS should not only investigate the process that led to the use of these documents but they should identify immediately those engaged in possible criminal activity who attempted to use a news organization to affect the outcome of a Presidential election in its closing days.
George W Bush Never Drilled in Alabama
That’s according to a major investigation conducted by GQ. Their conclusion? W was in deep cover doing espionage work.
Kerry Endorses Saddam
In his biggest break from his previous convictions, Sen. John Kerry today announced that Saddam Husssain should not have been removed from power in Iraq.
Burkett Tightening Rather's Noose
Professional Bush-hater and admitted liar, Bill Burkett, has hastened the departures of Dan Rather and John Kerry from the national scene.
The Gallup organization shows the President has a commanding 13-point lead in its latest poll of likely voters conducted in the past week.
The Crying Girl Who Lost Her Sign
Most of the world knows that a little girl in West Virginia had her Bush-Cheney sign ripped from her tiny hands by angry Democrats at a John Edwards rally on Wednesday.
Self-serving, Pompous, Smug Bastards!!!!!!!
There is no other way to describe CBS News. They have proven to have no concern whatsoever about journalism integrity.
Dan Rather and the Mea Culpa
After reading William Safire’s piece on CBS’s fraud, I am convinced that CBS will have to retract and apologize before the week is out.
even if it isn't me
Can I be happy day and night, Whistle Disney tunes and bright
The Sugar Coat Memo is a Fraud
Having spent 9 years as a Personnel Officer in the Navy, I can tell you that the Sugar Coat memo is likely a fraud.
CBS Fraud Update
I’ve been busy cleaning the house (Saturday is Field Day around the Hennessy house), but I have had time to look around and find:
Dan Rather Changed My Mind
For many reasons, I decided that I would not actively work for the Bush campaign this year as I did in 2000.
Dan Rather Suicide Watch: Day 1
Senator John Kerry, when asked about Admirla Boorda’s suicide a few years back, commented that suicide is probably the appropriate response to disclosure that one knowingly wore military decorations not officially awarded.
The Voice of a Voter
“If we don’t take care of the terrorists, we certainly won’t have to worry about the economy.
CBS vs. The Press
I watched the CBS Evening News tonight, so I couldn’t see the competition.
Dan Rather Source of Documents?
Yesterday, I conjectured that Dan Rather fabricated the Bush ANG documents as a vendetta against the Bushes for 41’s undressing of Rather on the CBS Evening News in 1988–the interview that turned the election in Bush’s favor.
Former Navy Personnel Officer Explains Why The "Sugar Coat" Memo is Likely a Fraud
Something on TimeIsAFactor.com caught my attention. One of the 4 CBS memos about George W.
National Guard Document Fraud Will Decide Election
It’s pretty clear that two of the document CBS aired were fraudulent. Assuming that CBS News retracts them on tonight’s Evening News (and there are indications that Dan Rather will make and on-air apology), George Bush will win the election in November with an 8% to 12% popular vote margin and at least 100 vote margin in the Electoral College.
Rather Evades Points of Dispute
On the CBS Evening News tonight, Dan Rather lied about the reasons for questioning the authenticity of the National Guard documents he likely typed at home before cutting and pasting a dead man’s signature.
The Democrats' Watergate
UPDATE: ArguingWithSignposts has some quotes from Democrat and CBS insiders indicating that both the Kerry campaign, which gave the memos to 60 Minutes, and CBS had doubts about their validity.
CBS and Dems Part 2: Forged, Phoney Documents?
CNSNew.com is reporting that typography experts are fairly confident that documents exposed on CBS’s 60 Minutes II were fake.
CBS and Dems: Unmitigated Bullshit
250 private citizens – Vietnam veterans all – attacked John Kerry’s previously unscrutinized service record.
Carter Call Zell Miller Disloyal
In a blistering letter to Zell Miller, former president Jimmy Carter–the worst president in 100 years–decries Miller’s “unprecedented disloyalty” to the Democrat party.
1,000 US Deaths in Perspective
In 16 months of war, 1,000 brave Americans have given their lives so that filthy, vile creatures could travel to New York to spit, bleed, and deficate on Republicans.
A Muslim Looks at his Religion
For those on the PC side of the aisle, please read this.
