If You Want Something Done Right . . .
. . . you have to do it yourself. That’s the MSM’s motto over the upcoming Patraeus report to Congress on progress in Iraq.
. . . you have to do it yourself. That’s the MSM’s motto over the upcoming Patraeus report to Congress on progress in Iraq.
I stand for total victory in Iraq. Background # Some say that I blindly support President Bush and everything he does.
The left’s foreign policy is both domestic and global. John Hawkins, in Right Wing News’s Q&A, responds to a question posed by RtWingNutCase, to wit: should the US pull out of Iraq prematurely, would the left turn its activism toward influencing a withdrawal from Afghanistan?
Gateway Pundit provides this top-shelf story of a US F-16 taking out 30 or so al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq.
The New York Times, believe it or not, has this story in its campaign blog:
Senator Clinton asked the Pentagon to describe its plans to withdraw from Iraq.