Ted Cruz: Mensch!
If you read my blog, you know I’ve had differences with Senator Ted Cruz.
If you read my blog, you know I’ve had differences with Senator Ted Cruz.
This is for the people, like me, who realized sometime between June 2015 and June 2016 that Donald Trump is at least better than Hillary and possibly a transformational character who can reverse America’s descent into chaos.
I’m trying to put my finger on exactly why I found Ted Cruz’s remarks Wednesday night so incredibly distasteful.
Parts pulled from comments to this post: Today Cruz proved himself to be Lyin' Ted again.
You’re probably thinking that Ted Cruz made Donald Trump look bad last night.
In case you didn’t hear, Donald Trump invited Ted Cruz to speak at the RNC in prime time with no expectation that Cruz would keep his word by endorsing Mr.
I have no idea who will win the Indiana primary 72 hours from the time I write.
Ted Cruz has a powerful strategy available to him. This strategy could not only determine the winner of the Republican convention but put Cruz in position to influence policy for generations.
I’m going to share a secret about manipulation with you. Please do not use this powerful method for sinister deeds.