Cheers for Putin
Western, though not necessarily American, reporters ask Russian president Vladimir Putin on Monday why he hasn’t invited Chechen rebels to the Kremlin for a meeting on their disputes with Russia in the wake of the massacre last week.
Disgruntled Democrats
The National Review Online has this excellent, anonymous piece by a self-described disgruntled Democrat who attempts to explain why Zell Miller is so angry.
Kerry Threatens President's Life
If his irrational rants hadn’t been bad enough, now Kerry wishes to bring deadly weapons to his debates with George Bush.
More Bush Flight Records Found
Turns out the President was a pretty good pilot, particularly in the classroom.
Reward Offered for 1,000th Killed American (satire)
With the American military death toll since the beginning of the war in Iraq at 999, expectant news agencies have launched the “Million for A Thousand” reward program.
The Most Beautiful Writer in America
Take that title to mean what you will, no one writes of politics more beautifully than does Peggy Noonan.
2-Point Bush Bounce
CNN, which downplayed polls by both Newsweek and Time, has announced THE OFFICIAL GEORGE W.
Tell Me Big Media Aren't Biased
Time and Newsweek polls released yesterday both show President Bush with an 11 point lead over challenger John Kerry.
I'm Back!!!!!!!
My server upgrade was easy on Thursday night. The nightmare was getting my firewall reconfigured.
I don’t confuse George H. W. Bush with a great president. I do believe he has been and remains a truly great American, though.
Amazon Attacks SwiftVets Book
Professor Bainbridge has discovered another example of liberal hypocrisy. (They’re so hard to find, aren’t they?
Anti-Bush Protesters Abusive, Confrontational
According to the New York Times, the people in New York to stiffle Republic speech, to disrupt the Republican convention, and to increase the chances of harm being done to the Republican President, are making life difficult for both delegates and for NY police.
Looks like he’s tearing it up. So far, McCain, Guilliani, and Arnold have been the best 3 speeches I’ve ever seen back-to-back-to-back at a political convention.
Arnold II
Thinking of the celeb imbalance between the dems and GOP, the Republicans have produced President Ronald Reagan, Congressmen Steve Largeant, Sonny Bono, and JC Watts, Senator Fred Thompson, and Governor Ronald Reagan, Mayor Clint Eastwood.
Gore Turmoil vs. Kerry Turmoil
Ah hah! I’ve found some references from 2000. I was right: the media treated the Gore campaign much as they are now treating Kerry’s.
Gotta Love Spin
Howard Fineman used his blog to spin for Kerry today. If I had any money, I’d offer a reward to the first person to find this quote pertaining to Al Gore.
John Edwards is an Empty Suit
Wow. What an airhead. I hope I don’t offend any lawyer friends, but Edwards strikes me as the worst of his breed: ambulance chasers.
John McCain Scores Points with Doubters
I thought I was the only one who distrusts John McCain. (I have not trusted him since his attacks on Pat Buchanan in which McCain knowingly advanced phony charges that Buchanan was a Nazi sympathizer.
Lefties Attack Chris Matthews
According to Drudge. I don’t know. I don’t have cable (only a cable modem), and none of the mainstreams are saying anything negative about the protesters on their web sites.
More Kerry's Campaign Shuffle
Turmoil in the Kerry campaign continues to get attention: me, Dan Rather, Howard Fineman, Al Hunt, and now PoliBlogger.
Quit Log, if anyone cares
It’s been 35 days nine hours since my last smoke, and I’m craving them badly today.
Something is Moving
Andrew Sullivan is sensing something that I’m sensing, too: things are moving, at least at the moment, in the President’s direction.
Something is Moving, Part 2
Yesterday, Dan Rather wrote on his blog that Democrats are becoming frustrated and disappointed with the Kerry campaign.
West Wins Olympics!
Take a break from the convention to check out Musings (Brian Noggle) on the West vs.
Breaking News
Michael Moore, the documentary-style film maker, gave birth to his fifth chin during the opening night of the Republican National Convention.
Morning in America II: The Bush Era
I agree with Richard Brookhiser that second terms are, more or less, pathetic disappointments.
Ron Silver: Last Words
With speech below, listed here in its entirety, the acting career of Ron Silver likely ended.
Smoking Linked to Sexual Frustration
I quit smoking a month ago. Now, this story.
"I'm the guy makin' history."
That’s what Bush told Time magazine. "
French Hostages: How Does It Feel?
Obviously, the taking of hostages is despicable, but we who have shouldered the responsibility of keeping the world safe for democracy for a century must think “how does it feel?
Hate in Their Hearts; Death on Their Lips
The most pro-violent, anti-American, anti-Western protests since the 1970s has begun in New York.
Tsunami Could Destroy New York in 8-10 Hours
Read this story and think: Liberals are already preparing a response that blames the Bush administration and man’s destruction of the environment.
Clintons Avoid Decency Label
Bill and Hillary Clinton, long disdainful of things decent, appropriate, and cultured, will hold self-glorification rituals in NYC during the RNC Convention next week.
Confirmed: At Least One of Kerry's Purple Hearts a Fraud
This letter, published in NRO, is from an officer who was onboard the swiftboat the night of December 2-3, 1968 when Kerry claims to have been wounded under fire.
I have never studied linguistics, and the fact that Noam Chomsky made it his career before he set out to destroy Western Civilization, pretty much guarantees that I never will study it.
Kerry's Silver Star Mystery
Former Navy Secretary John Lehman (who was SECNAV when I joined) says he has no idea where John Kerry got a Silver Star citation with Lehman’s signature, but Lehman didn’t sign it.
One Month Anniversary
Quitnet.com sent me my one month anniversary e-mail yesterday. Last night, I went to my fave bar.
Site Down
I apologize for the down time today. I was attempting to switch my web sites to a new server, but I have a DOA motherboard.
Are All Scientists Stupid?
A herd of “scientists” recently gathered in Sweden to announce a new geological era, Anthropocene, which is man’s final destruction of the rest of the planet.
Dave Matthews Band: Shut the **** Up
After years of preaching to the rest of us about protecting the environment, Dave Matthews dumps a couple hundred gallons of human waste on pleasure boaters in the Chicago River.
One Last Thought: Olympics Spectators Terrorists?
The IOC, Greece, and NATO spent three years putting up defenses to keep terrorists away from the Olympic games.
What Liberals Shriek
I just took a quick trip through some lefty apparel and gift web sites.
Where the Hell are the Terrorists?
Jim Lacey, in National Review Online, makes some excellent points about the same thing I’ve wondered for some time: where are all the terrorists?
Kerry is a Traitor to Veterans
And don’t even think about lecturing me about veterans. I’m one, too, though not from Vietnam era.
Kerry On Iraq
This is must-see TV https://www.kerryoniraq.com/
Max Cleland: Backstabbing S.O.B.
Because Max Cleland was disabled in war, are we not allowed to criticize him?
More Veterans Against Kerry
Letter to John Kerry August 25, 2004 Senator John Kerry 304 Russell Senate Office Building
Kerry Hiding More than just his Military Records
Everyone knows that John F. Kerry refuses to allow anyone to view any part of his official military records.
Kerry's Vietnam Strategy Defies Logic
Rush Limbaugh started down this path on radio last week, but Christopher Hitches beautifully finishes the job in Slate, brought to my attention by Poliblog.
My Thought for the Day
Never open a bottle of wine unless you intend to finish it.
Break the Oil Monster's Back
Oil output is up and demand is down. The reasonable price for oil is about $35.
Democrats Risk Going Too Far on SwiftVets
Just when I was ready to hand the election to Kerry thanks to the SwiftVets, the DNC makes me look stupid.
Firefighters Make Lots of Money in St. Louis
A powerful union allowed to run amok in the St. Louis area’s fire protection district has made a lot of firefighters rich.
Swift Boat Veterans Score Big Points for Kerry
The swift boat veterans who penned the anti-Kerry book have accomplished two things: made themselves look petty and made John Kerry look strong.
Gymnasts and Elections
The last time an American girl won the Olympic Gold Medal for All-Around in gymnastics, a Republican president won re-election in a landslide against a liberal Democrat from Massecheusetts.
Ted Rall Has No Reason To Live
Perhaps my reaction was his intention with this column. Ted Rall is a liar who lies to promote his personal goal of inciting a violent overthrow of the United States government so he and George Soros can impose a Stalinist state.
US Service Members Safer in Iraq
Okay, this is simple enough for even John Kerry and Howard Dean supporters to understand: American service members are safer serving in Iraq than they are in the US.
Weeks later...
These weeks later, as summer fades into fall-wth a taste of fall weather included- and as I help my girls get ready for school (shoe shopping, labelling folders, notebooks, crayons and markers), I can still go off an a tangent about this summer’s experience.
Where Does Site Design Go Wrong?
I am simultaneously juggling four new websites, all built on the DotNetNuke portal framework with massive customization.
St. Louis Blues: I can't be a fan
Once upon a time, the St. Louis Blues was my favorite sports team.
Busch Stadium
Is there a more beautiful sight in the world?
Liberals Help Terrorists--Directly and Undeniably
Howard Dean assists terrorism. The New York Times assists terrorism. MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN support terrorism.
Jobs Favor Kerry
The Labor Department released the worst news on the economy in three years
Kerry Promises More "Sensitive" War on Terror
What did I tell you people a week ago? I said that, reading between the lines, Kerry will not fight bin Laden, but schmooze him.
Times Admits Administration Terror Warning is Serious
“The administration was obviously right to warn the country that Al Qaeda had apparently studied financial institutions in three cities with the idea of a possible attack.
Terror Alert Doubters are Un-American
Why beat around the bush, so to speak. If you think the Administration invented the terror alert for 5 buildings in order to boost the President’s re-election chances, you are un-American.
Bob Holden's Era A Short One
Okay, I know I’m risking looking like an idiot, but I’ll predict (with 16% of the precincts reporting) that Claire McCaskill will win the Democrat Gubernatorial primary in Missouri, defeating a failed, one-term governor who won primarily because his predecessor died a month before the election.
Congratulations, Missouri Democrats
You have selected the better candidate for governor. Why does a Republican care?
Specific Threats: Financials
Tom Ridge’s announcement that the US has specific threats from al qaeda came a shock to many.
Howard Dean: As Stupid as Ever
Howard Dean claims that the White House made up the threat against NY and DC financial institutions in order to win votes.
Kerry Must Want to Be Usama's Buddy
“The policies of this administration, I believe and others believe very deeply, have resulted in an increase of animosity and anger focused on the United States of America,” Kerry told reporters after a campaign meeting with first responders.
Kerry Wants America to Surrender
Well, I was being facetious in my earlier post about Kerry suggesting we simply surrender to Al Qaeda.
Kerry Attacks Bush Slogan
John Kerry is mocking Bush’s “Turning the Corner” campaign theme. “I think the American people are a heck of a lot smarter than some of these politicians and political consultants think they are,” Kerry told a recent, all-Democrat audience.
Quit Log: Day Six
Last night was a big test. I passed, but there were a few anxious moments.
Microsoft and Big Labor
A union is trying to organize Microsoft’s programmers. The union is exploiting fear of off shoring to rally the workers.
Sorry that I’ve been absent from the blog, but I’m decompressing. I didn’t realize how much of the rest of my life had been neglected over the past two months–but I have a lot of catching up to do.
What's Up in Iraq?
It would appear that the insurgency in Iraq heeded Southwest Airlines' marketing campaign: “You are now free to move about the country.
From a proud "Mom"
Bill’s comments move me to tears. Not having been on the stage since childhood (“Smallest Princess”, The King and I), I cannot speak to that, but I can try to describe the width and breadth of my pride in having been in on the labor and birth of such an awesome production.
The End Too Soon
Make-up, lights, set, rehearsal, house: stage. Words that convey things to those with theatre in their blood and things very different to the rest of the world.
Nailed It
“I started crying.” “Why?” “I don’t know. I saw how much you love being on stage, and I was overwhelmed by how good this show is .
Buzz Kill
23 years ago, I met Joe DiMercurio at auditions for his People’s Players production of Sound of Music.
Opening Night a Success
So, last night was Opening Night… I personally thought it went GREAT! The audience was very receptive–laughing and clapping when and where they should have.
Prayer Before Play
One seminal moment can so focus the mind that the thing that should be central slides to the periphery.
Final tech...
I personally felt that final tech did exactly what I thought it would do–everything came together.
No Time to Blog Today
Sorry. I have a ton of work-related things that have to get done.
Long night
Well last night was certainly a long night…which was to be expected. I can not believe we open tomorrow night!
The Story's Out
Don’t miss the story in the Post. Click here if you haven’t seen it, and tell your friends.
Okay, I Lied
But is too good to pass up. From a NYT 11 questions interview with William F.
Taking a Week Off
A play I’m in opens this week, so I won’t be blogging. Should return about the 19th.
Tech Saturday
Well done? Ha! The set looks . . . Magnificent! Today, we make history.
Television Appearance
Hey, we all made it to Channel 5. Great turnout. Surprising happiness for 5:40 AM, when I got there.
Kerry Too Busy to Get Terror Briefing
Senator John Kerry turned down White House offers to receive briefings on the current terror risk assessment because he was too busy.
Kerry-Edwards Big Advantage? Hair
At a rally after announcing his pick for Veep, Senator John Kerry listed the things that make the Democrat ticket a better choice than the current administration.
Ruthless People
Yesterday (July 8), Tom Ridge called a press conference to inform the public that intelligence now exists strongly suggesting that Al Queda will launch a major terrorism act inside the United States in an attempt to “disrupt” (read, “help the Democrats win”) the November elections.
Great Rehearsal
It’s really coming together. It’s a great thing to see. Thank you, everyone, for what you’re doing.
That's It!
I asked a couple people last night at rehearsal: “Are you ever standing on stage and all of the sudden, a thought pops into your head: ‘This is going to be AWESOME!
Character & Scene
Last night was a trip. Jim had a few people come in to work on scenes: Bob, Kevin H, Adrienne, Susan, and me.
Anna Quindlen Worries Republicans are Too Masculine
I wrote last week that it is refreshing to know that one person in Washington can tell his political enemy to fuck himself and not feel obliged to apologize to generations yet unborn for action.
Conspiracy Theory Run Amock at TNR
The New Republic claims that the Bush Administration has ordered the government of Pakistan to capture Usama bin Laden and other major terrorism and Taliban fugitives during the DNC convention in July.
CounterPunch, and Those Who Believe It
I don’t know if there’s a name for people who believe only the worst about everything, but there should be.
Major Media Hide Good Unemployment News
Drudge and Bloomberg got it. The Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, CNN, all hid it.
Ridge: Al Qaeda Will Attempt To Disrupt Elections
Tom Ridge’s announcment, today, that Al Qaeda intends to launch a major hit on the US to alter the outcome of our November elections should be a wake up call to all the people, like Michael Moore, who think that Bush is the moral inferior to UBL.
The last "normal" rehearsal
Well tonight is the last “normal” rehearsal for Pippin…I have a feeling it’s going to be a long one.
I miss my wife
Tuesday night, I stood backstage, waiting for The Finale to begin. Susan and Bob were saying final goodbyes on stage as Pippin and Catherine.
Global Warming Caused by the Sun
Poor Dr. Sami Solanki. He and his colleagues at the Institute for Astronomy in Zurich have discovered that sun spot activity–which has been measured since 1610 and can be reliable tracked for a thousand years before that–has a powerful influence on the earth’s temperatures.
Weather and Home Improvement
If you’ve come here in the past few days, you’ve noticed that my site’s been down.
Al Qaeda Threatens Europe
**“To the European people … you only have a few more days to accept bin Laden’s truce or you will only have yourselves to blame.
Cosby Keeps It Up
Comedian Bill Cosby, who ruffled feathers last month by denouncing many practices of the black culture in America, is keeping the heat on.
Hear Nixon, Kissinger, Colson Discuss John Kerry--1971
Nod to Jonah Goldberg at NRO’s The Corner for these gems. Nixon Tapes on Kerry 1
Sudan: It's Not a Famine, Damnit!
Newsweek, via MSNBC, has a story about the “famine” in Sudan. What the f*ck?
UN Oil For Food Scandal (reposted)
The stories, the facts, the meat of the case, against the United Nations are beginning to leak out.
What Sick Bastards Support Kerry?
Kerry is raising millions of dollars through ads like this one on pleasevote.
What to Make of the Jobs Report
The good news is that the economy added 112,000 new jobs in June.
UN Oil for Food Scandal Tidbits
The stories, the facts, the meat of the case, against the United Nations are beginning to leak out.
9/11 Commission finds Iraq-Al Qaeda Link
Thanks to Dean’s World for finding this. Is it any surprise, really? I’ve noticed the press handling things this way for some time: First, put out a story that is mostly false by using some legitimate source’s name without really revealing what that source said.
Garry Wills on Abortion and the Catholic Church
Here’s something worth reading and pondering. Hat tip to Professor Bainbridge.
Hillary Loses Her Advance (Scrappleface)
Scrappleface characterizes perfectly the essence of redistributive taxation policy as espoused by Hillary Clinton.
Over 10,000 Iraqi Deaths
Iraq’s population is about 25 million. It’s 2004 death rate is 5.66 deaths per 1,000.
Saddam Declares: "Real Criminal is Bush"
Once upon a time, when I was young and naive, I would have thought such a statement by a mass murderer would only help George Bush.
The Perfect Christmas Gift
Iraqis are flocking to stores to buy a dancing Saddam doll. Now I know what to get the kids for Christmas.
The Seething Hatred of Maureen Dowd
In today’s New York Times, Maureen Dowd–as rotten a human being as she is a writer–rips George Bush for writing “Let Freedom Reign,” instead of “ring” on a note announcing the control of Iraq had been passed to Iraqi’s governing council.
What Buckley Has Done
This forum provides neither the time nor the space for one to adequately thank, or even mention, all of the debts owed William F.
WMD Smoking Guns
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld revealed that coalition soldiers from Poland have discoverd WMDs in Iraq.
Gasoline & Traffic Signals
Even as gasoline prices continue to fall, I am furious about the synchronization of traffic signals in my part of the world.
Hillary Promises Dems Will Take What's Yours
Yeah, we were all on pins and needles, weren’t we? Speaking in San Francisco, CA, the New York Senator affirmed the most basic belief of liberalism: educated elites know better what’s good for you than you do, and they will use the full power of the US government to force you to comply with their plans.
Something Big?
Do you get the feeling that something–really big–is about to happen? I do.
A Blow to the Drug War?
The 9th Circuit’s ruling held that the federal marijuana laws did not apply to medicinal use of marijuana in two specific cases.
Breaking News: Al-Zarqawi Captured?
Econopundit is reporting, from a source listening to Iraqi radio, that Iraqi intelligence has captured terrorist Al-Zarqawi.
Goldberg Assails Moore
Jonah Goldberg’s piece on Moore is required reading. If you must have a review from a liberal who has seen the movie, read Christopher Hitchens’s piece from Slate.
Iraq is a Nation Again
In a move designed to shock the American press and Iraqi terrorists, the new Iraqi government took sovereign control of that country this morning in a low-key ceremony in Baghdad.
US Restores Full Diplomatic Ties to Libya
According to CNN.com: The United States has formally resumed diplomatic ties with Libya after a 24-year break, the State Department says.
Attacking Atkins
Letigimate organization do a couple of things with their web sites: They list, by name and credential, the individuals who comprise their governing boards They identify researchers by name and credential They provide a means for readers to communicate with them, such as e-mail addresses or feedback forms The Partnership for Essential Nutrition provides the public none of these.
Dems Pay Felons for Votes
The Democrat party is all about inclusion. Now, they are hiring sex offenders to promote Democrat Voter Registration in Missouri.
Father's Day
You sent me out. I resisted. You made me go. I went.
Hitchens Hitches Hopes on Moore
Oh, how improvished is the left. This piece on Slate’s Fray is from something calling itself
Reagan's Farewell
St. Louis – When someone says “the President,” I still think the reference is to Ronald Reagan.
The Veep Has Spine
It is such a relief to hear a Republican stand by something he’s said or done.
Dems Pay Felons for Votes
The Democrat party is all about inclusion. Now, they are hiring sex offenders to promote Democrat Voter Registration in Missouri.
Attacking Atkins
Letigimate organization do a couple of things with their web sites: They list, by name and credential, the individuals who comprise their governing boards They identify researchers by name and credential They provide a means for readers to communicate with them, such as e-mail addresses or feedback forms The Partnership for Essential Nutrition provides the public none of these.
Hitchens Reviews 9/11
And comes away disappointed. In his review of Fahrenheit 9/11, Christopher Hitchens explains his longtime craving for liberal version of Firing Line (William F.
Father's Day
You sent me out. I resisted. You made me go. I went.
Killing the Enemy
Struggling to find an answer to the problems of Al Qaeda, the Iraqi insurgents, and terrorists in general?
Son of Blogger
What can you learn from a serial killer? It’s up to you, but David Berkowitz’s musings are worth reading.
We Needed That
A few days ago, I pondered the timeliness of Reagan’s death. After Friday’s internment in California, my pondering changed to certainty: America needed Reagan’s funeral.
People Love My Wife
_Angela, I’ve watched you struggle to go to school and still be as good a mom as could be.
War on America
In a front page story supported by an editorial, the Washington Post deliberately misled the public by indicating that the US government’s official policy on torture of terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is
Bush, and we, can learn from Reagan
Reading reminders of the hatred for Ronald Reagan (now the most beloved former president in US history), offers a lesson for President Bush and the American people.
Nick Berg's Dad's a Commie--go figure
Did you read the quotes from the Reagan haters I posted earlier? Did you read, with some mild skepticism, my description of the mid-range nuke protesters I met in Europe?
Perhaps Modern Liberalism is Evil by Nature
I tried very hard to avoid this, but some of the hatred – the Nazi leadership, Muslim terrorist kind of hatred – spewing from the festering pie-holes of some on the left must be noted, denounced, and rejected.
Ronald Reagan: RIP
No Content Found
A foul and acrid odor greets the nose and violates the shirt, the pant, the underwear
Writing Doomed?
Julia Smillie wonders if technology and blogging has doomed writers. Mediocre writing always had a following, even though it didn’t transcend eras.
Social Services Snobs
I recently had an experience with a social services agency that paints an unfriedly face for the organization.
Social Services Snobs, Part II
Why can they not even send a simple acknowledgement? Don’t they realize that a woman with a college degree wants to take a pay cut to work a nasty job helping society’s most vulnerable people, it’s a compliment?
Don't Take a Breath
until you’ve read this piece. https://www.nationalreview.com/comment/robinson200402060920.asp Today is Ronald Reagan’s 93rd birthday.
The Room
With that, the guards silently beckoned me to turn. The room was large and dark.
The Dean Blog
These people are great. Funny thing is, I have good scotch and great conversations with people just like this every few weeks.
Off From New Hampshire
I must admit that I paid no attention the New Hampshire primary until about 15 minutes ago.
Losing It
I promised not to write here anymore, but I have to. Not since Bob Dole pleadingly swore to the GOP,
The Corner Neocon Debate
Over on The Corner is a raging debate about the origin and meaning of the term Neo-Conservative.
CNN/Time Poll
For poll junkies, today’s CNN/Time poll is loaded with interesting tidbits: * Dean’s support is slipping, no doubt due to the doctor’s idiotic statements, Biblical errors, short temper, and whining * Several Democrats (Kerry, Clark, Lieberman, Gephardt) seem to be getting stronger, perhaps because they’re buying air time to compete with the hours of free time Dean has gotten since last June * Bush’s approvals keep going up:** 61% approve of his job in Iraq** 58% approve the president’s overal foreign policy** 54% approve the president’s handling of the economy * This graphic is the most revealing, though, on the Democrats:
Life for Iraqis Better by the Second
An Iraqi-American engineering professor appearing on KTRS 550 AM radio’s morning show today reports that life for the Iraqi people is
Deconstructing Kerry, Part I
Can anyone look upon the fading figure of John Kerry without feeling a sense of pity as for a man who’s lost his family and home?
Decontructing Kerry, Part II
Even more bizarre, or so it must have seemed to Senator Kerry, was the effect of the war, for which he voted.
Hillary Clinton came to St. Louis today to make Gandhi jokes. First, I live in St.
Thanks for the Link!
Steven at www.PoliBlogger.com and Arguing with Signposts . . . graciously linked to this site.
NEA: Leave the Kids Behind
The National Education Association, perhaps America’s most active liberal political action committee, continues to decry the No Child Left Behind law.
Dr. Dean Insider Trader?
ProfessorBainbridge.com reports that the doctor may have an insider trading scandal to deal with.
WP on Dean Revisited
Hey, I think I was too quick to judge the Dean on Religion article in the Washington Post.
Sperm Counts Off by 1/3
I found this on Drudge. I offer a contrarian explanation, however. Perhaps the feminization of men–mandatorily sitting to urinate in pre-schools, supporting Howard Dean–is reducing the amount of testosterone men produce.
Dean and Yankee Power
We know that Dean has a problem with his handling of security and safety failures at Vermont’s only nuclear power plant.
Monday Morning QB
No, it’s not about football. Howard Dean isn’t an idiot, according to Andrew Sullivan.
Christian Dean
From the Washington Post: “I am still learning a lot about faith and the South and how important it is,” said Dean, a Congregationalist.
Christian Dean (con't)
The Democrats have a real dilemma: Dean is seen by more and more people as both a shameless opportunist and a man who can’t speak straight.
Dean Hypocrite on Security (and so many other things)
As governor of Vermont, Howard Dean repeatedly ignored warnings that his state was unprepared for a potential nuclear problem involving the Yankee Nuclear Power Plant and that security at the plant was unacceptable.
Dean House Party Flops
Ryan Lizza of The New Republic went to a Dean house party on December 30.
Kennedy and Durbin v. Democracy
AGHHH!!!! I HATE computers! 750 words of analysis of the unfolding story about a Democrat senate conspiracy to subvert the federal judiciary, and my computer screwed you, dear reader, out of it.
Pope wants "New World Order"
His Holiness, John Paul II, has begun a crusade of his own. According to The Guardian, the pontiff wants to replace the United Nations with an organization capable of preventing things like the liberation of Iraq.
Donations Wanted
Deaniacs send money to the Dean campaign whenever there’s a negative story about their candidate.
Dr. Dean wants to "Education White Folks"
Slate, quickly becoming the prickliest liberal thorn in Howard Dean’s side, has an excellent commentary, today, by Mickey Kaus
Just a quick rundown of top economic stories on this first business day of the new year:
Excellent Analysis of Dean Tax Hikes
Steve Moore of the Club for Growth has an excellent analysis of Howard Dean’s proposed tax increases.
North Korea Allows US Inspectors
When Town Hall was in its infancy on CompuServe, and I was writing three columns a week, Jimmy Carter’s illegal negotiations with North Korea that resulted in US assistance in building nuclear weapons to be aimed at Los Angeles and Chicago inspired my most vitriolic pieces.
Will Deaniacs Vote?
It is easy to get young people riled up, as William F. Buckely points out.
Election Year Begins
The New Year begins with–guess what–Howard Dean saying something stupid. Thankfully, John F**ing Kerry has called him on it.
Here are my resolutions (which I don’t make) for 2004: I will leave my caps lock on 24x7x364, using Title Case on the 4th of July only.
Predictions Part I
Everyone does it, so Ill join the fray. If you feel tempted to wager based on these predictions, please just send the money to me: I need, and your chances of getting a return are much better.
War Dividends
Back in 1989, the term Peace Dividend was all the rage. Peace Dividend referred to money Democrats could spend on welfare programs and pork as a result of the end of the Cold War.
Kofi Annan "Frustrated"
The vassal of vascilationville, Kofi Annan, is frustrated that the US and the Iraqi Governing Council are not giveing him “specific answers” to his questions regarding the UN’s role in post-war Iraq.
Saving the World from Environmentalism
With the possible exception of phrenology, nothing has produced more false, even fraudulent science than has environmentalism.
Markets Update
Well, the President gets more positive coverage with a press conference, the Army announces the arrests of Iraqi resistence leaders based on information contained in documents found with Saddam, and the markets respond by turning down.
Markets Responding Oddly
Saddam’s capture pushed the Asian and European markets up consistently and strongly, between 1% and 3.
I light a log
If it is, it always was And once it is, it Must be always.
Do-It-Yourselfer Disappointed
Wildwood, MO—A Wildwood man is disappointed that a home improvement project proved more difficult than expected.
A Grim Anniversary
Tomorrow our nation commemorates the 30th anniversary of judicial activisms most ignoble achievement.
About 😃
I started this blog in 2000 on a blogging platform I developed myself and hosted with some company that has since been acquired about fourteen times.
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